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Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 31.24kb Publisher : penny

摘要:本文分别以GPI0口直接连接、串行转换连接、CPLD分部连接三种方法阐述了无外部总线的Philips ARM微控制器LPC210X与点阵图形液晶显示器的接口设计,并给出硬件电路框图和主要程序。 -Abstract : GPI0 I were to directly connect a serial link, connecting CPLD Division three methods described without external bus Philips LPC210X ARM microcontroller and graphics dot-matrix LCD interface design, hardware and circuit diagram is given and the main proceedings.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 小陈

cpld实现与液晶屏并口通信,VHDL 语言编程。对VHDL初学者应该有帮助的。-cpld achieve parallel with the LCD screen communications, VHDL programming. Right VHDL beginners should help.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 黄小光

这是我最近买的一套CPLD开发板VHDL源程序并附上开发板的原理图,希望对你是一个很好的帮助!其中内容为:8位优先编码器,乘法器,多路选择器,二进制转BCD码,加法器,减法器,简单状态机,四位比较器,7段数码管,i2c总线,lcd液晶显示,拨码开关,串口,蜂鸣器,矩阵键盘,跑马灯,交通灯,数字时钟.-which I have recently bought a CPLD Development Board VHDL source code accompanied the development of the plate diagram, You hope to be a good help! which states : eight priority encoder, multipliers, multi-path selectors, BCD binary switch, adder, subtraction device, the simple state machine, four comparators, seven of the digital control, i2c bus, lcd LCD allocated code switches, serial port, the buzzer sounded, matrix keyboards, Bomadeng, traffic lights, Digital Clock.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.43mb Publisher : Jawen

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这是用Verilog语言编写AV型LCD屏的驱动程序CPLD上运行并调试成功的。可用作数字到模拟LCD转换-Verilog language AV-screen LCD driver CPLD debugging and running successful. Can be used to simulate LCD digital conversion
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

FPGA/CPLD集成开发环境ISE使用详解实例-6-FPGA/CPLD integrated development environment IDE ISE example-6
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 邓志斌

这是一个用VHDL +图形法在CPLD内部搭建的液晶显示的驱动程序。液晶是ocmj5*10系列-This is a graphic with VHDL in CPLD internal structures of the LCD driver. LCD is ocmj5 Series 10*
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 751kb Publisher : 王伟晓

基于MAXII CPLD的对1602字符型液晶进行读写操作,其中使用了一个CFI的IP核-MAXII CPLD-based character LCD on the 1602 to read and write operation, which uses a CFI of the IP core
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : jaylee

用XC9572来控制LCD12864的读\写等时序,用89C52的总线方式来控制LCD-XC9572 used to control the read and write, such as timing LCD12864 with 89C52 bus to control the LCD
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 988kb Publisher : 朱飞月

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基于CPLD的双屏结构液晶控制器的研究与设计作者:黄丽薇.doc-CPLD-based LCD controller of the dual structure of the Research and Design Author:黄丽薇. Doc
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 31kb Publisher : penny

LCD 因其轻薄短小,低功耗,无辐射,平面 直角显示,以及影像稳定等特点,当今应用非常 广泛。CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件) 是一种具有 丰富可编程功能引脚的可编程逻辑器件,不仅可 实现常规的逻辑器件功能,还可以实现复杂而独 特的时序逻辑功能。并且具有ISP (在线可编 程) [1 ] 功能,便于进行系统设计和现场对系统进 行功能修改、调试、升级。通常CPLD 芯片都有 着上万次的重写次数,即用CPLD[ 2 ] 进行硬件设 计,就像软件设计一样灵活、方便。而现今LCD 的控制大都采用专用控制芯片,且一般都采用进 口芯片,成本较高。并且为了保证在特定环境下 控制芯片能正常工作,往往要加上必需的与门、 非门、以及HC244 ,HC245 、HC373 等元件,这样 不仅提高的成本,也因分立元件的引入而降低了 电路的可靠性。本设计的目的是采用Xilinx 公 司生产的一片XC95288 和一片XC95144 来实现 LCD 控制器以及其外围控制,时序逻辑的全部 功能,使得LCD 控制系统故障率和开发成本大 大降低,并使LCD 控制系统有强大的功能可扩 展性。-err
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 163kb Publisher : hjh

ATmega128实验板 简要介绍: 主要芯片: CPU:ATmega128L SRAM:SR61L256BS-8 CPLD:XILINX XC95144XL SFLASH:AT45DB081B ETHERNET:CS8900A USB:PDIUSBD12 LCD:122x32 LMC62_095_M POWER:LM2596S-3.3 RS232:MAX3232 软件:RS232,SRAM,CPLD调试通过,uCosII可以运行,ethernet部分没有完成,usb完成了一部分。 开发环境: WINAVR,ISE6,AVR Studio-ATmega128 board briefly introduce the experiment: the main chips: CPU: ATmega128L SRAM: SR61L256BS-8 CPLD: XILINX XC95144XL SFLASH: AT45DB081B ETHERNET: CS8900A USB: PDIUSBD12 LCD: 122x32 LMC62_095_M POWER: LM2596S-3.3 RS232: MAX3232 software: RS232, SRAM, CPLD Debug through, uCosII can run, ethernet part not completed, usb part completed. Development Environment: WINAVR, ISE6, AVR Studio
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9.48mb Publisher : yhui

使用PS2接口的键盘的小键盘输入,在12864液晶上显示出来,使用平台为CPLD或FPGA-PS2 keyboard interface to use a small keyboard input, in the 12864 liquid crystal display, use the platform for the CPLD or FPGA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1mb Publisher : luojicheng

基于CPLD的4X4键盘输入+液晶显示程序,以VHDL语言书写-CPLD based on the 4X4 keyboard input+ LCD procedures to VHDL language
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 62kb Publisher : 昌平荣

在电子技术中,频率是最基本的参数之一,又与许多电参量的测量方案、测量结果都有十分密切的关系,因此频率的测量就显得更为重要。测量频率的方法有多种,其中电子计数器测量频率具有精度高、使用方便、测量迅速,以及便于实现测量过程自动化等优点,是频率测量的重要手段之一。在本次毕业设计中我们选择使用单片机来制作数字频率计,并在实际制作中采用了直接测频法。利用延时产生的时基门控信号来控制闸门,通过在单位时间内计数器记录下的脉冲个数计算出输入信号的频率,最终送入LCD中显示。这样制作出来的频率计不仅可以满足设计题目的参数要求,而且具有了单片机的稳定性和成熟性,且控制能力强,是一种低成本,高可靠的设计方案。-In electronic technology, the frequency is one of the most basic parameters, but also with a number of electrical parameters of the measurement program, the measurement results have a very close relationship between the frequency of measurement, therefore it is even more important. Measurement of the frequency of a number of means, electronic measurement of the frequency counter with high precision, easy to use, rapid measurement, and measurement is easy to realize the advantages of process automation is an important means of measuring the frequency of one. Graduates in this design we have chosen to make use of single-chip digital frequency meter, and used in the actual production of a direct frequency measurement method. Delay arising from the use of gated time-base signal to control the gate time in units of the pulse counter to record the number of calculated frequency of the input signal, and ultimately into the LCD display. This produced not only the frequency of the parameters to
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 188kb Publisher : 张林锋

LCD Interface_Xilinx.CPLD源码参考设计-LCD Interface Xilinx CPLD
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.89mb Publisher : huangxing

用Verilog语言实现的PS2小键盘输入和1602 LCD显示的功能。无需修改,已经调试通过了。直接可以当成一个模块用于FPGA/CPLD系统开发过程。 这个代码是我在Libra环境下开发Actel FPGA时写的。-Verilog language using the PS2 keyboard and a small 1602 LCD display features. No changes have been adopted debugging. Directly as a module for the FPGA/CPLD system development process. This code is my development environment in Libra when written in Actel FPGA.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 6kb Publisher : 赵二虎

从零开始学CPLD和VerilogHDL编程技术,包括实验板原理图和实验源代码。-VerilogHDL learn from scratch and CPLD programming technologies, including board schematics and test source code.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3.02mb Publisher : 宋大力

altera cpld lcd controller
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.48mb Publisher : tragun

用CPLD+SRAM驱动数字TFT屏的例子,希望对大家有所帮助-With CPLD+ SRAM drive digital TFT screen example, we want to help
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : dengde
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