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Update : 2011-01-12 Size : 2.85kb Publisher :

网络电话例程,可以连接本机做测试!--Network telephone example, and it can connect to local machine to do a test!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 83kb Publisher : 站长

需要的可以看看 是学习的好资料!-can look at the need to learn the good information!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5kb Publisher : 杨小豹

本文可用于核心协议分析-paper can be used for the core protocol analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 董益佑

自己编写的网络SOCKET通讯软件,在VC 6.0下编译通过,功能比较简单,可在局域网中任意两台机器上通讯,可下载此软件代码,用于自己的网络通讯类-their SOCKET prepared by the network communication software, the VC 6.0 compiler, relatively simple function can be arbitrary in LAN communications on the two machines can download this software code for the communications network
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 115kb Publisher :

一个很好的IP包捕获程序,可以在包内看到详细的IP包内容,并且设置了过滤规则,可以按照规则得到自己想要的东西VC6.0下调试通过-a good IP packet capture procedures, the package can be seen in detail within the IP packet contents, and set up filtering rules, we can follow the rules of the things you want to debug through VC6.0
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 30kb Publisher : 丁涛

网络IP电话源代码 开机:打开监听服务,以便别人可以和你通话。 关机:关闭监听服务,已经接受的连接不受影响,你可以继续通话。 拨号:连接已经开机的机器,弹出对话框后必须输入对方的IP和端口,如果需要使用代理,请正确设置代理服   务器。 挂机:断开正在进行的通话。 开机后会显示你监听的IP和端口,别人可以通过这个IP和端口和你连接。 连接成功(你拨号连接别人或别人来连接你)后会显示对方的IP和端口。-IP telephony network boot source code : Open monitoring services, and so that other people can talk to you. Shutdown : Close monitoring services, has accepted the connection will not be affected, you can continue to talk. Dial-up : Connecting switched on the machine, pop-up dialog box appears to be imported each other's IP and port, if the need to use the agent, the right to set up the proxy server. Coolness : disconnect the ongoing conversations. After boot monitor will show you the IP and port, the others through IP and port and connect you. Connecting success (your dial-up connection or other people to connect you) will show the other side of the IP and port.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 215kb Publisher : 颜林伟

用Delphi制作的程序,可以实现获取本地计算机的名称和IP地址的功能。-Delphi production process, can achieve access to the local computer name and IP address of the function.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 李凡

VC写的分析IP数据包的代码.rar如何使用的朋友可-VC write IP packet analysis code. Rar how to use friends can s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 155kb Publisher : ouxm

是一个QQWRY.DAT的ASP利用程序,修改于网络上流传的代码,只不过结合纯真数据库而做了优化。它可以直接使用该文件作为数据源做IP物理定位查询.-is an ASP QQWRY.DAT use procedures modified disseminated on the Internet code, but combining pure database optimization done. It can directly use the documents as data sources do IP physical location inquiries.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 268kb Publisher : 言圣

可以任意虚拟IP,运行后可以使用虚拟的IP发邮件,注册-It can implement any virtual IP ,after executing ,you can sent a email ,register and so on by using the Vitrual IP .
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.14mb Publisher :

能够截获发往外网的数据包,可设置类型TCP UDP等数据类型-catching fat out of network data packets can be set TCP UDP type data types
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 17kb Publisher : 张山

8051的IP软核,使用硬件描述语言编写,可以下载到FPGA/CPLD中作为片上系统的处理器-8051 IP soft-core, the use of hardware description language can be downloaded to the FPGA/CPLD as a system-on-chip processor
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 520kb Publisher : zy

开机:打开监听服务,以便别人可以和你通话。如果你有多个IP地址,会提示让你选择用哪个地址开机。 关机:关闭监听服务,已经接受的连接不受影响,你可以继续通话。 拨号:连接已经开机的机器,弹出对话框后必须输入对方的IP和端口,如果需要使用代理,请正确设置代理服 务器。 挂机:断开正在进行的通话。 开机后会显示你监听的IP和端口,别人可以通过这个IP和端口和你连接。 连接成功(你拨号连接别人或别人来连接你)后会显示对方的IP和端口。 关于代理服务器: 开机:支持Socks 4/5代理或者同时使用HTTP代理,如果不使用Socks代理,则HTTP代理无效。使用代理开机成功后显示的是代理服务器分配的IP和端口,别人必须使用该IP和端口才能和你连接。开机代理在主窗口上设置。 拨号:支持Socks 4/5和HTTP代理,或者二者的组合,组合使用时的连接顺序是HTTP->Socks。拨号代理在点击“拨号”后弹出的对话框里设置。 本版本修复了以前版本的一些小问题,增加了动态调整延时,打开和关闭话筒,声音,保存和自动加载通话地址列表,代理服务器列表,使用全部或部分本机地址开机。从本版本起,地址都为IP:PORT格式。 -boot : Open monitoring services, and so that other people can talk to you. If you have multiple IP addresses, so you are prompted to choose which addresses boot. Shutdown : Close monitoring services, has accepted the connection will not be affected, you can continue to talk. Dial-up : Connecting switched on the machine, pop-up dialog box appears to be imported each other's IP and port, if the need to use the agent, the right to set up the proxy server. Coolness : disconnect the ongoing conversations. After boot monitor will show you the IP and port, the others through IP and port and connect you. Connecting success (your dial-up connection or other people to connect you) will show the other side of the IP and port. Acting on the server : boot : support for Socks 4/5 proxy or at the s
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 262kb Publisher : 吴欢

tcp/ip协议的c语言实现 还比较不错 可以大家看一下 !-tcp/ip agreement c Language also can be quite good to see you!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : 胡显许

可以对网络的数据包进行截取 可以对包的数据进行分析 -can the network data packets can intercept packets of data analysis
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 34kb Publisher : 素宾

《TCP/IP详解,卷1:协议》是一本完整而详细的TCP/IP协议指南。描述了属于每一层的各个协议以及它们如何在不同操作系统中运行。作者用Lawrence Berkeley实验室的tcpdump程序来捕获不同操作系统和TCP/IP实现之间传输的不同分组。对tcpdump输出的研究可以帮助理解不同协议如何工作。 本书适合作为计算机专业学生学习网络的教材和教师参考书。也适用于研究网络的技术人员。 -"TCP/IP Elaborates on, vol 1 : The agreement" is a complete and detailed TCP/IP Guide. Description belongs to every one of the various agreements and how they run different operating systems. Author Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory using the tcpdump procedures to capture different operating system EC and implementation of TCP/IP transmission between the different groups. Right tcpdump output of the research can help understand how different protocols work. The book suitable for a computer professional students learning network of teachers and teaching reference books. Also applies to the study of the network technical staff.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11.5mb Publisher : 小易

USB20的IP CORE,可以直接用在SOPC下,自动完成全部的枚举,只需修改枚举参数即可!-USB20 IP CORE, can be directly used in SOPC, automatically complete the enumeration. only a modification of enumerated parameters can be!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 177kb Publisher : 林风

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 96kb Publisher : lijun

CAN IP Core can硬件的IP核,用于cpld和fpga编程can接口-CAN IP Core
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 117kb Publisher : liucl
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