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一个简单图形软件包。 设计一个简单图形软件包,它调用已有的DDA程序,并包括如下功能: 1. Window(x1,y1,x2,y2) 2. Viewport(x1,y1,x2,y2) 3. MoveTo2(x,y) 4. MoveBy2(x,y) 5. LineTo2(x,y) 6. LineBy2(x,y) 7. Shift2(dx,dy) 8. Pivot2(x,y) 9. Rotate2(angle) 10. Scale2(Sx,Sy) 11. 设计事例,对软件包的功能进行检测。 -a simple graphics package. A simple graphic design packages, it has been called the DDA procedures, and include the following functions : 1. Window (x1, y1, x2, y2) 2. Viewport (x1, y1, x2, y2) 3. MoveTo2 (x, y) 4. MoveBy2 (x, y) 5. LineTo2 (x, y) 6. LineBy2 (x, y) 7. Shift2 (dx, dy) 8. Pivot2 (x, y) 9. Rotate2 (angle) 10. Scale2 (Sx, Sy) 11. Design examples of the package function test.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 206.82kb Publisher : 小青豆

Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive element in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register. -Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword l KV (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents five bit. Uses GF (2 ^ 5) with primitive polynomial p (x) = x ^ x ^ 5 2 1 Ge nerator polynomial. g (x) = a ^ a ^ 15 * 21 ^ 6 a X * X ^ a ^ 15 2 * X ^ a ^ 3 25 * X ^ a ^ 4 17 5 * X ^ a ^ 18 ^ 6 X * a * X 30 ^ 7 ^ a ^ 20 * X ^ a ^ 23 8 * X ^ a ^ 9 * 27 X 10 ^ a ^ 24 * 11 ^ X ^ X 12. Note : a = alpha, primitive element in GF (2 ^ 5) and a ^ i is the root of g (x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizab le RTL modeling. Consists of five main blocks : SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver). CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator) Controller and FIFO Register.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 13.91kb Publisher : 孟轲敏

判断点是否在区域内. Private Sub Command1_Click() 当点与任一顶点重合时,返回“不在多边形区域” Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), RGB(255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P() As PointAPI ReDim P(9) As PointAPI P(0).X = 10: P(0).Y = 190: PSet (P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed P(1).X = 400: P(1).Y = 270: Line (P(0).X, P(0).Y)-(P(1).X, P(1).Y), vbRed P(2).X = 220: P(2).Y = 70: Line -(P(2).X, P(2).Y), vbRed P(3).X = 220: P(3).Y = 30: Line -(P(3).X, P(3).Y), vbRed P(4).X = 50: P(4).Y = 30: Line -(P(4).X, P(4).Y), vbRed P(5).X = 50: P(5).Y = 70: Line -(P(5).X, P(5).Y), vbRed P(6).X = 30: P(6).Y = 70: Line -(P(6).X, P(6).Y), vbRed P(7).X = 30: P(7).Y = 185: Line -(P(7).X, P(7).Y), vbRed P(8).X = 85: P(8).Y = 85: Line -(P(8).X, P(8).Y), vbRed P(9).X = 120: P(9).Y = 200: Line -(P(9).X, P(9).Y), vbRed Line -(P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.95kb Publisher : hfs

万年历 1.0 程序员: 小菜 语言 : VBA(Excel) 日期 : 2009-04-10 功能 : 1. 支持1900年至2100年间公历和农历查询 2. 支持国内假期和香港假期 1). 公历红色的为国内法定假期 2). 红色背景的为香港假期 3). 蓝色的为公众节日和纪念日 4). 绿色的为廿四节气 3. 支持在简体和繁体系统下使用 使用 : 添加按钮到Excel标准工具栏最后位置,点击就可以运行 可以保存到x:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Application Data\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART 下,只要打开Excel,就能自动运行
Update : 2009-04-11 Size : 62.62kb Publisher : cjlman

目 錄 1 目 錄 Unix基本指令 第一章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 1.1 本章教學大綱...................................................1-2 1.2 Unix的歷史......................................................1-2 1.3 Unix基本指令簡介..........................................1-5 1.4 編輯器vi.........................................................1-45 1.5 Unix的基本檔案系統.....................................1-51 1.6 相關網站.........................................................1-60 1.7 課後習題相關網站.........................................1-61 CMOS VLSI設計概念與Design Flow 第二章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 2.1 本章教學大綱...................................................2-2 2.2 IC的各種設計方法..........................................2-2 2.3 MOS電晶體....................................................2-10 2.4 CMOS的技術.................................................2-16 2.5 Bottom Up與Top Down設計........................2-25 2.6 Full Custom IC的設計流程............................2-29 2.7 Design Frame work II之檔案結構..................2-33 2.8 CAD/CAE軟體的資料格式標準....................2-40 2.9 國科會晶片實現中心 ( CIC )........................2-42 2.10 作業.................................................................2-44 2 目 錄 第 如何進入Cadence 三章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 3.1 如何進入Cadence.............................................3-2 3.2 如何將Cadence 4.3.X的Lib轉成OPUS-97A 4.4版的Lib......................................................3-4 3.3 建立新的Library............................................3-12 3.4 建立新的cellview...........................................3-17 Schematic 第四章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 4.1 Schematic 指令介紹.......................................4-2 4.2 Schematic繪圖視窗選項介紹..........................4-3 4.3 實作範例:建立一Buffer的Schematic View4-27 4.4 將Schematic View轉出網路檔 (netlist) 的CDL out...................................................................4-30 Symbol 第五章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 5.1 Symbol View快速選擇介紹.............................5-2 5.2 Symbol繪圖視窗選擇項介紹...........................5-4 5.3 實作範例:建立一Buffer的Symbol View...5-22 Layout 第六章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 6.1 Layout View......................................................6-2 6.2 Layer Selection Window (LSW) 視窗..............6-3 6.3 Layout快速選項列介紹...................................6-3 6.4 Layout View繪圖視窗選擇項介紹..................6-6 6.5 實作範例:建立一Buffer的Layout View....6-37 目 錄 3 第 Dracula 七章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 7.1 Dracula介紹.....................................................7-2 7.2 DRC(Design Rule Checking).............................7-2 7.3 DRC錯誤範例說明........................................7-15 7.4 DRC Error Message.........................................7-24 7.5 ERC錯誤範例說明.........................................7-27 7.6 LVS(Layout vs. Schematic Check)..................7-32 7.7 LVS錯誤範例說明.........................................7-49 7.8 LVS的錯誤型態.............................................7-62 7.9 LPE(Layout Parameter Extraction)..................7-78 I/O Circuit及Package 第八章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 8.1 I/O Circuit概述.................................................8-2 8.2 基本分類...........................................................8-4 8.3 CIC之I/O PAD................................................8-9 8.4 I/O PAD的規劃..............................................8-28 8.5 範 例.............................................................8-34 8.6 包裝 (Package)...............................................8-36 SPICE Simulation 第九章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 9.1 本章教學大綱...................................................9-2 9.2 SPICE Simulation的基本概念..........................9-2 9.3 SPICE的語法...................................................9-5 9.4 用HSPICE來模擬............................................9-8 9.5 用PSPICE來模擬..........................................9-53 9.6 用IsSPICE來模擬..........................................9-58 9.7 用SBTSPICE來模擬.....................................9-68 4 目 錄 第 Design Guide 十章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 10.1 本章教學大綱.................................................10-2 10.2 Design for Reliability......................................10-2 10.3 Design for Testability....................................10-27 範例:JK FF 第十一章 zzzzzzzzzzzz 11.1 本章教學大綱.................................................11-2 11.2 JK正反器電路圖............................................11-2 11.3 建立所有的邏輯閘.........................................11-3 11.4 JK正反器之schematic及symbol view........11-10 11.5 用HSPICE來模擬JK正反器之狀態輸出...11-11 11.6 Debug............................................................11-16 11.7 PDRACULA的驗證.....................................11-29 教育性晶片製作申請程序及範例 附錄一 Design Rules實例 (Mead & Conway) 附錄二 XV使用說明 附錄三 將電路加入IOPAD的方法 附錄四 加入IOPAD的幾個動作 附錄五 積體電路電路布局保護法 附錄六 參考資料
Update : 2010-10-18 Size : 8.89mb Publisher :

DL : 0
《精通MATLAB7.0混合编程》系统地介绍MATLAB 7.0的混合编程方法和技巧。全书共分为13章。第1章和第2章介绍MATLAB的基础知识,第3章简要介绍MATLAB混合编程,第4章至第9章分别介绍几种典型的混合编程方法,包括C-MEX、MATLAB引擎、MAT数据文件共享、Mideva、Matrix和Add-in。第10章、第11章介绍MATLAB与Delphi和Excel的混合编程。第12章介绍MATLAB COM Builder,第13章以图像处理为例介绍了一个综合应用实例。 本书按混合编程的具体方法进行逻辑编排,自始至终用实例描述,每章着重阐述各种混合编程方法的实质和要点,同时穿插了作者多年使用MATLAB的经验和体会。本书既适合初学者自学,也适用于高级MATLAB用户,可作为高等数学、计算机、电子工程、数值分析、信息工程等课程的教学参考书,也可供上述领域的科研工作者参考。 这里是本书所有源码压缩包,内容详尽、实例丰富,包含MATLAB实例的源文件、函数/命令和注解以及程序实例。 -"proficient MATLAB7 mixed programming" system introduced in MATLAB 7.0 Mixed Programming methods and techniques. The book is divided into 13 chapters. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 on the basis of knowledge MATLAB, Chapter 3 briefed Matlab. Chapter 4-Chapter 9, respectively introduced several typical mixed programming, including C-MEX, MATLAB engine, MAT data file sharing, Mideva, Matrix and the Add-in. Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Delphi on MATLAB and Excel hybrid programming. Chapter 12 on MATLAB COM Builder, chapter 13 for image processing as an example of a composite application. The book by the mixed programming methods for the specific logic layout description throughout example, Each chapter focuses on a combination of programming and real elements, while full of the author's
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.54mb Publisher : yixiao

一个简单图形软件包。 设计一个简单图形软件包,它调用已有的DDA程序,并包括如下功能: 1. Window(x1,y1,x2,y2) 2. Viewport(x1,y1,x2,y2) 3. MoveTo2(x,y) 4. MoveBy2(x,y) 5. LineTo2(x,y) 6. LineBy2(x,y) 7. Shift2(dx,dy) 8. Pivot2(x,y) 9. Rotate2(angle) 10. Scale2(Sx,Sy) 11. 设计事例,对软件包的功能进行检测。 -a simple graphics package. A simple graphic design packages, it has been called the DDA procedures, and include the following functions : 1. Window (x1, y1, x2, y2) 2. Viewport (x1, y1, x2, y2) 3. MoveTo2 (x, y) 4. MoveBy2 (x, y) 5. LineTo2 (x, y) 6. LineBy2 (x, y) 7. Shift2 (dx, dy) 8. Pivot2 (x, y) 9. Rotate2 (angle) 10. Scale2 (Sx, Sy) 11. Design examples of the package function test.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.92mb Publisher : 小青豆

zemax源码: This DLL models an anamorphic aspheric surface. This surface is essentially an even aspheric surface with different terms for the x and y directions. The sag is given by: Z = ((CX*x*x)+(CY*y*y)) / (1 + sqrt(1-((1+KX)*CX*CX*x*x)-((1+KY)*CY*CY*y*y))) + AR*( (1 - AP)*x*x + (1 + AP)*y*y )^2 + BR*( (1 - BP)*x*x + (1 + BP)*y*y )^3 + CR*( (1 - CP)*x*x + (1 + CP)*y*y )^4 + DR*( (1 - DP)*x*x + (1 + DP)*y*y )^5 Note the terms AR, BR, CR, and DR ... have units of length to the -3, -5, -7, and -9 power. The terms AP, BP, CP, and DP are dimensionless. The surface is rotationally symmetric only if AP = BP = CP = DP == 0 and CX = CY and KX = KY. -ZEMAX source: This DLL models an anamorphic aspheric surface.This surface is essentially an even aspheric surface with different terms forthe x and y directions.The sag is given by: Z = ((CX* x* x)+ (CY* y* y))/(1+ sqrt (1- ((1+ KX)* CX* CX* x* x)- ((1+ KY)* CY* CY* y* y)))+ AR* ((1- AP)* x* x+ (1+ AP)* y* y) ^ 2+ BR* ((1- BP)* x* x+ (1+ BP)* y* y) ^ 3+ CR* ((1- CP)* x* x+ (1+ CP)* y* y) ^ 4+ DR* ((1- DP)* x* x+ (1 2B ! DP)* y* y) ^ 5Note the terms AR, BR, CR, and DR ... have units of length to the-3,-5,-7, and-9 power.The terms AP, BP, CP , and DP are dimensionless.The surface is rotationally symmetric only if AP = BP = CP = DP == 0 and CX = CY and KX = KY.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher : 狄拉克

远程控制linux的系统的工具,使用很方便。 -remote control linux system tools, very easy to use.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 533kb Publisher : wanglin

Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword length (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents 5 bit. Uses GF(2^5) with primitive polynomial p(x) = X^5 X^2 + 1 Generator polynomial, g(x) = a^15 a^21*X + a^6*X^2 + a^15*X^3 + a^25*X^4 + a^17*X^5 + a^18*X^6 + a^30*X^7 + a^20*X^8 + a^23*X^9 + a^27*X^10 + a^24*X^11 + X^12. Note: a = alpha, primitive element in GF(2^5) and a^i is root of g(x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizable RTL modelling. Consists of 5 main blocks: SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver), CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator), Controller and FIFO Register. -Hard-decision decoding scheme Codeword l KV (n) : 31 symbols. Message length (k) : 19 symbols. Error correction capability (t) : 6 symbols One symbol represents five bit. Uses GF (2 ^ 5) with primitive polynomial p (x) = x ^ x ^ 5 2 1 Ge nerator polynomial. g (x) = a ^ a ^ 15* 21 ^ 6 a X* X ^ a ^ 15 2* X ^ a ^ 3 25* X ^ a ^ 4 17 5* X ^ a ^ 18 ^ 6 X* a* X 30 ^ 7 ^ a ^ 20* X ^ a ^ 23 8* X ^ a ^ 9* 27 X 10 ^ a ^ 24* 11 ^ X ^ X 12. Note : a = alpha, primitive element in GF (2 ^ 5) and a ^ i is the root of g (x) for i = 19, 20, ..., 30. Uses Verilog description with synthesizab le RTL modeling. Consists of five main blocks : SC (Syndrome Computation), KES (Key Equation Solver). CSEE (Chien Search and Error Evaluator) Controller and FIFO Register.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 14kb Publisher : 许茹芸

判断点是否在区域内. Private Sub Command1_Click() 当点与任一顶点重合时,返回“不在多边形区域” Line (0, 0)-(500, 500), RGB(255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P() As PointAPI ReDim P(9) As PointAPI P(0).X = 10: P(0).Y = 190: PSet (P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed P(1).X = 400: P(1).Y = 270: Line (P(0).X, P(0).Y)-(P(1).X, P(1).Y), vbRed P(2).X = 220: P(2).Y = 70: Line -(P(2).X, P(2).Y), vbRed P(3).X = 220: P(3).Y = 30: Line -(P(3).X, P(3).Y), vbRed P(4).X = 50: P(4).Y = 30: Line -(P(4).X, P(4).Y), vbRed P(5).X = 50: P(5).Y = 70: Line -(P(5).X, P(5).Y), vbRed P(6).X = 30: P(6).Y = 70: Line -(P(6).X, P(6).Y), vbRed P(7).X = 30: P(7).Y = 185: Line -(P(7).X, P(7).Y), vbRed P(8).X = 85: P(8).Y = 85: Line -(P(8).X, P(8).Y), vbRed P(9).X = 120: P(9).Y = 200: Line -(P(9).X, P(9).Y), vbRed Line -(P(0).X, P(0).Y), vbRed -Determine the point in the region. Private Sub Command1_Click () when the points of coincidence with any one vertex, the return of not polygon region Line (0, 0)- (500, 500), RGB (255, 255), BF Dim hRegion As Long Dim P () As PointAPI ReDim P (9) As PointAPI P (0). X = 10: P (0). Y = 190: PSet (P (0). X, P (0). Y), vbRed P (1). X = 400: P (1). Y = 270: Line (P (0). X, P (0). Y)- (P (1). X, P (1). Y ), vbRed P (2). X = 220: P (2). Y = 70: Line- (P (2). X, P (2). Y), vbRed P (3). X = 220: P (3). Y = 30: Line- (P (3). X, P (3). Y), vbRed P (4). X = 50: P (4). Y = 30: Line- (P ( 4). X, P (4). Y), vbRed P (5). X = 50: P (5). Y = 70: Line- (P (5). X, P (5). Y), vbRed P (6). X = 30: P (6). Y = 70: Line- (P (6). X, P (6). Y), vbRed P (7). X = 30: P (7 ). Y = 185: Line- (P (7). X, P (7). Y), vbRed P (8). X = 85: P (8). Y = 85: Line- (P (8) . X, P (8). Y), vbRed P (9). X = 120: P (9). Y = 200: Line- (P (9). X, P (9). Y), vbRed Line- (P (0). X, P (0). Y), vbRed
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : hfs

DL : 0
摘 要 盲图像恢复的主要困难是信息不足,而为了恢复图像和确定点扩散函数需要适当的先验知识。解决这个问题的法、 法以及正则化方法等。但是这些方法的计算量都太大,针对上述方法的不足,文章提出了一种恢复图方法有图像的新算法,它通过恢复残差的最小化和后验概率的最大化来估计参数和恢复图像。其中,巧妙地利用了最陡梯度法和 共轭梯度法的迭代求解。对由于运动造成的模糊图像,可以明显地改善图像的质量,实验结果证明,在对模糊操作没有严格限制的情况下,仍可得到较好的恢复图像。-: : 2$*/<$ I?E L691/6@ F9MM9G:0=@ R9=? S092F 91/DE 6EC=76/=972 9C 92C:MM9G9E2= 92M761/=972$I?9C G/00C M76 L67LE6 92G76L7 ( ) =972 7M/L69769 U27R0EFDE /S7:= =?E 91/DE /2F =?E L792=8CL6E/F M:2G=972 &[ $RE008U27R CL/GE8/F/L=9OE 6ED:0/69</= 1E=?7F /2F 3+ 1E=?7F M76 91/DE 6EC=76/=972 /6E E =E2FEF =7 /FF6ECC =?9C L67S0E1$] 2ER 1E=?7F 9C L67L7CEF =7 6EC= S0:6 91/DE :C92D+5 /2F 5E/C=V:/6EC 1E=?7F$W= :CE 192919<E/G7C= M:2G=972 /2F 1/ 919<E &[ M:2G=972 =7 6EC= =?E 91/DE /2F 9FE2=9M@ =?E L/6/1E=E6C$I?9C 1E=?7F :CE C=EELEC= FECGE2= /2F G72Q:D/=E D6/F9E2= 1E=?7FC =7 192919<E , G7C= M:2G=972 /2F 1/ 919<E L7C=E69769 L67S/S909=@ =7 91L67OE =?E S0:6 91/DE X?9G? 9C /0C7 =7 91L67OE =?E 91/DE V: =@ 92 C71E FED6EE R9=? 27 C=69G= 0919=/=972$
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 164kb Publisher : zy

FIBPlus is a component suite intended for work with InterBase. It is direct, fast and flexible InterBase connectivity for Delphi, C++ Builder, Ada and Kylix. FIBPlus supports Delphi 5-7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, C++ Builder 5-6, C++ Builder 2006, C++ Builder 2007, Kylix 3, gnat-3.15p, gnat2006 GPL, and all versions of InterBase 4.x-7.x, InterBase 2007 and Firebird 1.x-2.x. Using FIBPlus in your applications you do not need to install any additional software except for InterBase Client Software. FIBPlus supports all special InterBase features such as array-fields, event alerters, BLOB-fields, etc. FIBPlus is a native component set and its evaluation versions are distributed partially in sources. Registering FIBPlus you get full sources of components and technical support-FIBPlus is a component suite intended for work with InterBase. It is direct, fast and flexible InterBase connectivity for Delphi, C++ Builder, Ada and Kylix. FIBPlus supports Delphi 5-7, Delphi 2005, Delphi 2006, Delphi 2007, C++ Builder 5-- 6, C++ Builder 2006, C++ Builder 2007, Kylix 3, gnat-3.15p, gnat2006 GPL, and all versions of InterBase 4.x-7.x, InterBase 2007 and Firebird 1.x-2.x. Using FIBPlus in your applications you do not need to install any additional software except for InterBase Client Software. FIBPlus supports all special InterBase features such as array-fields, event alerters, BLOB-fields, etc. FIBPlus is a native component set and its evaluation versions are distributed partially in sources. Registering FIBPlus you get full sources of components and technical support
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 572kb Publisher : 步步

一款非常好用的wow头像增强插件,我已经用了多年啦,动态头像,灰常牛啊-A very useful image enhancement plug-wow, I have spent many years you, and dynamic image, often gray牛啊
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 665kb Publisher :

Notepad++程序编辑器的源码。使用 VC++ 7 或是 MinGW 3.0 / 2.X (與提供的 makefile 配合使用)來編譯 Notepad++。 用MinGW 3.0 / 2.X 或 VC++ 6 來編譯 dll 檔案(SciLexer.dll)-Notepad++ program source code editor. The use of VC++ 7 or MinGW 3.0/2.X (and provided with the use of makefile) to compile Notepad++. With MinGW 3.0/2.X or VC++ 6 to compile dll file (SciLexer.dll)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.11mb Publisher : conan

DL : 0
(1)自选存储结构,输入含n个顶点(用字符表示顶点名称)和e条边的图G; (2)指定任意顶点x为初始顶点,对图G作DFS遍历,输出DFS(深度优先)顶点序列(提示:使用栈实现DFS); (3)指定任意顶点x为初始顶点,对图G作BFS(广度遍历),输出BFS顶点序列(提示:使用队列实现BFS); (5)输入顶点x,查找图G:若存在含x的顶点,则删除该结点及与之相关连的边,并作DFS遍历(执行操作3);否则输出信息“不存在x”; (6)判断图G是否是连通图,输出信息“YES”/“NO”; (7)如果选用的存储结构是邻接矩阵,则用邻接矩阵的信息生成图G的邻接表-(1) on-demand storage structure, input containing n vertices (with characters in the name of that vertex) and e edges of the graph G (2) specify arbitrary vertex x as the initial vertex of the graph G for the DFS traversal, output DFS (depth-first) vertex sequence (Hint: Use the stack to achieve DFS) (3) specify arbitrary vertex x as the initial vertex of the graph G for the BFS (breadth traversal), the output sequence of BFS vertex (hint: the realization of the use of queue BFS) (5) input vertex x, find graph G: If there is a vertex with x, then the deletion of the nodes and edges associated with them, and DFS traversal (3 steps) Otherwise output "does not exist x" (6) to determine whether graph G is a connected graph, output "YES"/"NO" (7) If I choose the storage structure is the adjacency matrix, the adjacency matrix of the information used to generate the adjacency list graph G
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : 涂舒

LibCurl是免费的客户端URL传输库,支持FTP,FTPS ... Libcurl具备线程安全、IpV6兼容、易于使用的特点,支持多种平台-libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, TELNET, DICT, LDAP, LDAPS and FILE. libcurl supports SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication (Basic, Digest, NTLM, Negotiate, Kerberos4), file transfer resume, http proxy tunneling and more! libcurl is highly portable, it builds and works identically on numerous platforms, including Solaris, NetBSD, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, HPUX, IRIX, AIX, Tru64, Linux, UnixWare, HURD, Windows, Amiga, OS/2, BeOs, Mac OS X, Ultrix, QNX, OpenVMS, RISC OS, Novell NetWare, DOS and more...
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.05mb Publisher : stupidpig

David Hawley, Raina Hawley著,O Reilly出版社2004年3月出版。ISBN : 0-596-00625-X 。 本书介绍关于Excel的技巧工具,用来帮助在workbook和worksheet中破解内建特性,如表、图、公式、函数等。这本书手把手教你如何用Excel做任何事,从数据分析到worksheet的导入导出管理,以你可能从未想过的方式。本书提高了使用Excel的效率,在过程中也带给你"破解"的快感。-The tips and tools in Excel Hacks include little known "backdoor" adjustments for everything from reducing workbook and worksheet frustration to hacking built-in features such as pivot tables, charts, formulas and functions, and even the macro language. This resourceful, roll-up-your-sleeves guide shows you new ways to make Excel do things--from data analysis to worksheet management to import/export--that you never thought possible. Excel Hacks increases productivity with Excel and gives you hours of "hacking" enjoyment along the way.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.32mb Publisher : 闻扬

These objects and sources are targeted for executing into P6+ CPU core, and Delphi5-6-7-x software. Benchmarks show this zlib 40 average faster than native DLL distribution and 100 reliable (original test of zlib 1.1.4 version).-These objects and sources are targeted for executing into P6+ CPU core, and Delphi5-6-7-x software. Benchmarks show this zlib 40 average faster than native DLL distribution and 100 reliable (original test of zlib 1.1.4 version).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 142kb Publisher : janxp

在3.49-3.51GHZ频段内的典型中国城市环境下,地面信号衰落仍服从经典的指数对数分布。在中度误差(σx =10.291)下,路损指数在3.1-3.7之间。半径2公里的小区内,RMS时延在3-4微秒之间;典型的办公室环境中,存在直达径时RMS时延小于0.1微秒。在城市环境中,多径现象很明显,主要由高层建筑物引起,并以簇的方式存在。在城市中低速移动条件下(接收机移动速度小于100 Km/h)某一强径的生存时间通常超过10分钟,但相对到达时间会发生滑动。单一小区内的传播环境具有一定相关性,如果存在直达径,相关性会上升到0.4-0.5。此外,室外室内的测量结果都可以证明Jake模型关于入射角分布假设的合理性。当天线间距在1个载波波长增大到10个载波波长时,天线相关性在0.05-0.4之间。 SIMO信道探测系统能够揭示B3G信道的很多特征,但不能够全面、充分的分析和评估B3G信道。在后续工作中,我们将进一步改进这个测试系统,对B3G系统作更深入的研究。 参考-Aided by a 1-Tx and 2-Rx system working in 3.5GHz frequency and 20MHz bandwidth, JSI-MTLab studied the classic B3G urban wireless propagation environment of China and the classic indoor channel propagation environment through a recent indoor and outdoor wireless propagation measurement. A new path loss exponent is proposed in such band while the general outdoor model of path loss is verified. Also, the statistic results of RMS excess delay, max excess delay and mean excess delay in both indoor and outdoor scenarios are given. The lag-time domain and time-frequency domain channel responses are analyzed. At the end, the results of correlation of different propagation environment in the singular cell and antenna correlation are given as well as the phenomenon being analyzed and explained.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 156kb Publisher : xuchen
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