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[Special Effectslitipipeiyuandaima

Description: 一个用于视频立体匹配的源程序,比较简单,但是很好用,适合搞立体视频的初学者参考
Platform: | Size: 160650 | Author: ydk | Hits:

[3D Graphic立体视频

Description: 关于视频序列中的目标检测和运动跟踪的论文
Platform: | Size: 1313482 | Author: zongmao | Hits:


Description: 给出了基于FPGA的立体视频的程序。完成的主要是时序产生、VGA控制、帧存读写控制等模块。已经过仿真正确。
Platform: | Size: 415099 | Author: myyatou1989 | Hits:

[Multimedia Develop获取AVI类型文件的信息

Description: 由于在Windows2000下右键点击RIFF (*.avi,*.wav) 类型的文件,在摘要里没有该文件的具体信息,所以我就编了一个小程序,用来显示该类型文件的信息。具体信息主要包含视频流和音频流信息。视频流信息主要有:(1)Total frames (2)Frame rate (3)Codec (4)视频的宽度和高度等。音频信息主要有:(1)音频的格式 (2)单声道还是立体声 (3)采样频率等。-in Windows2000 Right click RIFF (*. avi,*. wav) file types, in a summary of the document was not specific information, so I compiled a small program used to indicate the type of document information. Specific information mainly includes streaming video and audio streams of information. Video streams of information are : (1) Total frames (2) Frame rate (3) Codec (4) video on the width and height. Major Audio Information : (1) Audio format (2) mono or stereo (3) sampling frequency.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 高飞 | Hits:

[Video CaptureGetImageFromVideo

Description: 使用DirectShow功能实现的从视频中采集图像的程序,可以按频率、累计数量或视频内容的变化显著程序为依据,自动采集和保存图像。也可以作为使用摄像头的采集功能进行视频、图像处理的一般程序框架。供没有DirectX开发经验,但需要相应功能的图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉等方向的算法研究人员作为工具使用。在Visual Studio 2005环境开发。如果不是作为编程框架使用,则需要Intel OpenCV(开源)视觉库的支持。-execution functions of the video image collection procedures, in accordance with a frequency total quantity or video content change significantly based on procedures, automatic image acquisition and preservation. I can use the camera function video acquisition, image processing framework of the general procedures. DirectX for no development experience, but requires a corresponding function in image processing, pattern recognition, Computer Vision algorithms such directions as a research tool. In Visual Studio 2005 development environment. If it is not used as a programming framework, the need for Intel OpenCV (open source) visual library support.
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: 冯雪涛 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopAVIFormat

Description: 具体信息主要包含视频流和音频流信息。视频流信息主要有:(1)Total frames (2)Frame rate (3)Codec (4)视频的宽度和高度等。音频信息主要有:(1)音频的格式 (2)单声道还是立体声 (3)采样频率等。 -mainly contains specific information streaming video and audio streams of information. Video streams of information are : (1) Total frames (2) Frame rate (3) Codec (4) video on the width and height. Major Audio Information : (1) Audio format (2) mono or stereo (3) sampling frequency.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: 方格路 | Hits:

[3D Graphicphase_relation

Description: 在立体视觉中用VC进行匹配,读两幅图像,然后得到这物体的视差图.-used in the three-dimensional visual matching VC, reading two images, and then to have these objects disparity map.
Platform: | Size: 1985536 | Author: 王云 | Hits:

[Video CaptureAVIFileInfo

Description: 用来显示RIFF (*.avi,*.wav) 类型的文件的信息。具体信息主要包含视频流和音频流信息。视频流信息主要有:(1)Total frames (2)Frame rate (3)Codec (4)视频的宽度和高度等。音频信息主要有:(1)音频的格式 (2)单声道还是立体声 (3)采样频率等-To display the RIFF (*. avi,*. wav) file type. Specific information contained in the main video stream and audio stream information. Video streams of information are mainly: (1) Total frames (2) Frame rate (3) Codec (4) video width and height. Audio information are: (1) audio format (2) mono or stereo (3) the sampling frequency, etc.
Platform: | Size: 32768 | Author: captainhan | Hits:

[File Format1971

Description: 视频的分割,以及立体匹配算法,实验,以及相关验证-Video segmentation, and stereo matching algorithms, experiments, and the associated verification
Platform: | Size: 940032 | Author: vis | Hits:

[File OperateAVIFileInfo

Description: 读取AVI文件里面的流信息:视频流信息主要有:(1)Total frames (2)Frame rate (3)Codec (4)视频的宽度和高度等。音频信息主要有:(1)音频的格式 (2)单声道还是立体声 (3)采样频率等
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 等待 | Hits:


Description: H.264/AVC参考软件JM8.6,研究H264 立体视频的必须熟悉的软件-H.264/AVC reference software JM8.6, study three-dimensional video of H264 must be familiar with the software
Platform: | Size: 1932288 | Author: 水城男孩 | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopVideoProcessingandCommunications

Description: 王尧和张亚勤的Video Processing and Communications 本书以视频编码和通信为中心,系统地介绍了数字视频信号处理的基本理论和技术。全书共15章,重点讨论了数字视频信号处理的基本技术,包括采样、建模和运动估计;视频编码,包括立体和多视下的视频信号处理和编码;视频通信中的基本问题,包括多媒体通信的各种标准、通信中的差误控制问题以及在Internet和无线IP网络中的视频通信问题等。-Ya-Qin Zhang Yao and Video Processing and Communications of the book to video coding and communication as the central system to introduce the digital video signal processing of the basic theory and technology. A total of 15 book chapters, focused on the digital video signal processing of the basic techniques, including sampling, modeling and motion estimation video coding, including a three-dimensional and multi-video, as the signal processing and coding video communications in the basic issues, including multi-media communications standards, communications and error control in the Internet and wireless IP network video communication and so on.
Platform: | Size: 1156096 | Author: 陈彦敏 | Hits:

[Picture Viewer3DPlayer

Description: 喜欢看立体电影的朋友,请注意了,现在国外有一款立体视频播放器。-Like a friend to see three-dimensional film, please note that now there is a three-dimensional video of foreign players.
Platform: | Size: 149504 | Author: zhoujunming | Hits:

[Video CaptureAnaglyphShaderEffect_src

Description: 一个立体红蓝视频合成程序,国外的人编的,其中包含摄像头采集,在.net框架下运行-naglyphShaderEffec
Platform: | Size: 512000 | Author: dasda | Hits:

[Special Effectsyundongguji

Description: 快匹配算法应用于网格编码对图像处理方面和立体视频方面有较好的帮助-Fast matching algorithm is applied to the grid code and three-dimensional image processing, video has a good help
Platform: | Size: 244736 | Author: dongye | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4MVC_SW

Description: 诺基亚开发的立体视频编解码代码,效率比JVT开发的要高。-Stereo video developed by Nokia
Platform: | Size: 1335296 | Author: 追梦无悔 | Hits:

[Video Capturejm18.2

Description: JM18.2是新出的一个具有双目立体视频编码的平台-JM18.2 out of a new binocular stereo video coding platform
Platform: | Size: 2881536 | Author: maimai | Hits:


Description: 一种基于立体显示特征和运动分析的立体视频生成方法-Based on three-dimensional display characteristics and three-dimensional video motion analysis to generate
Platform: | Size: 17179648 | Author: 孙贺 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopHJM86---

Description: H.264/AVisual C参考软件JM8.6,研究HH264 立体视频的必须熟悉的软件, -H.264/AVisual C reference software JM8.6 the HH264 three-dimensional video must be familiar with the software,
Platform: | Size: 1936384 | Author: wanynall | Hits:

[Special EffectsSIFT_GRNN

Description: SIFT算法结合GRNN神经网络实现立体视频的图像颜色校正-SIFT algorithm combined with GRNN neural network algorithm for stereo video image color correction
Platform: | Size: 1080320 | Author: 白海亮 | Hits:
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