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computed tomography 三维图像重建算法,该算法在二维ART基础上改进所得-three-dimensional computed tomography image reconstruction algorithm, the algorithm on the basis of two-dimensional ART improve income
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : weige

基于三维空间三角网格的二维投影图像变换,包括3D仿射变换,基础矩阵求解及欧式空间的重构,对基于图像的三维重构有研究的朋友可以看下-triangular grid transform two-dimensional projection images, including 3D affine transformation, based Matrix Solution and European space reconstruction, based on the three-dimensional image reconstruction studies have friends in a glance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 197kb Publisher : 郭震宇

An Invitation to 3d vision 一书的配套源代码,对3d视觉和3d重建感兴趣的可以-Source code accompany <An Invitation to 3d vision >, anyone who is interested in 3d vision and reconstruction should see this.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 851kb Publisher : 张留

系统采用的是直接标定摄像机内部参数的算法,算法借助于标定参照物直接计算摄像机的内参数。整个系统是在VC++环境下设 计并实现的,并借助了IPL和OpenCV的帮助,只要输入标定物的图像,系统就可以迅速而又准确地输出摄像机内参数的结果。通过3D 重构实验证明了该系统的有效性。相对于MATLAB实现方式,该系统使用更加方便、快捷。 -System are directly used in the internal parameters of the camera calibration algorithm, calibration algorithm by means of direct calculation of reference within the parameters of the camera. The entire system is in VC++ environment to design and implementation, and with the help of IPL and OpenCV, as long as the input image calibration objects, the system can be output quickly and accurately the results of camera intrinsic parameters. Through the 3D reconstruction of the experiment proved the effectiveness of the system. MATLAB implementation vis-à-vis the way the system more convenient to use, fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 104kb Publisher : wangtao

针对双目立体视觉系统研制过程中的摄像机标定步骤,分析了计算机视觉函数库OpenCV中的摄像机模型,其 中的非线性畸变考虑到了切向畸变和径向畸变,采用Bouguet角点提取算法,实现了基于OpenCV的摄像机标定.该 算法具有很高的标定精度和计算效率、良好的跨平台移植性,可以满足双目立体视觉系统的需要. -System are directly used in the internal parameters of the camera calibration algorithm, calibration algorithm by means of direct calculation of reference within the parameters of the camera. The entire system is in VC++ environment to design and implementation, and with the help of IPL and OpenCV, as long as the input image calibration objects, the system can be output quickly and accurately the results of camera intrinsic parameters. Through the 3D reconstruction of the experiment proved the effectiveness of the system. MATLAB implementation vis-à-vis the way the system more convenient to use, fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : wangtao

针对双目立体视觉系统研制过程中的摄像机标定步骤,分析了计算机视觉函数库OpenCV中的摄像机模型,其 中的非线性畸变考虑到了切向畸变和径向畸变,采用Bouguet角点提取算法,实现了基于OpenCV的摄像机标定.该 算法具有很高的标定精度和计算效率、良好的跨平台移植性,可以满足双目立体视觉系统的需要. -System are directly used in the internal parameters of the camera calibration algorithm, calibration algorithm by means of direct calculation of reference within the parameters of the camera. The entire system is in VC++ environment to design and implementation, and with the help of IPL and OpenCV, as long as the input image calibration objects, the system can be output quickly and accurately the results of camera intrinsic parameters. Through the 3D reconstruction of the experiment proved the effectiveness of the system. MATLAB implementation vis-à-vis the way the system more convenient to use, fast.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 41kb Publisher : wangtao

该函数能完成多视图的三维重建工作,牵涉很多三维重建工作的函数,相信一定会对你有用-The file includes 3d reconstruction code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 65kb Publisher : yanyan

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机器视觉中三维重建的源码 具体包括4个文件,其中.c文件用于产生图像特征点矩阵-In the three-dimensional reconstruction process, resulting in the source image feature dot matrix
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : a

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在本文中,我们描述了一个新颖的无标定主动立体系统,它采用编码加密过的结构光。该方法是基于一个针对消极立体系统的无标定立体技术,在该技术中,一个投影仪代替一台摄像机。它还提出了一个同步三维重建方法,提高准确性和一个简单的方法来消除一个激光指针到投影的缩放模糊性。-In this paper, we describe a novel uncalibrated active stereo system using coded structured light.The proposed method is based on an uncalibrated stereo technique for a passive stereo system in which one of the cameras is replaced with a projector. It also proposes a simultaneous 3D reconstruction method to increase accuracy and a simple method to eliminate the ambiguity of scaling by attaching a laser pointer to the projector.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 168kb Publisher : 周倩倩

we introduce the Color-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, an area-based segmentation approach that is specifically designed to segment low-altitude aerial images, as a preprocessing step to 3D reconstruction. This approach extends the watershed-based Catchment Basin Merging Algorithm, which is purely geometric, by introducing color similarity as an additional criterion to decide on the merging of evolving regions. Experiments performed with real aerial images of varied nature demonstrate that this modification eliminates over-segmentation problems of the existing algorithm, allowing large-scale urban scenes to be segmented in an accurate, reliable and fully automatic way.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 759kb Publisher : bassem

此程序主要是用Matlab进行点云数据的三维建模,对用Matlab进行三维重建有实用价值。-The procedure is to use Matlab for modeling three-dimensional point cloud data on the three-dimensional reconstruction with Matlab has practical value.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 王宇鸿

很好的重建血管的matlab程序及论文,花费了7个财富值在百度上下的。-A very good Vascular reconstruction program and papers based matlab , and spent seven wealth download in Baidu.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 344kb Publisher : 侯小叶

在matlab环境下面编程,最好使用2012版本及其以上,完成利用matlab软件提供的图像处理函数来完成图像匹配,3D重建的工作。最后的效果图很好,由于是利用matlab自带的图片,所以压缩文件中无图片,直接打开m文件就可以运行!-Below programming in matlab environment, it is best to use 2012 version and above, using matlab software provides complete image processing function to complete the image matching, 3D reconstruction work. The final renderings good, as is the use of matlab comes with a picture, so the compressed file without pictures, you can directly open the m-file to run!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李雪松

some codes helpful in 3D reconstruction using matlab
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 785kb Publisher : imad

基于Matlab的点云三维重建代码程序,以实现从kinect深度图到点云,再进行三维重建的过程。-Matlab-based point cloud reconstruction program code to achieve kinect depth map the point cloud, and then the process of three-dimensional reconstruction.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 225kb Publisher : Albert Zhou

编制通用 M程序包实现从数据采集到模型渲染的全程自 动计算. 最后应用给出的方法完成了对 100张序列切片图像的计算机三维重建.(The general M package is compiled to realize the whole process from data acquisition to model rendering Finally, the 3D reconstruction of 100 slice images is completed by using the method given in this paper)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 342kb Publisher : Rinvay

shape from shading in 3D reconstruction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 362kb Publisher : pandayun

3D点云重建 3D点云重建Berkeley SfM is a structure from motion library created to explore new solutions to challenging 3D reconstruction problems (large scale, indoors, incremental, homogeneously textured, etc.). It is developed by(Structrue From Motion for Education Purpose Version 2 @ 2014 Written by Jianxiong Xiao (MIT License) This code demonstrates how a traditional structure from motion pipeline is done and how to compute a dense point cloud by matching propagation in a simplest way. It is mainly designed for teaching a computer vision lecture at Princeton. Please check the slides and the homework assignment together with this code release. Although it is for education purpose, it is implemented in a nice way that it actually works for real photos. It is just probably quite slow compared to more optimized system, such as Bundler from Noah Snavely. Usage: run SFMedu2.m in Matlab. Acknowledgement: Thanks for Fisher Yu for bug fixing and feedback. We also thanks many people for making their functions publicly available online. Note that the third party library may have different licenses that you need to follow. We include them for the convenience for the users and don't imply any copyright issues.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : fangyz

用MATLAB实现计算机视觉中三维重构所需的基本矩阵的运算(Implementation of basic Matrix Operation for 3D Reconstruction in computer Vision with MATLAB)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : OIDB%218551

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用MATLAB实现模拟立方体的重构,是计算机视觉中三维重构的重要的应用实验(Simulating cube reconstruction with MATLAB is an important application experiment of 3D reconstruction in computer vision.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : coruespumg
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