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Description: 无论在哪个行业从事,这些年轻时要走过的路,总有一些道理需要明白,尤其对于本科生或者研究生,喜欢这个行业,或者想跳出这个行业,这些资料会给迷茫中的我们指明方向。
Platform: | Size: 4831 | Author: tjutangyuan | Hits:

[Finance-Stock software systemfapiao

Description: 代开发票打印系统完整源代码 自己仿税务软件开发的一个源代码软件,已经几年没动过软件了,转行了,源代码放着也是放着,供献给大家,参考,东西写得不好,献丑了。 有问题可以联系我 QQ:280534828 yangkaer@qq.com-The development of votes their full source code printing system software simulation of a tax source software has had the software a few years did not move, change jobs, the source code is placed placed for our audience, reference, things are not written Well, one s incompetence was. A problem can contact me QQ: 280534828 yangkaer@qq.com
Platform: | Size: 7770112 | Author: 特别新鲜 | Hits:

[File FormatResistance-color-ring

Description: 色环电阻记忆方法,记不住赶快转行吧,很基本的知识,大家务必记住-Resistance color ring
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Upandi | Hits:


Description: 书名:我是一只IT小小鸟 作者:胡江堂 说明:PDF文件,IT前辈以自身经验告诫学弟学妹们IT人的喜怒哀乐。 简介: 一群IT小小鸟——   来自十几所院校,或男生,或女生;或科班,或半路转行。   分布在不同的公司,或外企,或国企,或民企,老板有土有洋。   有失意,有快意;有泪水,有欢笑。在失望中追求希望,在迷茫中辨别方向。   他们用自己的成长故事,告诉在校的师弟师妹们:   青春太宝贵,千万别浪费;要想不浪费,万事早准备。-Title: I am an IT Little Bird: Hu Jiangtang Description: PDF files, IT predecessors warned in their own experience the emotions of the Benedictine College Shanghai Campus IT people. Description: Little Bird of a group of IT- From a dozen institutions, or boys or girls or Coban, or halfway to switch. Distributed in different companies or foreign companies or state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, the boss territories ocean. Frustration, Fiat tears and laughter. In the pursuit of hope, disappointment and confusion in the sense of direction. They use their own growth story, told in school Shidishimei: Youth is too precious, do not waste in order not to waste, everything is ready as early as.
Platform: | Size: 30394368 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 我的观点是Verilog和VHDL对于高手而言各有利弊,Verilog感觉更适合于RTL(寄存器传输级)的描述,而VHDL更适于System级的建模。 但是初学者强烈建议学习Verilog,更容易入手些,但是学习过程中一定要注意下面一点,毕竟国内外大公司现在大都采用Verilog是有其原因的。 l FPGA/CPLD、ASIC的逻辑设计所采用的硬件描述(HDL)语言是同软件语言(如C,C++等)是有本质区别的!虽然Verilog很多语法规则和C语言相似,但是Verilog是硬件描述语言,它的本质作用在于描述硬件。虽然它使用了C语言的形式,但是Verilog描述的硬件的抽象,它的最终实现结果是芯片内部的硬件电路。所以评判一段HDL代码的优劣的最终标准是:其描述并实现的硬件电路的性能(包括面积和速度两个方面)。初学者,特别是由软件转行的初学者,片面追求代码的整洁,简短,这是错误的!是与评价HDL的标准背道而驰的!正确的编码方法是,首先要做到对所需实现的硬件电路“心有成竹”,对该部分硬件的结构与连接十分清晰,然后用合适的HDL语句表达出来即可。-Modular Design Example-8-1
Platform: | Size: 430080 | Author: 王锋 | Hits:


Description: AS5530芯片用在飞机称重的源码。 2010年开发的,现在转行了,希望能帮到用得上的朋友。-AS5530 chip used in aircraft weighing the source.
Platform: | Size: 108544 | Author: LongFeiYu | Hits:


Description: 自己10年写的CS5460称重芯片程序。 现在转行了不用,希望能帮到用得上的朋友。-10 years to write the CS5460 weighing chip program. Now switch to No, I hope to help the lingua franca of friends.
Platform: | Size: 3284992 | Author: LongFeiYu | Hits:

[Industry researchjava-development

Description: 里面具体介绍了java语言的发展前景,可以给一些想转行java的人一点建议-Intro inside the java language development prospects, some advice can give some people who want to switch to java
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 邵小帅 | Hits:

[Other Databasescol2ln

Description: 想要在DB2数据库中实现列转行,应该如何操作呢?下文就教您一个实现DB2数据库列转行的方法,希望对您能够有所启迪。-DB2 finish col to line
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: caogengxing | Hits:

[WEB Codelygswzym_v1.0

Description: 旅游公司网站ASP源码 ASP+ACCESS 本程序由会展之窗为客户订制开发,今年客户转行,网站已弃用所以拿出来分享给有需要的网友,程序完全开源,解压后上传到支持ASP的空间即可直接访问,完整的后台管理。 后台管理登陆 您的网址/admin 帐号:admin 密码:admin-Travel company website ASP source ASP+ ACCESS This program was developed by the exhibition for customers to order window, this year customers switch, the website has abandoned so come to share to friends in need, the program is completely open source, unpacked uploaded to support ASP space can directly access and complete background management. Admin Login Your URL/admin Account: admin Password: admin888
Platform: | Size: 3024896 | Author: ppudn29 | Hits:

[Com Portbluetooth

Description: 以数据包形式发送数据,每个数据包包长为11字节,包括开始的转行符0x0A(保证数据正常通信,下面不做解释),命令符(用于下位机区分操作),数据三部分构成,定时器时间以及同步时间传输方式为BCD码。 -Transmits the data in the form of a packet, each data packet length is 11 bytes, including start switch 0x0a character (to ensure normal communication data below do not explain), the command character (for lower computer distinguish between operations), the data is composed of three parts, timer time and synchronization time transfer transport into BCD code.
Platform: | Size: 507904 | Author: 嘻嘻希 | Hits:

[Web Serversyyj

Description: 由于最近本人转行不做手机游戏站了,因此本人将自己的手机游戏站程序免费提供给大家,希望能给部分朋友带去一点帮助。这个手机游戏程序是当初购买其他人的,asp+sqlserver,绝对不是网上普及的cms改的.-I do not do due to the recent switch to mobile gaming station, so I will own mobile game station program available to everyone for free, hoping to give a little help to bring some friends. This phone is the original game program to buy other people, asp+ sqlserver, definitely not online popularity cms reform.
Platform: | Size: 343040 | Author: 白居 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringCall_Tra

Description: 用于通信运营商过网话务的行为分析,通过用户呼转行为的对象、时间、地点及相互的关联关系,判断用户离网的预警数据,支撑用户挽留行为。- For the behavior analysis of network traffic operator, through the object, time, place and mutual relationship of the user call forwarding behavior, judge the early warning data of the users the network, and support the customer retention behavior.
Platform: | Size: 910336 | Author: 蒋皋枫 | Hits:


Description: 停车场系统,包含刷卡停车,收费.SQL 数据库管理系统.花费两个月以上的时间编写,后因为转行,本软件未商用-Parking lot system, including credit card parking, toll SQL management system. Spend more than two months time to write, because of a career change, the software is not commercial
Platform: | Size: 3328000 | Author: dingxinhua | Hits:


Description: 电脑针织横机龙头控制程序,包含8把选针器,8个度目电机,2个信克电机,及所有三角的控制,是产品级的代码,绝对无删减,有产品销售,后转行,有从事此行业的可以-Leading computer flat knitting machine control program, comprising eight selector, 8 stitch motors, two motors letter g, and control all of the triangle, is product-level code, absolutely no cut, there is product sales, after the switch, have engaged in this industry can look
Platform: | Size: 823296 | Author: 丁后兴 | Hits:

[Other Databases列转行(正式)

Description: VFP中我们会遇到将DBF列数据转换为行数据的情况,附件为我编写的一段小程序,希望对你有一些帮助(DBF column data is converted to line data)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: lygasoft | Hits:


Description: 以数据包形式发送数据,每个数据包包长为11字节,包括开始的转行符0x0A(保证数据正常通信,下面不做解释),命令符(用于下位机区分操作),数据三部分构成,定时器时间以及同步时间传输方式为BCD码。 定时器的开关功能主要是覆盖从前的设置,以达到清除命令的功能(please translation by yourself---)
Platform: | Size: 507904 | Author: jero荣 | Hits:


Description: 开发板的功能强大与适应,很好用,适合新手和转行的小白(The development board is powerful and adaptable, easy to use, suitable for beginners and career changers.)
Platform: | Size: 27900928 | Author: 宇宙Q | Hits:

CodeBus www.codebus.net