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Title: vxWorks GIS Download
 Description: VxWorks under the GIS system. Use : 1. Download "VxEmapgis.out" or the "VxEmapgis2.out" to the target machine 2. Running the "main", launch applications, 3. According to the "ESC" pop-up menu, 4. Select "Open layer," pop-up window opened map input layer document names such as "road.vxw" or "water.vxw" 5. according capital letters "O" to identify, or capital letters "C" the cancellation of six. by direction of the arrow, Page, Page roaming, and- to achieve scalability 7. according to the "ESC" a second menu can be lifted eight. layer control window, which lists the already opened layer, the use of mobile direction of the arrow, choose the corresponding layer can be closed, you can also open
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