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Title: LBC Download
 Description: (31,21) BCH encoding and decoding procedures C achieve.
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader xiaolongyuan]
 To Search: bch LBC
  • [ofdm_simulink] - based on the Matlab Simulink OFDM coding
  • [bch_euc] - BCH encoding, decoding procedures can be
  • [turbo_MAP] - is now communications Encoding turbo cod
  • [bchjc] - Microsoft programming essence teach you
  • [BCH-MPS430] - write for the MCU mps430 underlying comm
  • [lecture6BCHCodes] - BCH code documentation, written by the p
  • [RS_BCH_decode] - This is for the RS and BCH decoding for
  • [BCH6] - On BCH algorithm routines, and they hope
  • [BCH_codec] - BCH codecs of the source code, code leng
  • [BCH(31_21_5)] - BCH codes of all the process of encoding
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