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[Special Effects8088

Description: 基于8088的程序.初学者可以参考.实现基本的数据输入和预处理,以及数据输出.
Platform: | Size: 1736 | Author: Yin | Hits:

[OS program8086-8088宏汇编语言程序设计教程

Description: --8086-8088宏汇编语言程序设计教程--- 8086-8088 macro assembler language programming guide
Platform: | Size: 8495480 | Author: 论文奖 | Hits:


Description: 汇编语言的基础教程(挺好的)-assembly language based Directory (very good)
Platform: | Size: 8501248 | Author: 江腾蛟 | Hits:

[Books8086&8088 ppt

Description: 一个不错汇编,接口技术的ppt -a good compilation, interface technology ppt
Platform: | Size: 974848 | Author: 刘溜 | Hits:

[assembly languageIntel 8088NEC V20 bios source

Description: 80888的bios源码,是好东西,看看吧!-8088 bios source code,good things.let s look at it.
Platform: | Size: 30720 | Author: 曾是命 | Hits:

[OS program8086-8088宏汇编语言程序设计教程

Description: --8086-8088宏汇编语言程序设计教程--- 8086-8088 macro assembler language programming guide
Platform: | Size: 8495104 | Author: 论文奖 | Hits:


Description: intel 8088 架构的verilog代码,可以综合下载,在fpga上实现8088调试。-intel 8088 verilog structure of the code can be integrated download, fpga achieved in 8088 debugging.
Platform: | Size: 240640 | Author: blueli | Hits:


Description: 8088计算器开发,查询方法,实现矩阵键盘输入控制-8088 calculator development, inquiry methods, realize the control matrix keyboard input
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周东永 | Hits:


Description: 8088计算器,中断方法,实现加减乘除等功能。-8088 calculator, interruption method, Math
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 周东永 | Hits:

[Software EngineeringBIOSandDOS

Description: 8088、8051的BIOS和DOS中断大全-8088,8051 interrupt the BIOS and DOS Encyclopedia
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 郭长柱 | Hits:

[assembly language8088

Description: 8086的主要的中断向量,在使用过程中你会对此了解的更多-8086 major disruption vector, in the course of this you will understand more
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: shao | Hits:


Description: 这是一个8086和8088系列机的编译器的源码,对于学习编译原理的同学来说很有价值啊!-This is a 8086 and 8088 series machines compiler source, compile the principle of learning for the students valuable ah!
Platform: | Size: 124928 | Author: 小张 | Hits:

[OS program16bit_microprocessor

Description: This is a 16bit 8086/8088 intel style microprocessor, which has main basic function and an internal memory, 16 * 256 bit size. Thank you.-This is a 16bit 8086/8088 intel style microprocessor, which has main basic function and an internal memory, 16* 256 bit size. Thank you.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 啊啊啊 | Hits:


Description: 8088微处理器及其寻址方式 8088微处理器的结构-8088 microprocessor 8088 microprocessor addressing mode and the structure of
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: 牛牛 | Hits:


Description: Run Pac-man Game Based on 8086/8088 FPGA IP Core
Platform: | Size: 432128 | Author: wangwei | Hits:


Description: 使用CPLD仿真8088核,内有源程序和说明,可以参考-CPLD simulation using 8088 nuclear, which has source code and description can refer to
Platform: | Size: 276480 | Author: 梁志洪 | Hits:

[Special Effects8088

Description: 基于8088的程序.初学者可以参考.实现基本的数据输入和预处理,以及数据输出.-Based on the 8088 procedure. Beginners can refer to. The realization of the basic data input and preprocessing, and data output.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: Yin | Hits:


Description: 80x86汇编语言程序设计教程 本书分为三部分。第一部分是基础部分,以8086/8088为背景,以DOS和PC兼容机为软硬件平台,以MASM和TASM为汇编器,介绍汇编语言的有关概念,讲解汇编语言程序设计技术。第二部分是提高部分,以80386为背景,以新一代微处理器Pentium为目标,细致和通俗地介绍了保护方式下的有关概念,系统和详细地讲解了保护方式下的编程技术,真实和生动地展示了保护方式下的编程细节。第三部分是上机实验指导。 本书的第一部分适合初学者,可作为学习汇编语言程序设计的教材。本书的第二部分适合已基本掌握8086/8088汇编语言的程序员,可作为学习保护方式编程技术的教材或参考书,也可作为其他人员了解高档微处理器和保护方式编程技术的参考书,还可作为程序员透彻地了解Windows程序设计技术的参考书。
Platform: | Size: 15885312 | Author: jinhao | Hits:


Description: Intel微处理器8088的VHDL实现,可以用ModelSim进行仿真测试。-Realization of intel microprocessor 8088 in VHDL language, and can be tested and simulated with ModelSim.
Platform: | Size: 604160 | Author: 卢刚 | Hits:

[assembly languagemiaobiao

Description: 是"操作系统"和"微机原理和接口技术"等其它核心课程必要的先修课,而且对于训练学生掌握程序设计技术,熟悉上机操作和程序调试技术都有重要作用。因此该课程在整个教学计划中占有重要地位。 本课程的目的和要求是: 1、 应使学生掌握8086/8088宏汇编语言程序设计的基本方法和技巧,能够运用8086/8088宏汇编语言编写应用程序。提高学生分析问题、解决问题的能力以及实际动手能力。 -Is " operating system" and " Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology" , and other core curriculum先修课necessary, but also for training students to master programming technology, familiar with the machines operation and debugging technology has an important role. Therefore the course in the teaching programs play an important role. The purpose of this course and requirements are: 1, should help students construct a macro 8086/8088 Assembly Language Programming of the basic methods and techniques, using 8086/8088 macro assembler language applications. Students analyze problems, problem-solving abilities, as well as the actual practical ability.
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: wuhuisong | Hits:
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