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Description: 这是一篇基于adaboost行人检测的硕士论文,希望对大家有所帮助。
Platform: | Size: 320402 | Author: dzp1hao | Hits:

[DocumentsReal-Time People Counting system

Description: 经典的行人检测论文
Platform: | Size: 2427429 | Author: harleych | Hits:

[Photo software自然背景下的行人检测

Description: 有关行人检测的文献
Platform: | Size: 1301174 | Author: guojing3666 | Hits:


Description: GMM 混合高斯自适应背景维护 可以用来做行人检测 等-GMM Gaussian Mixture adaptive background maintenance can be used to make the pedestrian detection
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: li shu | Hits:


Description: 行人检测源程序,居于svm技术。和梯度直方图提取-Pedestrian Detection source, living in SVM technology. And gradient histogram extraction
Platform: | Size: 1651712 | Author: 李可 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingHoGnew

Description: 基于数字视频处理的图像中的行人检测代码里面十分重要的梯度直方图提取技术的代码.-Digital video processing based on images of the importance of pedestrian detection code inside the gradient histogram extraction code.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: YU | Hits:

[Special EffectsALidarandVisionbaseApproachforPedestrianandVehicle

Description: 这个在IEEE上下载的关于基于视频图像的车辆行人检测跟踪系统,对毕业设计有帮助-IEEE downloaded this on video images based on detection of vehicles and pedestrians tracking system designed to help graduate
Platform: | Size: 819200 | Author: kelly1 | Hits:

[Industry researchthirdseminarofCV

Description: 清华大学葛俊峰的讲义:行人检测研究现状和常用方法 -Tsinghua University, lectures葛俊峰: Pedestrian Detection and Research Methods
Platform: | Size: 2985984 | Author: zhaolong | Hits:

[Special Effectshog

Description: 鉴于目标的特征提取,一种采用HOG作为特征的行人检测方法-Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection
Platform: | Size: 207872 | Author: hog文献 | Hits:


Description: 基于Adaboost算法的行人检测方法,用于汽车驾驶-Adaboost
Platform: | Size: 203776 | Author: bbsx | Hits:

[Special Effectshog_extraction

Description: 基于OPENCV的静止图像的HOG特征提取算法的全部程序,完全可用于各种图像的HOG特征提取,以进一步训练分类器进行行人检测-source code that apply to the pedestrian detection based on OPENCV.this document can help you extract HOG features from any type image which include human in it
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: lightblueboy | Hits:

[Special EffectsHOG

Description: 基于HOG的行人检测,作者的源代码有错误,现代码已经进行了改变,并可以调试通-Histograms of Oriented Gradients for Human Detection, the writer s code has some errors, and I have correct the errors, and the code is right under C++ buidler
Platform: | Size: 10591232 | Author: 李燕 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringGavrila

Description: 经典gavrila行人检测论文集 介绍了基于形状模板匹配的行人检测算法和改进-human detection
Platform: | Size: 12728320 | Author: tll | Hits:

[Graph programImagebased

Description: 基于图像的行人检测方法研究,基于图像的行人检测方法研究-Image-based pedestrian detection method, image-based Pedestrian Detection
Platform: | Size: 641024 | Author: qyh | Hits:


Description: 这是利用python+opencv编写的,行人检测代码,另配有检测样图,测试可用(this is a code for person detect,it function is normal)
Platform: | Size: 19168256 | Author: zhoubowen | Hits:

[Windows Develop利用Hog特征和SVM分类器进行行人检测

Description: 利用Hog特征和SVM分类器进行行人检测(Using Hog features and SVM classifiers for pedestrian detection)
Platform: | Size: 59158528 | Author: Elena0806 | Hits:


Description: 根据生物特征识别来实现行人检测的系统,包含MFC窗口(26/5000 According to biometric identification to realize the pedestrian detection system, including MFC window.)
Platform: | Size: 38309888 | Author: raincs | Hits:

[Special EffectsOPENCV_行人流量检测

Description: 使用C++ OpenCV库进行行人检测,并且计数人流量个数(Use C++ OpenCV library for pedestrian detection and count the number of human traffic)
Platform: | Size: 22289408 | Author: likeyota | Hits:

[Special EffectsHOG+SVM进行图片中行人检测

Description: 行人检测HOG+SVM进行图片中行人检测,提供训练用的pos和neg样本,效果还可以;没有SVM工具箱的,压缩包里已经提供了,安装一下即可(Pedestrian detection HOG + SVM for pedestrian detection in pictures, providing POS and neg samples for training, the effect is good; without SVM toolbox, the compression package has been provided, just install it.)
Platform: | Size: 9630720 | Author: 子夜o星空 | Hits:


Description: 该行人统计方法柔性较好,针对不同的应用场景参数调整较少。实时性好,在普通PC上能够实现30FPS的检测速度。统计准确率较高,当行人密度低时能达到90%以上的准确率,当行人密度高时能达到70%以上的准确率。初步达到了实际应用需求。(The pedestrian statistical method is flexible and less adjustable for different application scenarios. It has good real-time performance and can realize the detection speed of 30FPS on ordinary PC. Statistical accuracy rate is higher, when the pedestrian density is low, it can reach more than 90%, when the pedestrian density is high, it can reach more than 70%. Preliminary application requirements have been achieved.)
Platform: | Size: 40671232 | Author: ChenSirGD | Hits:
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