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Downloads SourceCode Mathimatics-Numerical algorithms matlab
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 Description: The application of genetic algorithm in cold chain logistics problem can use genetic algorithm to calculate dynamic management problem
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20141140程序 0 2018-06-20
20141140程序\代码 0 2018-06-20
20141140程序\代码\crossGA.m 481 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\currtime.m 4205 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\currtime3.m 3849 2018-06-13
20141140程序\代码\decodingFun.m 160 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\distancetable.m 260 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\divideroute.p 380 2018-06-13
20141140程序\代码\drawroutevrp.m 1078 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\genChrome.m 125 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\main.m 3399 2018-06-13
20141140程序\代码\mutationGA.m 278 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\mycrfun.m 815 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\myfun.m 546 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\myfun3.m 296 2018-06-13
20141140程序\代码\ranking.m 4711 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\routedecode.m 2112 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\rws.m 297 2018-05-30
20141140程序\代码\select.m 2326 2018-05-30
20141140程序\数据.xlsx 10044 2018-05-30
20141140程序\程序结果.docx 25342 2018-06-13
20141140程序\输出_遗传算法结果.xlsx 14915 2018-06-13

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