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本文分析了多级维纳滤波器的特性,在加性噪声和二维天线阵列如均匀圆阵、均匀面阵、十字阵等条件和背景下,对信源个数和信源参数估计问题进行了研究,提出了基于多级维纳滤波器前向分解特性的快速参数估计方法,同时提出了基于多级维纳滤波器的二维ESPRIT参数估计方法,该类方法无需协方差矩阵的估计运算及分解运算,计算复杂度较低。另外,还提出了对信源个数的估计算法。-This paper analyzes the characteristics of multistage Wiener filter, in the additive noise and the two-dimensional antenna array such as a uniform circular array, the uniform array, cross array conditions and background, the source number and source parameter estimation problem undertook study, put forward based on Multistage Wiener filter prior to the decomposition characteristics of fast parameter estimation method, at the same time based on Multistage Wiener filter 2D ESPRIT parameter estimation method, the method does not need to estimate of covariance matrix calculation and decomposition, relatively low computational complexity. In addition, also put forward for source number estimation algorithm.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.32mb Publisher : 于文娟

为了对空间辐射源进行精确定位" 建立了基于任意阵列对多目标源进行二维DOA估计的数学模型。将 MUSIC算法推广到三维空间阵列可以对辐射源进行二维高精度测向,但由于其需要估计接收数据的协方差矩阵和进行特征分解, 因而其计算量较大。利用多级维纳滤波器的前向递推获得信号子空间和噪声子空间,不需要估计协方差矩阵和对其进行特征分解,从而降低了MUSIC算法的计算量。将文中的方法应用于任意阵列的二维DOA估计中进行计算机仿真和实际侧向系统性能验证,实验结果均表明该方法达到了MUSIC算法的性能,但与常规MUSIC算法相比降低了计算量.- In order to space radiation source for precise positioning" based on arbitrary array to multiple target source 2D DOA estimation model. The MUSIC algorithm is extended to three-dimensional space to two-dimensional array of radiation source for high precision direction finding, but due to the need to estimate the covariance matrix and eigenvalue decomposition, and the large amount of calculation. Use of multistage Wiener filter forward recursion received signal and noise subspace, does not need to estimate the covariance matrix and the eigenvalue decomposition, which reduces the computation of MUSIC algorithm. This method is applied to an arbitrary array DOA estimation for computer simulation and actual lateral system performance verification, the experimental results show that this method achieves the performance of MUSIC algorithm, but with the conventional MUSIC algorithm reduces the calculation amount.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 116kb Publisher : 于文娟

维纳滤波去除高斯噪声 二维中值滤波去除椒盐噪声-Wiener filter to remove Gaussian noise 2D median filtering to remove salt and pepper noise
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 151kb Publisher : 谷春花
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