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%radon transform clear all % N=800 n=1:N fs=200 t=n/fs x1=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*5*t.^2)) x2=exp(j*2*pi*(5*t+0.5*15*t.^2)) x=x1+x2 %N=length(x) % ambifunb(x ) %*****************************************RAT naf=ambifunb(x) htl(abs(naf)) % [wh,rho,theta]=htl(abs(naf)) colormap([0,0,0]) % xlabel( 极半径 ) % ylabel( 角度 ) %**************************************%找出峰值点的坐标,计算初始频率和调频斜率(正确) %找出峰值点的坐标 b=max(max(wh)) [u,a]=find(wh>=0.8*b) - Radon transformclear all N = 800 n = 1: N fs = 200 t = n/fs x1 = exp (j* 2* pi* (5* t+ 0.5* 5* t. ^ 2)) x2 = exp ( j* 2* pi* (5* t+ 0.5* 15* t. ^ 2)) x = x1+ x2 N = length (x) ambifunb (x)***************************************** RATnaf = ambifunb (x) htl (abs (naf)) [wh, rho, theta ] = htl (abs (naf)) colormap ([0,0,0]) xlabel (polar radius) ylabel (angle)************************************** to find the coordinates of the peak point, calculating the initial slope of the frequency and FM (right) find the peak point of the coordinates b = max (max ( wh)) [u, a] = find (wh
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : abcde

计算全息close all clc clear A=zeros(64) A(15:20,20:40)=1 A(15:50,20:25)=1 A(45:50,20:40)=1 A(30:34,20:35)=1 % ppp=exp(rand(64)*pi*2*i) A=A.*ppp % Author s email: figure imshow(abs(A),[]) Fa=fft2(fftshift(A)) Fs=fftshift(Fa) Am=abs(Fs) % amplitude Ph=angle(Fs) % phase s=11 % 这表示边长吗? cgh=zeros(64*s) th=max(max(abs(Fs))) -CGH close all clc clearA = zeros (64) A (15:20,20:40) = 1 A (15:50,20:25) = 1 A (45:50,20:40) = 1 A (30 : 34,20:35) = 1 ppp = exp (rand (64)* pi* 2* i) A = A.* ppp Author s email: zjliu2001@163.comfigure imshow (abs (A), [] ) Fa = fft2 (fftshift (A)) Fs = fftshift (Fa) Am = abs (Fs) amplitudePh = angle (Fs) phases = 11 This means that the length was it? cgh = zeros (64* s) th = max (max (abs (Fs)))
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : ccfu

中国自有知识产权的直播卫星技术白皮书。为希望了解这个技术的人提供帮助-Chinese-owned intellectual property rights in the White Paper broadcast satellite technology. Want to know this technology to help people
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.9mb Publisher : chenheng

服务器端 启动服务端:com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass 一、航班管理模块 1、添加飞机型号 2、添加航班计划 3、删除航班计划 4、查询“全部”航班计划 5、查询“指定”航班计划 二、代理商管理模块 6、注册代理商管理 7、添加代理商 8、修改注册资料 9、修改积分 10、删除 三、订单管理模块 11、查看订单 12、业绩统计 四、系统信息 13、制作信息:( * 任选开发) 实现主要功能是描述哪个项目组开发,开发人员有哪些,开发日期,结束日期. 14、帮助文档:( * 任选开发) 实现主要功能是描述系统中每种操作的作用。 五、休闲娱乐 15、把自己以前开发的游戏(如扫雷、砸金花、五子棋)嵌入到系统中, 目的考查大家开发的游戏程序的移植性和系统兼容性。 客户端 启动客户端:com.tarena.abs.client. ClientMainClass 一、连接设置 1、注销登陆 2、设置连接参数 3、退出系统 二、客户信息 4、基本信息(已实现) 5、修改密码 6、历史记录:以往售出的订单项信息 三、查询航班 7、查询(难点) 四、添加订单项 8、添加到订单(难点): 9、“删除”订单项: 10、出票(难点) -We want to a ticket agent to develop a ticket booking system, which called for the adoption of a proxy at each point of the distribution of the client machine complete the check flight and ticket functions. The software system consists of two parts, installed in the agency point of the machine of the system on the program is the client software There is also installed on the agency s server-side software on the machine. Client software to complete the communication with the server, according to the given origin and destination and flight departure date to send a query to the server and the ticket requests. Server-side software to accept client requests to complete the flight search and ticket function returns the results to the client. At the same time, server-side software agents can carry out the management of records and statistics point of the volume of business of each agency and to the way the log files saved. Server Start the server: com.tarena.abs.server.ServerMainClass
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 601kb Publisher : 彭熙

shell 是如此地重要,但令人惊奇的是,介绍shell 的书没有真正令人满意的。所幸的是,我看到了 这本被人称为abs 的书,这本书介绍了bash 大量的细节和广阔的范围,我遇到的绝大部分的技术问题 --无论是我忘记的或是以前没有发现的--都可以在这本书里找到答案。这本使用大量的例子详细地介绍 了Bash 的语法,各种技巧,调试等等的技术,以循序渐进的学习方式,让你了解Bash 的所有特性, 在书中还有许多练习可以引导你思考,以得到更深入的知识。无论你是新手还是老手,或是使用其他 语言的程序员,我能肯定你能在此书用受益。而本书除了介绍BASH 的知识之外,也有许多有用的关 于Linux/UNIX 的知识和其他shell 的介绍。-Shell is so important and it s surpring that there are no satisfied book for it. But this book is a very good introduction for Bash.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.3mb Publisher : 薛刚

摘 要: 经过限带滤波后的QDPSK 信号的码元波形可分为稳定区与过渡区, 根据这一特点可以利用DFT 方法来实现信 号的解调和位同步。 在这种数字化解调器中需要设计一个合适的带通滤波器, 以便尽可能地消除信号的旁瓣分量而不影响信号 码元稳定区内的波形。本文介绍了上述带通滤波器的方案选择和基于M at lab 的滤波器参数设计方法, 以及仿真效果。-Abs tra c t: A f ter a band pass f ilter, QDPSK signal′ s symbo l can be divided into steady sect i on and t ransit i on sect i on, so the demodulat i on and synch ronizat i on fo r th is signal can be realized w ith DFT 1 In such a digital demodulato r, it is i mpo r tant to design a p roper band pass f ilter to get r id of side beam pow er effect ively and don′ t change the w avefo rm in steady sect i on1 Th is paper int roduces the scheme select i on, parameter design method and si mulate effect fo r th is f ilter based onM at lab1
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 193kb Publisher : zhangchenglin

例4:在sinc(t)信号中叠加噪声,分析对应频谱 fs=100 采样频率,必须大于两倍基带信号最高频率 ts=1/fs 采样时间间隔 T=2 时间窗大小 - x=x+0.1*randn(1,N) x=awgn(x,-10, measured ) figure plot(t,x) title( 时域信号图 ) xlabel( t /s ) y=fft(x,N) figure if mod(N,2)~=0 N=N-1 end f=linspace(0,fs/2,N/2) plot(f,abs(y(1:N/2))*2/N) title( 叠加噪声的sinc(t)信号频谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz ) figure y0=y(1:N/2) P=y0.*conj(y0)/N P=10*log10(P) plot(f,P) title( 功率谱 ) xlabel( f /Hz )
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张红

例3:分析占空比为ta的矩形脉冲频谱 T=1 时间窗大小 ta=0.5 占空比 N=256 t=linspace(-T,T,N) ts=2*T/N fs=1/ts -x=zeros(1,N) x(N/2-round(N/2*ta):N/2+round(N/2*ta))=ones(1,2*round(N/2*ta)+1) y=fft(x,N) figure plot(t,x) title([ 时域信号图 占空比为 ,num2str(ta)]) axis([-T T-0.2 1.2]) xlabel( t /s ) figure subplot(211) f=linspace(-fs/2,fs/2,N) plot(f,abs(fftshift(y))/N) title([ 矩形脉冲双边谱 脉冲时间t=[- ,num2str(ta*T), , ,num2str(ta*T), ] ]) xlabel( f /Hz )
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张红

DL : 0
刚从IBM官网上下载的,还没来得及看。关于Bash的。-IBM officials just downloaded, and have not had time to see. About Bash' s.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.66mb Publisher : 郑翔

DL : 0
The innovative Bicycle ABS Brake System controls brake force to reduce wheel skid. Built around an EKK-LM3S9B96 evaluation board containing a Stellaris LM3S9B96 microcontroller and support circuitry, the system measures the force applied to a bike’s brake levers, along with the speed of both wheels. If it detects skidding, it drives a pair of stepper motors that pull back on the brake levers, counteracting the rider’s squeezing force on the levers. An adjustment knob enables the rider to set the skid threshold level at which the system activates, allowing for different performance characteristics depending on the trail surface. You can connect a separate unit containing an LCD and menu buttons for diagnostic monitoring
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.42mb Publisher : ahmed

abs(Advanced Bash-Scripting)用户指南,英文版非常不错的教材-abs (Advanced Bash-Scripting) User' s Guide, English is very good teaching
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 648kb Publisher :

汽车防抱制动系统_ABS_模糊控制系统的研究,很好的硕士论文-The Antilock braking system _ABS_ fuzzy control system, a good master s thesis
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.22mb Publisher : 网通

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matlab中S函数的应用实例,求绝对值-matlab application examples of the S-function, absolute value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10kb Publisher : 王迪威

DL : 0
进制间的转换,顶顶顶,大学期间的作品,经供参考-#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main(){ int b,c,i,j int d[10000] char a[37]={ 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , I , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z } while(scanf(" d d",&b,&c)!=EOF){ i=0 while(b/c!=0){ d[i]=b c i++ b=b/c } d[i]=b c if(b<0) printf("-") for(j=i j>=0 j--){ if(d[j]<10) printf(" d",abs(d[j])) if(d[j]>=10) printf(" c",a[d[j]]) } printf("\n") } return 0 }
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 220kb Publisher : 应超

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[mimi,i]=min(abs(imag(disp1)-imag(disp2))) legend( LHS of dispersion relation , RHS of dispersion equation ) xlabel( u,cl ) figure(1) clc uppercuts = input( Enter number of intersection points desired: ) [g,h] = ginput(uppercuts) w = sqrt(V.^2-u.^2) s = sprintf( Constants: \n ) disp(s) for p = 1:uppercuts s = sprintf( u( d d) = 0.10f ,L-1,p,u(p)) disp(s) s = sprintf( w( d d) = 0.10f\n ,L-1,p,w(p)) disp(s) -[mimi,i]=min(abs(imag(disp1)-imag(disp2))) legend( LHS of dispersion relation , RHS of dispersion equation ) xlabel( u,cl ) figure(1) clc uppercuts = input( Enter number of intersection points desired: ) [g,h] = ginput(uppercuts) w = sqrt(V.^2-u.^2) s = sprintf( Constants: \n ) disp(s) for p = 1:uppercuts s = sprintf( u( d d) = 0.10f ,L-1,p,u(p)) disp(s) s = sprintf( w( d d) = 0.10f\n ,L-1,p,w(p)) disp(s)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : manish

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处理lasso regression。 使用stochastic Markov property。-Algorithm for solving the Lasso problem: 0.5* (y- X*beta) *(y- X*beta)+ lambda* ||beta||_1 where ||beta||_1 is the L_1 norm i.e., ||beta||_1 = sum(abs( beta )) We use the method proposed by Fu et. al based on single co-ordinate descent. For more details see GP s notes or the following paper: Penalized Regressions: The Bridge Versus the Lasso Wenjiang J. FU, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Volume 7, Number 3, Pages 397?416, 1998
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : 莫琳

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ABS的labview控制程序,经过实际运作,精度较好。-ABS s labview control procedures, after the actual operation, the accuracy is better.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 191kb Publisher : luo yong

研究了汽车制动过程中车速、轮速等的变化过程和影响因素;以化整为零的思想,研究得到制动过程中各物理量间的微分方程关系;进而建立在ABS下的数学模型;继而通过使用simulink建立仿真模型;采取逻辑门限的控制方法,综合仿真的整个动态变化过程;得到车速、轮速、滑移率、路面附着系数和制动距离随时间的变化曲线;最后利用图像分析的方法对各物理量进行分析、比较,对比有无ABS系统下制动距离的变化,得出使用ABS控制策略能显著缩短制动距离,提高制动安全性。数据分析和处理主要应用MATLAB软件。-The braking dynamics model of quarter vehicle ABS is established. It simulates the dynamic behavior of a vehicle under hard braking conditions. We researched the change of the vehicle speed and wheel speed during the vehicle braking. According to Newton s first and second law, then dfferential equations are obtained, so we get the Mathematical model. Next the response of the system is simulated by using Simulink in MATLAB . Based on the logic threshold control, we get the curve that Speed, wheel speed, slip ratio and road adhesion coefficient and brake distance changes over time. Contrasting with ABS or without ABS , using the ABS control strategy can significantly shorten the braking distance. Data analysis and processing mainly used MATLAB software.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : 张扬

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Vehicle cornering brake control strategy of a good master s thesis, a high reference value
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 9kb Publisher : polat

利用bang-bang模型,对汽车的制动过程进行控制,减少制动距离,防止其抱死。(Using a bang - bang model, to control the car's braking process, reduce the braking distance, prevent them from death.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 20kb Publisher : mr..right
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