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unix或linux下的DNA分析软件源码 其功能如下 1. Edit up to 256 peptide or DNA sequences simultaneously. 2. Translates DNA->protein click next to display next frame. 3. Dot matrix plot of any 2 sequences. 4. Rudimentary amino acid statistics (MW and amino acid percentage) 5. Saves matrix plot as PBM image format. 6. Sequence reversal. 7. Creates alignment file for highlight (below). 8. Tab key toggles editing of next sequence. -unix or linux DNA analysis of the software source code of its functions is as follows : 1. Edit up to 256 peptide or DNA sequences simultaneously. 2 . Translates DNA-
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 71kb Publisher : 李华明

一1000 MW水电站(机组M1)通过一条500 kV, 700 km的输电线路与负载中心连接。负载中心模型是5000 MW的阻抗负载,由遥远的1000 MW电站和当地的5000 MW (机组 M2)电站供电。系统已经初始化,因此线路传送950 MW,接近它的潮流阻抗负载(SIL = 977 MW)。这两台机相当于一台水轮机和管理(HTG),励磁系统和电力系统稳定器(PSS)。这三个模块位于“涡轮和调速”子系统中。通过此例,在500 kV系统中制造故障,观察PSS对系统稳定性的影响。-a 1,000 MW hydropower station (crew M1) through a 500 kV, 700 km of transmission line and load center. Load center model is 5,000 MW of load impedance. from the distant 1000 MW power station and the local 5,000 MW (Unit M2) power supply. Is initialized, it transmits 950 MW. closer to its trend of load impedance (SIL = 977 MW). This machine is equivalent to a two hydraulic turbines and Management (HTG), excitation system and the power system stabilizer (PSS). This module is located at 3 "and turbine speed" subsystem. Through this cases, the 500 kV system manufacturing fault, PSS observation of the system stability.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : 卢丹

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一篇关于机组控制的文章,1.5MW双馈式变速恒频风电机组控制系统研究-An article on the control unit, 1.5MW-style double-fed VSCF wind turbine control system
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 190kb Publisher : 李曼

MW明华读卡器的上位机接口软件编程范例及驱动6.6版(包含VB,VC,Delphi等),难得的资料-Minghua MW readers PC interface software programming examples and driver version 6.6 (including VB, VC, Delphi, etc.), valuable information
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 926kb Publisher : 45465

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一个用S函数写成的在dq坐标系中的双馈异步电机模型。-An S function written using dq coordinate system in the doubly-fed induction motor model.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Mr liu

为满足在电网发生故障时风电机组需保持与电网连接并向系统不间断供电的要求,提出 了双馈风力发电机的动态模型、变流器模型、变流器保护及电网模型,以研究双馈风力发电机的暂 态特性.以1·5MW SUT-1500双馈风力发电机为原型,由一个无穷大电源等效电网模型,变流器模 型采用定子磁链的定向电流矢量控制方法,利用PSCAD软件对双馈电机的暂态特性进行仿真.仿 真结果表明,矢量控制能够实现双馈电机的有功、无功解耦,并可改善系统的低压穿越能力. -To meet the power failure to keep their wind turbine grid-connected uninterruptible power supply to the system requirements, proposed doubly-fed wind turbine dynamic models of converter model, inverter protection and network model to Study of double-fed wind generator transient characteristics. to 1.5 MW SUT-1500 double-fed wind turbine prototypes, by an infinite power grid equivalent model of converter model uses the stator flux orientation of current vector control methods, using PSCAD software to double-fed motor simulation of transient characteristics. The simulation results show that vector control can be achieved double-fed motor active and reactive decoupling, and can improve the system through the capacity of low-voltage.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 605kb Publisher : mengxianghua

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程序主要功能: 支持在线的图片投票,gujg支持报道新闻动态更新,mu支持自定义分类,mxci支持投票相关的评选,kqv投票的说明等,wf每天每个IP投票数量显示,{ij每个Ip对指定的图片投票限制等等,rsk后台完善由大赛报道、品牌展示、用户管理、系统管理主要组成,q合作商业单位 ,zo自动关闭投票功能,{jn全新编辑器,m改掉以有弹出式,yck人性化界面,uiIP封锁管理、解决用户防止恶意投票,vpb全新多选方式,mw自助评定选项数 0422修正 1、修正防SQL注入,qto加强安全 2、增加多图上传功能,ld及关联图展示 3、加载自动缩略图功能 4、对投票防刷加入时间防刷,hh获取系统名称和IE版本对比 5、界面改成夏日清凉 管理登录:/manage/adminlogin.asp 管理帐号:admin 密  码:admin -Program main functions: Support online picture vote, gujg to support dynamic updates to report news, mu support custom categories, mxci support voting related to the selection, kqv vote descriptions, wf vote per day per IP number displayed, (ij for each of the designated Ip Photo voting restrictions, etc., rsk perfect background reports from the competition, brand display, user management, systems management major components, q co-operation of commercial premises, zo automatically close the voting feature, (jn a new editor, m Gaidiao to have pop-up, yck human interface, uiIP block management, and resolve to prevent a malicious user to vote, vpb a new multiple-choice approach, mw self-assessment options for the number of 0422 amendments 1, to revise anti-SQL injection, qto to enhance security 2, increase the number of map upload feature, ld and correlation diagram showing 3, loading automatic thumbnail feature 4, the voting time by adding anti-anti-brush brush, hh access to the
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.42mb Publisher : regh

GE 1.5 MW, 60 Hz Wind Turbine
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 212kb Publisher : rselec

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Simulink model of a 1.5 MW wind turbine with direct-driven permanent magnet generator
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 42kb Publisher : hudyj

HVDC stands for High Voltage Direct Current and is today a well-proven technology employed for power transmission all over the world. In total about 70,000 MW HVDC transmission capacity is installed in more than 90 projects. HVDC stands for High Voltage Direct Current and is today a well-proven technology employed for power transmission all over the world. In total about 70,000 MW HVDC transmission capacity is installed in more than 90 projects.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 440kb Publisher : kali charan pradhan

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TLC5615C, TLC5615I 10-BIT DIGITAL-TO-ANALOG CONVERTERS -10-Bit CMOS Voltage Output DAC in an 8-Terminal Package 5-V Single Supply Operation 3-Wire Serial Interface High-Impedance Reference Inputs Voltage Output Range . . . 2 Times the Reference Input Voltage Internal Power-On Reset Low Power Consumption . . . 1.75 mW Max Update Rate of 1.21 MHz Settling Time to 0.5 LSB . . . 12.5 µ s Typ Monotonic Over Temperature Pin Compatible with the Maxim MAX515 ications Battery-Powered Test Instruments Digital Offset and Gain Adjustment Battery Operated/Remote Industrial Controls Machine and Motion Control Devices Cellular Telephones
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 298kb Publisher : li

详细说了双馈风机三相短路时的情况,并且着重分析了短路电流的表达形式以及最大值出线时刻,在此基础上提出了Crowbar电阻的取值方法。-In case of three-phase short circuit fault occurring at the terminal of a doubly-fed induction generator ( DFIG ), the rotor current characters of DFIG are analyzed from the viewpoint of the flux linkage, and the expression of the rotor current is deduced together with the estimated expression of the maximum rotor current. Based on above analysis, the max rotor currents and their appearing times with different Crowbar resistances are found, and the appropriate Crowbar resistance value is set for the 1.5 MW DFIG.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 377kb Publisher : Blogflyer

discuz x2.5 x3.0 模板,lightsail_mwt1,魔王T1商业版模板,MW-T系模板是由LIGHTSAIL精心设计的动态模板,模板被分拆成很多模块,每一种模块均设计很多不同样式和扩展功能!如有需要可通过MW-T模板配置器进行二次组装扩展或样式修改,最终可定制出独一无二的专属模板-discuz x2.5 x3.0 templates, lightsail_mwt1, devil T1 commercial version of the template, MW-T system templates are designed by the LIGHTSAIL dynamic templates, the template is split into many modules, each module are designed many different styles and extensions function! If necessary through MW-T template configurator secondary assembly to extend or modify the style, and ultimately a unique and exclusive customizable template ...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 698kb Publisher : hidream

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16-Bit Lower Power PulSAR ADCs in MSOP/LFCSP (QFN) 10-lead MSOP and 10-lead, 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP (QFN), same space as SOT-23 Wide operating temperature range: − 40°C to +125°C-AD7988-5: 3.5 mW @ 500 kSPS AD7988-1: 700 μW @ 100 kSPS 16-bit resolution with no missing codes Throughput: 100 kSPS/500 kSPS options INL: ±0.6 LSB typical, ±1.25 LSB maximum Pseudo differential analog input range 0 V to VREF with VREF from 2.5 V to 5.5 V Any input range and easy to drive with the ADA4841-1 No pipeline delay Single-supply 2.5 V operation with 1.8 V/2.5 V/3 V/5 V
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 447kb Publisher : 王广龙

[SCM] 5
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兆瓦级电池储能电站直流系统故障分析与保护方案设计-Design and analysis of power plant DC system fault and protection scheme of MW battery energy storage
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 627kb Publisher :

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魔王商业版破解模板完美支持dz2.5,3.0-Devil Business Edition crack template perfect support dz2.5, 3.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 711kb Publisher : xoaocong

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turbine 1.5 MW modele in simulink matlab
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 21kb Publisher : Hichem

海上5兆瓦风力发电机组的设计方案,包括详细的控制系统设计结构-Definition of a 5-MW Reference Wind Turbine for Offshore System Development
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 784kb Publisher : BING

discuz模板在魔趣吧可以下载是不错的资源(discuz Templates in magic fun can be downloaded, is a good resource)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 790kb Publisher : 时光233

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典型测试系统3 (1) 如下图所示的IEEE 9节点电力系统: 2.元件参数 (1) 线路参数 线路号 长度(km) ro(Ω/km) xo(Ω/km) bo(1/Ωkm) L1 25 0.131 0.4 2.98×10-6 L2 50 0.131 0.4 2.98×10-6 L3 45 0.105 0.393 3.04×10-6 L4 30 0.131 0.4 2.98×10-6 L5 35 0.105 0.393 3.04×10-6 L6 20 0.131 0.4 2.98×10-6 (2) 变压器参数 变压器 容量(MVA) 变比 Pk(kW) P0(kW) Uk% i0% T1 50 121/10.5 250 55 10.5 1.5 T2 80 121/10.5 410 98 10.5 1.5 T3 50 121/10.5 250 55 10.5 1.5 (3) 节点参数 节点名 类 型 P (MW) Q (MVar) 电压 相角 1 PQ 35 18 2 PQ 30 16 3 PQ 40 20 4 PQ 25 12 5 PQ 20 10 6 PQ 15 6 7 PV 40 1.05 8 PV 45 1.05 9 平衡点 1.05 0.0(Typical test system 3 (1) The IEEE 9-node power system shown in the following figure: 2. Component parameters (1) Line parameters Line number (km) ro (_/km) XO (_/km) Bo (1/_km) L1 25 0.131 0.4 2.98 x 10-6 L2 50 0.131 0.4 2.98 x 10-6 L3 45 0.105 0.393 3 3.04 x 10-6 L4 30 0.131 0.4 2.98 x 10-6 L5 35 0.105 0.393 3 3.04 x 10-6 L6 20.131 0.4 2.98 x 10-6 (2) Transformer parameters Transformer Capacity (MVA) Variable Ratio Pk (kW) P 0 (kW) Uk% i0% T1 50 121/10.5 250 55 10.5 1.5 T2 80 121/10.5 410 98 10.5 1.5 T3 50 121/10.5 250 55 10.5 1.5 (3) Node parameters Node Name Type P (MW) Q (MVar) Voltage Phase Angle 1 PQ 3518 2 PQ 3016 3 PQ 4020 4 PQ 2512 5 PQ 2010 6 PQ 156 7 PV 40 1.05 8 PV 45 1.05 9 Balance Point 1.05 0.0)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : GKen
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