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[OpenGL programshpere

Description: OpenGL 编写程序,显示一个球体,要求: 1. 使用线框图表示; 2. 经纬度间隔各为 15 度; 3. 手动计算坐标,不要使用 glutWireSphere ; 4. 推荐使用顶点数组,只计算一次坐标值; 5. A 、 D 键左右旋转 5 度, W 、 S 键上下旋转 5 度 -OpenGL programming, shows a ball, requirements : 1. Use wireframe map; 2. layout of the latitude and longitude of 15 degrees; 3. manually calculate coordinates, and not to use glutWireSphere; 4. Suggested use vertex arrays, and only once the coordinates; 5. A and D keys rotating around 5 degrees, W, S bond next five degrees rotation
Platform: | Size: 8791 | Author: 付强 | Hits:

[OpenGL programshpere

Description: OpenGL 编写程序,显示一个球体,要求: 1. 使用线框图表示; 2. 经纬度间隔各为 15 度; 3. 手动计算坐标,不要使用 glutWireSphere ; 4. 推荐使用顶点数组,只计算一次坐标值; 5. A 、 D 键左右旋转 5 度, W 、 S 键上下旋转 5 度 -OpenGL programming, shows a ball, requirements : 1. Use wireframe map; 2. layout of the latitude and longitude of 15 degrees; 3. manually calculate coordinates, and not to use glutWireSphere; 4. Suggested use vertex arrays, and only once the coordinates; 5. A and D keys rotating around 5 degrees, W, S bond next five degrees rotation
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: 付强 | Hits:


Description: dijkstra算法 问题描述 目前网络上电子地图的使用很普遍。利用电子地图可以很方便地确定从一个地点到另一个地点的路径。特别地,可确定在城市中的公交换乘路线。 电子地图可以看成是一个图,而公交线路图可看成是带权有向图G =(V,E),其中每条边的权是非负实数。 你的任务:对给定的一个(无向)图G,及G中的两点s、t,计算从顶点s到顶点t的最短距离和最少路段数。 输入 输入文件中有若干组测试数据(组数不超过20)。 每组测试数据的第1行是一个正整数n,表示地图G的顶点数,n<50。 接下来的n行采用邻接矩阵方式描述这一个地图,第i行有n个数,依次表示第i个顶点与第1、2、3、…、n个顶点的路径长。假如两个顶点间无边相连,用一个-1表示。相邻的两个整数之间用空格隔开。注意,图中每个顶点 i处都没有自己到自己的边。 再在下面的一行上给出两个整数s、t,表示上述地图上的两个顶点。 每组测试数据输入结束后空一行。 输入直到文件结束。-Description of the problem At present the use of electronic maps on the network are common. The use of electronic maps can be easily identified from one location to another location path. In particular, can be determined in the cities bus transfer routes. E-map can be seen as a map, while the bus route map can be seen as a weighted directed graph G = (V, E), in which each edge of the right of a non-negative real number. Your task: given a (undirected) Figure G, and G, two points s, t, calculated from the vertex s to vertex t, the shortest distance and the minimum number of sections. Input Input file there are several groups of test data (group of not more than 20). Each test data row 1 is a positive integer n, said the map of G, vertices, n <50. The next n lines describe the use of adjacency matrix, a map, the first i have n number of rows in turn said that the first i vertices with the first 1,2,3, ..., n vertices of the path length. If the two ver
Platform: | Size: 882688 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programhouse

Description: 利用VC++和opengl来绘制立体图形,采用顶点数组和面的法向量来构造。-Using VC++ and opengl to draw the three-dimensional graphics, using vertex arrays and the surface normal vector to construct.
Platform: | Size: 3807232 | Author: xuebuhui | Hits:

[OpenGL programWorldDemoNew

Description: OpenGL是个与硬件无关的软件接口,可以在不同的平台如Windows 95、Windows NT、Unix、Linux、MacOS、OS/2之间进行移植。因此,支持OpenGL的软件具有很好的移植性,可以获得非常广泛的应用。由于OpenGL是图形的底层图形库,没有提供几何实体图元,不能直接用以描述场景。但是,通过一些转换程序,可以很方便地将AutoCAD、3DS/3DSMAX等3D图形设计软件制作的DXF和3DS模型文件转换成OpenGL的顶点数组。-OpenGL is a hardware independent software interface, can be on a different platform such as Windows 95, Windows NT, Unix, Linux, MacOS, OS /2 transplantations performed between. Therefore, support OpenGL software with good portability, can get the very extensive application. Because OpenGL is the underlying graphics graphics library, provides no geometric primitives, cannot be directly used to describe a scene. However, through the conversion process, can easily be AutoCAD,3DS/3DSMAX and3D graphic design software DXF and 3DS model file into a OpenGL vertex array.
Platform: | Size: 293888 | Author: dangmengfei | Hits:

[OpenGL programOpenGLES2.0summary

Description: OpenGL ES2.0的学习总结,包括简介,EGL,着色器,顶点数组,缓冲对象,图元装配,光栅化,纹理-study summary on OpenGL ES2.0
Platform: | Size: 822272 | Author: stephenpeng | Hits:


Description: 凸包(ConvexHull)就是把给定点包围在内部的,面积最小的凸多边形。时间复杂度为O(n)先计算凸包,输入点数组p,点个数为n,输出点数组ch。函数返回凸包顶点数。(The convex hull (ConvexHull) is the smallest convex polygon that surrounds the point to its interior. The time complexity is O (n). First, the convex hull is computed, and the input point group P is given. The number of points is n, and the output point array is ch. Returns the convex hull number of the function.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: dosense | Hits:


Description: 输入 数据少于10组,保证只有一个源点和汇点。输入一个顶点数n(2<=n<=10000),边数m(1<=m <=50000)。接下来m行输入边,分别是边起点sv,边终点ev,边权值w(1<=sv,ev<=n,sv != ev,1<=w <=20)。数据保证图连通。 输出 关键路径的权值和,并且从源点输出关键路径上的路径(如果有多条,请输出字典序最小的) 输入样例 9 11 1 2 6 1 3 4 1 4 5 2 5 1 3 5 1 4 6 2 5 7 9 5 8 7 6 8 4 8 9 4 7 9 2 输出样例 18 1 2 2 5 5 7 7 9(input The data is less than 10 groups, ensuring only one source and a sink. Input a number of vertices n (2<=n<=10000), the number of edges m (1<=m <=50000). Next, the M line is the input side, which is the edge starting point SV, the edge point EV, and the edge weight W (1<=sv, ev<=n, SV! = EV, 1<=w <=20). The data ensures that the graph is connected. output The weight of the key path and the path of the key path from the source point (if there are many, please output the smallest dictionary order) sample input 9 1 1 1 2 6 1 3 4 1 4 5 2 5 1 3 5 1 4 6 2 5 7 9 5 8 7 6 8 4 8 9 4 7 9 2 sample output 18 12 25 57 79)
Platform: | Size: 882688 | Author: zxyZXYZXY | Hits:

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