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[Other resourcerobotshanhai

Description: 该机器人是机器人研究、ROBOCUP类人组机器人足球比赛理想平台,是大学机器人实验室、视觉实验室、传感器实验室、智能技术实验室、控制技术实验室、电机拖动实验室的理想教具,是研究生研究课题理想实验平台,它彻底改变了以往“验证”式实验室模式。学生可以用互动方式做实验,在娱乐中提升科研能力,在娱乐中掌握知识,是国家教改发展方向。-robot research group category sized robot soccer competition ideal platform university robot laboratory, visual laboratories, laboratory sensors, smart technology laboratories, control technology laboratory, Driving the ideal laboratory aids, postgraduate research topics ideal experimental platform, it completely changed the previous "certification" - laboratory model. Students can interact as an experiment in entertainment to upgrade technology, in entertainment with knowledge education reform is the direction of development.
Platform: | Size: 238097 | Author: qiu ji bo | Hits:

[2D Graphic多点触摸源程序

Description: 用于多点触摸的源程序,CCV-1.3。使用OpenGL框架,通信协议采用tuio。实现和flash的交互。开发环境vc2008+c++
Platform: | Size: 43256466 | Author: oskycar | Hits:


Description: 该机器人是机器人研究、ROBOCUP类人组机器人足球比赛理想平台,是大学机器人实验室、视觉实验室、传感器实验室、智能技术实验室、控制技术实验室、电机拖动实验室的理想教具,是研究生研究课题理想实验平台,它彻底改变了以往“验证”式实验室模式。学生可以用互动方式做实验,在娱乐中提升科研能力,在娱乐中掌握知识,是国家教改发展方向。-robot research group category sized robot soccer competition ideal platform university robot laboratory, visual laboratories, laboratory sensors, smart technology laboratories, control technology laboratory, Driving the ideal laboratory aids, postgraduate research topics ideal experimental platform, it completely changed the previous "certification"- laboratory model. Students can interact as an experiment in entertainment to upgrade technology, in entertainment with knowledge education reform is the direction of development.
Platform: | Size: 237568 | Author: qiu ji bo | Hits:


Description: 互动交流已经不仅仅是人们生活娱乐放松的一种方式了,更重要的是它已成为一种学习交流的工具和平台。计算机科学的蓬勃发展给人们的传统生活带来了重大的变革和深远的影响,也给我们的生活引入了全新的概念。现在一般的初中、高中、特别是高校都设有很多计算机教室,对学生开放。智能化已经进入人们生活的方方面面,为了适应社会的发展,开放式机房互动交流系统应运而生。-Interaction of people' s lives has not only a way of relaxing entertainment, and more importantly, it has become a learning tool and platform for the exchange. The rapid development of computer science to the people' s traditional way of life brought about major changes and far-reaching impact on our lives to the introduction of a new concept. Now the general middle and high schools, especially colleges and universities have a lot of computer classrooms, open to students. Intelligent has entered every aspect of people' s lives, in order to adapt to social development, open room interaction system came into being.
Platform: | Size: 1061888 | Author: 张泽 | Hits:


Description: 中国有句古话说得好,寓教于乐,在这方面,已经有不少的公司在这方面开始尝试,结合新一代互联网互动娱乐方式,为教育类游戏开辟了新的思路
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: 叶林 | Hits:

[Web Serverwww.disk001.com

Description: 您下载的该文件来自于 感懿娱乐互动 http://www.Pay-4u.Com ——————————————————— 感懿娱乐互动收集各种流行的CMS(内容管理系统),为初识CMS的 站长提供自学的平台。 *************************************** 本站提供DEDECMS、动易CMS、帝国CMS、风讯CMS、 新云CMS、科汛CMS等热门的CMS系统的模板风格下载、模块插件、教程技 巧、帮助中心。-You download the file from the flu-yi-yi, the interactive entertainment http://www.Pay-4u.Com------------------- sense to collect all kinds of popular interactive entertainment The CMS (Content Management System), CMS webmaster for Chu Shi provide self-learning platform.*************************************** Site provides DEDECMS, moving easily CMS, Empire CMS, Wind News CMS, a new cloud CMS, Kesion CMS and other popular CMS system to download the template style, modular plug-ins, tutorials, tips, help center.
Platform: | Size: 262144 | Author: 感懿互动 | Hits:

[Multimedia programServingSystemBasedOnIPTV

Description: 该系统支持具有IPTV交互特点的课后练习、测试以及答疑等学习活动,可以使传统远程教育系统告别单一被动的节目接受,走向集在线学习、游戏娱乐、生活服务于一体的更为丰富多彩的互动数字化教育,并有效解决实时课堂传输中视频质量的问题,以及随着用户数目的聚增而产生的网络带宽瓶颈等问题。该系统主要由EGP用户显示界面、频道产生器和数据库等部分组成,主要以Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具,用SQL Server2000实现数据库部分,具有技术先进、操作简单、成本低等特点,更加适用于村镇中小学教育、党员教育、社区教育和教师培训等各种形式的远程教育教学活动。-To address the above problems, this thesis argues that developing a IPTV-based educational network service system in a new sense,which integrate the P2P technology and streaming media technology as a major support. This system will support many learning activities, such as after-school practice, testing, qustion and answer, which have interactive features with IPTV. It also means that the traditional distance education system program will say goodbye to passive and single, and become to more variety, which including online learning, entertainment, life service and so on. At the same time, this system could effectively solve problems about video quality in real-time classroom transmission, and network bandwidth bottlenecks that bring about by increasing of the customers number. This system mainly conclude three sections: EGP user interface part, Channel Generator and data base. We choose Visual Studio 2005 as a development tool, and use SQL Server2000 database to accomplish it’s functio
Platform: | Size: 1806336 | Author: lanyu | Hits:


Description: 科来网络分析系统 6.9 build 1145 - 2008.10.31 -------------------------------------------- 新功能: 在各视图中,端点的物理地址和IP地址支持别名+地址组合显示。 在全局选项中,增加了禁用系统休眠功能选项。 协议识别支持ISL, FCoE 增加ISL, FCoE协议解码 功能改进: 开始页面视图增加Help栏目 网卡测试向导自动隐藏本地回环适配器. 问题修正: IP协议解码分片偏移量值显示不正确。 ◎ 感懿(GanYi)娱乐互动网 ◎ http://Www.Pay-4u.Com 免费提供大量精挑程序源码,以及编程酷软、模板素材、常用工具和书籍下载,精品源码共享,商业视频教程、软件免费下载-Families to network analysis system 6.9 build 1145- 2008.10.31 -------------------------------------------- New: In each view, the physical address and IP endpoint address alias address assemblage. In the global options, add option to disable system sleep function. Protocol identification to support ISL, FCoE Increase the ISL, FCoE protocol decode Feature Enhancements: Help section beginning page view increase NIC test wizard automatically hide the local loopback adapter. Bug fixes: IP fragment offset, protocol decode display incorrectly. ◎ flu Yi (GanYi) interactive entertainment network ◎ http://Www.Pay-4u.Com Pick a large number of fine free program source code, and programming cool soft, template material, commonly used tools and books to download, fine source sharing, commercial video tutorials, software free download
Platform: | Size: 21781504 | Author: 多变人生 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCourse-design

Description: 本文的目标是打造一个大型的宠物产品网上消费社区,将给顾客提供信息阅读,产品选购,互动娱乐,交流讨论等服务。-This goal is to create a large pet products online consumer community, will provide customers with information to read, buy products, interactive entertainment, discussions and exchange of services.
Platform: | Size: 3145728 | Author: 纪树泽 | Hits:

[Multimedia Developcomputergame.pdf

Description: 这篇文章是描述MYSQ,娱乐系统,使用户能够创建原创音乐视频 夹(如:MTV),通过手机与朋友分享视频。原始影片是原 因为它产生的用户使用视频,结合使用用户的舞蹈动作的视频效果 作为参数。 MYSQ概念是通过过程的沟通以及产品内容 创作。 MYSQ系统的特点是:操作简单,多层次的互动,协作, 从球员的经验转化为内容,将其转换为媒体的经验转让 形式。本文将分析系统与游戏流程的基础上, 森特米哈伊流理论,作为一个游戏娱乐系统的价值评估,成效 上述的特点。 希望可以供大家借鉴-This article is to describe MYSQ, entertainment systems, allowing users the ability to create original music video clip (such as: MTV), share video via mobile phone with a friend. The original film is a reason for its users to use video, video effects combined with the user' s dance movements as a parameter. MYSQ concept through the process of communication and product content creation. MYSQ system features are: simple operation, multi-level interaction, collaboration, from the player the experience of transformation for the content, convert it to the media experience in the form of transfer. This paper will analyze the system and the flow of the game on the basis of Csikszentmihalyi flow theory, as the valuation of a game and entertainment system, the effectiveness of the above characteristics. Hope for all to learn
Platform: | Size: 544768 | Author: zhangqi | Hits:


Description: php脚本语言实现,实用的例子程序代码,这是一个用php脚本语言写的社区论坛,discuz论坛DIM即时通讯互动工具 ,DIM是一款为DISCUZ论坛用户提供即时通讯、娱乐互动服务的互动娱乐聊天插件, 使用FLASH+PHP+MYSQL开发,以FLASH为核心,实现即时通讯、即时提醒、即时互,简单全面供给各类学习参考。-php scripting language , practical examples of program code , this is a community forum php scripting language to write instant messaging interactive tools discuz Forum DIM , DIM is a for DISCUZ forum users Interactive Entertainment Chat instant messaging, interactive entertainment services
Platform: | Size: 715776 | Author: hhnjfrj | Hits:


Description: 采用php的源码实现,经典demo例子,这是一个用php脚本语言写的影音娱乐,云网互动php影视系统 v1.0.1,速度快 站点可以使用php 选择 php与html多种模式加强对seo的优化使用独创的模版技术 可以快速得开发出适合自己使用的模版 快速添加影片 清晰的后台日志 方便的用户求片加强与用户的互动 快速的保存功能发现站内影片,阅读提升自我参考代码。-Using php source code to achieve the classic demo example, a write php scripting language audio and video entertainment , cloud network interactive the php television system v1.0.1 fast site can use php to choose php and html multiple modes strengthen seo optimization
Platform: | Size: 544768 | Author: yrgijjq | Hits:


Description: 这是一个相册管理系统,为用户提供一个互动、娱乐和展示的平台,含JSP源码-This is a photo album management system, providing users with an interactive, entertainment and display platform, including JSP source
Platform: | Size: 1001472 | Author: 陈永平 | Hits:

[Industry researchCTBNBP

Description: 互动电视业务和传统电视业务的本质区别在于老百姓实现了“从看电视->到用电视->娱乐电视”的转变,运营商实现了“从传统单一的收视费盈利模式->复合型的立体收入模式”的转变,所以要成功实现“革命性”的突破,让老百姓养成“要用->可用->愿意用(黏住)->喜欢用(离不开)”互动电视业务的习惯,产生旺盛的人气是核心工作,随着双向互动业务项目的实施,我们和运营商即将面临的三个棘手核心问题: 1.如何打造一个可运营的成熟互动电视产品,让老百姓感到互动不再陌生,互动成为一种生活习惯…… 2.如何形成良好的运作体系,能够保障互动电视业务内容的安全、高效运营…… 3.如何快速发展用户,让互动电视顺利进入千家万户-Interactive television services and conventional television services essential difference between people realized "from watching TV-> to use the TV-> Entertainment Television" changes, operators achieve a "single subscription from the traditional profit model-> complex three-dimensional revenue model "changes, so to successfully achieve the" revolutionary "breakthrough, so that people become" use-> Available-> willing to use (stick)-> like to use (inseparable) "interactive television services in the habit generate strong popularity is the core work, with two-way interactive services project implementation, we and operators will face three tough core issues: 1 How to create an interactive television operators mature product, so that people no longer feel strange interaction, interactive become a lifestyle ...... 2 How to create a good operation of the system, to protect the business of interactive television content safe and efficient operation ...... 3 How fast dev
Platform: | Size: 12960768 | Author: 刘先生 | Hits:

[Other Gameskinect

Description: 基于windows平台下的kinect娱乐互动游戏demo-Based on the windows platform interactive entertainment game demo kinect
Platform: | Size: 13531136 | Author: ye zi | Hits:


Description: 关于一个儿童互动娱乐网站、网页的设计等等内容-On a children s interactive entertainment website, web page design, and so on
Platform: | Size: 4118528 | Author: Gavin zhang | Hits:

[Browser Clientm.molikids.com

Description: 关于一个儿童互动娱乐网页、网站的设计等等内容-On a children s interactive entertainment website, web page design, and so on
Platform: | Size: 4117504 | Author: Gavin zhang | Hits:

[Web Servervv365dj

Description: 中国互动娱乐网劲爆DJ舞曲 v1.0 管理登陆地址:login.asp 用户名和密码都是:vv365.net-China interactive entertainment network Madden DJ dance v1.0 Manage login address: login.asp The username and password are: vv365.net
Platform: | Size: 216064 | Author: 靶台 | Hits:

[WEB Codedimv

Description: DIM是一款为DISCUZ论坛用户提供即时通讯、娱乐互动服务的互动娱乐聊天插件, 使用FLASH+PHP+MYSQL开发,以FLASH为核心,实现即时通讯、即时提醒、即时互动。-Dim is a discuz forum users provide instant messaging, interactive entertainment and interactive entertainment chat plug-in, developing and making use of FLASH+PHP+MYSQL, flash as the core to realize instant messaging, instant reminders, real-time interaction.
Platform: | Size: 714752 | Author: hmpudn67 | Hits:

[Web Serverdimv

Description: DIM是一款为DISCUZ论坛用户提供即时通讯、娱乐互动服务的互动娱乐聊天插件, 使用FLASH+PHP+MYSQL开发,以FLASH为核心,实现即时通讯、即时提醒、即时互动。-DIM is the one to provide instant messaging, interactive entertainment services to the interactive entertainment DISCUZ forum users chat plug-in, using FLASH+ PHP+ MYSQL development to FLASH as the core, instant messaging, real-time alerts, real-time interaction.
Platform: | Size: 717824 | Author: acuqe | Hits:
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