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Title: blobrw Download
 Description: Microsoft s field and so on SQL SERVER database Image, text all belongs to binary the big object. These objects deposits and withdrawals and other light objects have the difference slightly. MicrosoftNET Framework System.Under the IO naming space provided a FileStream document to us to flow the kind. We may use this document to flow to the binary big object with ease carry on read-write. I have realized a simple WinForm procedure, this procedure through clicks on "Open" the button to choose bmp or the jpg document, and the demonstration controls in PictureBox in the graph. The button stores the database through "Save". Clicks on "View" CheckBox to be possible to cut to the browsing condition, watches stores the database the picture. Because to binary big object use class operation, therefore all has the versatility regarding any document. The read-write text documents also may such do.
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