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Title: 特殊磁道加密源代码 Download
 Description: using the API programming, formatting and testing literacy and special sectors. Windows can be used as a disk encryption. This function has the following two shortcomings to be improved : 1. This function can only be read, read A : and B : that only the right to operate two floppy disks. No change disk sector size, the standard is only 512 bytes. Parameter Description : command operations : 0 Reading 2 replacement disk write Sector Sector 3 4 5 checksum track to be formatted track eight equipment parameters (int 1EH) drive drive A : = 0 B : = 1 head head, range 0-1 track track, the range of 0-84 (80-84 for special track, normally used for encryption) sector sector, the scope of 0-255 (19-255 for a non-standard sector numbers, commonly used encryption) nsectors each read or write in the num
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