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Title: LZW编码源程序 Download
 Description: realized by the LZW coding is targeted mainly at text compression, self-table, achievable coding and decoding.
 To Search: lzw
  • [lzw_soft] - The soruce of LZW compression algorithm
  • [LZWsuanfa] - achieve the LZW data compression algorit
  • [MT8888] - MT8888 chip C51 literacy procedures
  • [jpeg_enc] - a jpeg coding procedures, the effective
  • [LZW_Demo] - Windows interface, LZW compression algor
  • [AdaptiveHuffman] - adaptive Huffman coding, that is the enc
  • [lzw] - Relatively good visual c++ Source code,
  • [lzw-hafuman] - Image coding and equalization provisions
  • [file_cut] - LZW compression algorithm (VC++ to achie
  • [lzw] - Coding method to achieve lzw dictionary
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