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Title: 输入法编程指南 Download
  • Category:
  • IME Develop
  • Tags:
  • [Text]
  • File Size:
  • 7.32kb
  • Update:
  • 2008-10-13
  • Downloads:
  • 0 Times
  • Uploaded by:
  • WT
 Description: input method Programming Guide (under flowing translation) Windows 95 Input Method Editor (IME) works : Microsoft Translation : TBsoft Software Studio 1, on Windows 95 IME mixed language in Windows 95, IME is a dynamic link library (DLL), and Windows 3.1 IME different versions of the Far East is that each and every one of IME equivalent of running mixed language keyboard layout in one. IME with Windows 3.1, compared to Windows 95 mixed-language IME provide the following enhancements :
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