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Title: Astar改进3 走圆弧 Download
 Description: Mobile robot path planning A-star algorithm improvement, mobile robot obstacle avoidance automatic path finding design, mobile robot path planning A-star algorithm matlab simulation.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader 唐大大哥]
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Astar改进3 走圆弧 0 2019-04-21
Astar改进3 走圆弧\A_Star0.m 18335 2020-10-23
Astar改进3 走圆弧\A_Star3.m 18819 2020-10-23
Astar改进3 走圆弧\Angle.m 920 2018-11-13
Astar改进3 走圆弧\Astar_tutorial.pdf 80240 2005-05-09
Astar改进3 走圆弧\Circle.m 928 2018-11-13
Astar改进3 走圆弧\distance.m 376 2018-11-01
Astar改进3 走圆弧\expand_array.m 4408 2018-11-08
Astar改进3 走圆弧\expand_array_A.m 1990 2019-04-21
Astar改进3 走圆弧\insert_open.m 643 2018-10-30
Astar改进3 走圆弧\MAP.m 6272 2018-11-08
Astar改进3 走圆弧\min_fn.m 1602 2018-11-08
Astar改进3 走圆弧\node_index.m 387 2018-11-06
Astar改进3 走圆弧\ReadMe.txt 1071 2010-01-02
Astar改进3 走圆弧\Revo.m 3590 2018-11-13
Astar改进3 走圆弧\screenShot.jpg 44385 2010-01-02

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