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Description: 此程序是无刷电机控制程序,在实物中以经调试通过.各项性能指标均合格.
Platform: | Size: 142841 | Author: baoyonghao | Hits:


Description: 1637数码管驱动芯片,应广大朋友的需求,我特拿出此程序与大家分享。已用过工程项目-1637 nixie tube driver chips, to be the general needs of friends, I might come up with this program to share with you. Projects have been used
Platform: | Size: 20480 | Author: 朱铅华 | Hits:


Description: LED显示驱动 用于驱动LED管 I2C通讯 很不错的工具-LED显示驱动
Platform: | Size: 26624 | Author: 士大夫 | Hits:


Description: 通过按键调节PWM输出占空比并实时显示,最小1%最大99%(Adjust the duty cycle of PWM output and display by key-press)
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 幼稚七 | Hits:

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