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Downloads SourceCode Internet-Network ICQ-IM-Chat
Title: icq源码 Download
 Description: ICQ chat tools source, do reference chat program
 Downloaders recently: [More information of uploader jack_z]
 To Search: ICQ
  • [icqsource.Zip] - It s a small component showing how it s
  • [icq_src] - icq source, category qq source of peer-t
  • [codecnt_1019047] - using Winsock development of the chat ro
  • [embeddeddevelopmentexamples.Rar] - embedded development of sample, GUI, mul
  • [xor] - RSA algorithm (classic) 1. First, it is
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  • [WebQQim] - WebQQ source, the study ajax good exampl
  • [p104] - source code development environment c, t
  • [client] - Linux-based platform, using C++ Prepared
  • [QQc-S] - A similar tool QQ chat source code sub-Q
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