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[Other resource高精度数加减乘法

Description: 高精度数的加减乘法,可以自定义进制,作为类实现,直接使用即可。-precision the number of addition and subtraction multiplication can be defined band, as the category achieved, can be used directly.
Platform: | Size: 1423 | Author: 哈哈 | Hits:

[Other resource高精度实时时钟-SD2001驱动程序

Description: 高精度实时时钟-SD2001驱动程序 用于威帆电子SD200X系列IC驱动-high-precision real-time clock-driven procedures for SD2001 Granville sails electronic SD200X Series Driver IC
Platform: | Size: 8581 | Author: 戴刚 | Hits:

[Windows Develop高精度算法

Description: 这个程序里面包含ACM中常考的高精度算法的全部,非常有价值,算法比传统的要简单精炼-inside the ACM often contain high-precision test algorithm all, a very valuable, algorithm than the traditional simple refining
Platform: | Size: 4023 | Author: 陈万通 | Hits:


Description: 1.本程序主要的功能是利用链表将用户输入的任意精度中缀表达式转换成后缀表达式,为了以便于区分数据和操作符,数据间用下划线将它们区分开来,并且计算出此表达式的值。 2.需要注意的是:此程序所叙述的四则运算是狭义的,并没有显式的要求用户以中括弧“[]”或者是大括弧“{}”进行输入,因为这样会大大的加大程序的代码量,为了简便起见,同时又为了实现四则混合运算的功能,只要用户将含有中括弧或者是大括弧的地方均以小括弧表示即可。-1. This program is the main function of the use of linked lists of user input to the arbitrary precision converted into ordinary expression suffix expression, in order to distinguish between data and operator, data will be used as an underscore to separate them, and calculate the value of this expression. 2. Note : This procedure described by the four operation is narrow, and no explicit demands to which users brackets "[]" or large bracket "()" for the importation, because it will greatly increase the volume of procedures code, for the sake of simplicity, but also to achieve four mixed computing functions, as long as the user which contains a large bracket, or brackets in both small brackets can be expressed.
Platform: | Size: 4229 | Author: 刘新夏 | Hits:

[WEB CodeCPU 测速(MHz)和高精度延时(微秒级)

Description: 一.高精度延时, 是 CPU 测速的基础 Windows 内部有一个精度非常高的定时器, 精度在微秒级, 但不同的系统这个定时器的频率不同, 这个频率与硬件和操作系统都可能有关。 利用 API 函数 QueryPerformanceFrequency 可以得到这个定时器的频率。 利用 API 函数 QueryPerformanceCounter 可以得到定时器的当前值。 根据要延时的时间和定时器的频率, 可以算出要延时的时间定时器经过的周期数。 在循环里用 QueryPerformanceCounter 不停的读出定时器值, 一直到经过了指定周期数再结束循环, 就达到了高精度延时的目的。 高精度延时的程序, 参数: 微秒 二.测速程序 利用 rdtsc 汇编指令可以得到 CPU 内部定时器的值, 每经过一个 CPU 周期, 这个定时器就加一。 如果在一段时间内数得 CPU 的周期数, CPU工作频率 = 周期数 / 时间 为了不让其他进程和线程打扰, 必需要设置最高的优先级 以下函数设置当前进程和线程到最高的优先级。 SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL) CPU 测速程序的源代码, 这个程序通过 CPU 在 1/16 秒的时间内经过的周期数计算出工作频率, 单位 MHz: -one. High-precision delay, the CPU speed is the basis of Windows within a very high accuracy of the timer, the microsecond precision, but in the system timer different frequencies, the frequency and hardware and the operating system are likely. Using API function can be QueryPerformanceFrequency the timing The frequency. Use QueryPerformanceCounter API function can be the current timer value. According to the delay time and the frequency of the timer, you could calculate the time to delay timer after a few cycles. The circle with QueryPerformanceCounter repeatedly read out the timer value, until after a specified number of cycles end the cycle again, it reached a high precision delay purposes. High-precision delay the procedure parameters : 2 microsecond. Gun utilize RDTSC instruction can
Platform: | Size: 1213 | Author: 马俊 | Hits:

[Other resource等精度频率计

Description: 使用vhdl语言写的fpga的应用程序,使献策内容为等精度频率计-use of the VHDL language they simply write the application procedures so that such ideas as to accuracy Cymometer
Platform: | Size: 252020 | Author: 丢丢熊 | Hits:

[Web ServerCPU 测速(MHz)和高精度延时(微秒级

Description: CPU 测速(MHz)和高精度延时(微秒级-CPU speed (MHz) and high-precision delay (microsecond
Platform: | Size: 1791 | Author: | Hits:

[Windows Develop高精度计时器

Description: 多媒体计时器能编程设定1毫秒或更小,是诸如MIDI序列发生器之类的专用型应用程序的理想选择,但是它们也招致了更多的开销,并且会对系统上正运行的其他程序造成负面影响。其实,在Windows API中有很多提供时钟查询的函数,利用它们就可以编写自己的高精度计时器了。类CMicroSecond和Celapsed就是用Windows API编写的2个高精度计时器-multimedia timer can be programmed to set a millisecond or less, such as MIDI sequence generator such as dedicated application-an ideal choice, but they have also incurred additional expenses, which would systems are running on the other procedures have a negative impact. In fact, the Windows API has many inquiries clock function, it can use them to create their own high-precision timer of. Category CMicroSecond and Celapsed Windows API is used to prepare the two high-precision timer
Platform: | Size: 36099 | Author: 张伟 | Hits:


Description: 多精度整数与有理数计算库(源代码包)在GNU 多精度库的基础上派生的一个分支,主要用于任意精度和数字长度的整数和有理数计算,也可以用于任意小数精度的扩展浮点数计算。 工作/编译平台: Linux,Unix,Soloris, Windows(VC 2008), Cygwin, Mingw
Platform: | Size: 4707328 | Author: u122334@163.com | Hits:

[Windows Develop高精度计时器

Description: 多媒体计时器能编程设定1毫秒或更小,是诸如MIDI序列发生器之类的专用型应用程序的理想选择,但是它们也招致了更多的开销,并且会对系统上正运行的其他程序造成负面影响。其实,在Windows API中有很多提供时钟查询的函数,利用它们就可以编写自己的高精度计时器了。类CMicroSecond和Celapsed就是用Windows API编写的2个高精度计时器-multimedia timer can be programmed to set a millisecond or less, such as MIDI sequence generator such as dedicated application-an ideal choice, but they have also incurred additional expenses, which would systems are running on the other procedures have a negative impact. In fact, the Windows API has many inquiries clock function, it can use them to create their own high-precision timer of. Category CMicroSecond and Celapsed Windows API is used to prepare the two high-precision timer
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: 张伟 | Hits:

[Windows Develop一种制作微秒级精度定时器的方法

Description: 如何制作高精度的WINDOWS定时器-how to make high-precision timer WINDOWS
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李井泉 | Hits:

[Windows Develop如何获得十亿分之一秒的时钟精度

Description: 如何获得十亿分之一秒的时钟精度-how to obtain a billionth of a second precision clock
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: chengm03 | Hits:

[Windows Develop高精度算法

Description: 这个程序里面包含ACM中常考的高精度算法的全部,非常有价值,算法比传统的要简单精炼-inside the ACM often contain high-precision test algorithm all, a very valuable, algorithm than the traditional simple refining
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 陈万通 | Hits:


Description: 使用vhdl语言写的fpga的应用程序,使献策内容为等精度频率计-use of the VHDL language they simply write the application procedures so that such ideas as to accuracy Cymometer
Platform: | Size: 251904 | Author: 丢丢熊 | Hits:


Description: 基于多LED的高精度室内可见光定位方法 期刊 2017年全国大学生电子设计大赛参考文献(High precision indoor visible light localization method based on multi LED, Journal of 2017 National University Electronic Design Competition)
Platform: | Size: 483328 | Author: 狼外公 | Hits:


Description: DIY高精度温度控制器(DIY high precision temperature controller)
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 刘小飞 | Hits:

[Windows Develop高精度四则运算

Description: 高精度四则运算的代码,可以进行高精度四则运算(High precision four arithmetic code)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: LYFLYF | Hits:


Description: 设计高精度频率计,基于C语言,IAR平台(Design high-precision cymometer, based on C language, IAR platform)
Platform: | Size: 86016 | Author: 118989 | Hits:

[Energy industry电力系统谐波分析的高精度FFT算法

Description: 电力系统谐波分析的高精度FFT算法 FFT 电力 谐波(FFT Algorithm with High Accuracy for Harmonic Analysis in Industry Power System)
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: xzhangx | Hits:


Description: 经纬度转ECEF坐标公式 高精度 非迭代(The formula of latitude and longitude to ECEF coordinate)
Platform: | Size: 5991424 | Author: 123456700 | Hits:
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