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function [h,s,v] = rgb2hsv(r,g,b)
%RGB2HSV Convert red-green-blue colors to hue-saturation-value.
%   H = RGB2HSV(M) converts an RGB color map to an HSV color map.
%   Each map is a matrix with any number of rows, exactly three columns,
%   and elements in the interval 0 to 1.  The columns of the input matrix,
%   M, represent intensity of red, blue and green, respectively.  The
%   columns of the resulting output matrix, H, represent hue, saturation
%   and color value, respectively.
%   HSV = RGB2HSV(RGB) converts the RGB image RGB (3-D array) to the
%   equivalent HSV image HSV (3-D array).

Update : 2008-12-16 Size : 1.48kb Publisher : leohee

Motorola PCM和WAVE_Format_PCM之间的转换-Motorola PCM and the conversion between WAVE_Format_PCM
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 张张

Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : 秦问

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很好的验证码生成程序。使用方法: picid = Request.QueryString["time"].ToString().Trim() picid =Math.Round((Convert.ToDouble(picid)*10000),0).ToString() Tools.image.VerifyImage pic = new Tools.image.VerifyImage(picid, 90, 50) System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream() pic.Image.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) Response.ClearContent() Response.ContentType = "image/png" Response.BinaryWrite(ms.ToArray()) Response.Cookies["Vcode"].Value = picid -Verification Code to generate a good program. Usage: picid = Request.QueryString [ time ]. ToString (). Trim () picid = Math.Round ((Convert.ToDouble (picid)* 10000), 0). ToString () Tools.image.VerifyImage pic = new Tools.image.VerifyImage (picid, 90, 50) System.IO.MemoryStream ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream () pic.Image.Save (ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png) Response.ClearContent () Response.ContentType = image/png Response.BinaryWrite (ms.ToArray ()) Response.Cookies [ Vcode ]. Value = picid
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5kb Publisher : pipi

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pdg转换pdf,txt,jpg等的转换器-PDG convert pdf, txt, jpg converter, etc.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.33mb Publisher : sunking

PDF转换成DOC的工具,感觉还不错,推荐给大家-PDF convert DOC tools, I feel pretty good, recommended to everyone
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 5.17mb Publisher : rAEITOU

实用 pdf与word相互转换 已破解 无需其他另外的方法-Practical pdf and word conversion has been broken without the other the other way
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 15.85mb Publisher : 谭培来

这是一个基于可编程逻辑器件的程序,用来实现自动转换量程频率计控制器,该程序在可以再仿真器上仿真实现-This is a programmable logic device based on the procedures used to automatically convert the frequency range of the controller, the program can be in the simulation simulator
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 172kb Publisher : jyb

提供快速将PDF文件转化为TIF格式 Form1.frm/Project1.vbp -Convert PDF into TIF
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 357kb Publisher : mavis

it is a image processing project which can find special and certain object with certain shapes in the images. it obtain the P and S for each object and compare P/S ratio to template image and object. Sobel use for P and finding edges and Labeling algorithm use for S.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11kb Publisher : Mohammadali

使用acm做的gsm-pcm格式转换库程序,在VC6下编译,生成waveConvert.d-Acm done using the gsm-pcm format conversion library procedures under VC6 compiler to generate waveConvert.dll
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 10.73mb Publisher : wgh

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pdg to pdf convertor .rar
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.59mb Publisher : ad

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把 html网页格式转换成图片格式 以便于保存网页-convert html to jpg
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 138kb Publisher : 吴kh

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manual for new P# tools, convert prolog to c# code
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 87kb Publisher : jolia sot

convert html to pdf document
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 59kb Publisher : muhammad

把CAD图纸转换为PDF,方便技术交流,在没装AutoCAD的电脑上也看CAD图纸。-Convert the CAD drawings into PDF, and facilitate technology exchange the computer without AutoCAD installed can see CAD drawings.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.81mb Publisher : 彭鹏

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实验RK算法,即利用Hash方法和素数理论,首先定义一个Hash函数(hash (r) = r mod q),然后将模式串P和文本串T中长度为m的子串利用Hash函数转换成数值。显然只需比较那些与模式串具有相同Hash函数值的子串。 当然因为Hash冲突的存在,还要进一步进行字符串比较,但只要选择适当的素数q, Hash冲突的概率就会很小 -Experimental RK algorithm, namely the use of Hash methods and prime number theory, first of all define a Hash Function (hash (r) = r mod q), then the pattern string P and text string T of length m substring using Hash function to convert values . Clearly only those with the pattern string comparison Hash function values ??with the same substring. Of course, the existence of the conflict because of Hash, but also further string comparison, but as long as selecting the appropriate prime q, Hash is very small the probability of conflict
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 213kb Publisher : chenb

surface2volume SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output block has the dimension [M,N,P] where M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1. -surface2volume SURFACE2VOLUME convert a surface volume to a solid volume OV = surface2volume(fv) creates a volume block (logical) in which every voxel which is inside the given surface fv is set to 1. The structure fv defines the surface by vertices and faces. The output block has the dimension [M,N,P] where M = round((max(Xpos)-min(Xpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, N = round((max(Ypos)-min(Ypos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, P = round((max(Zpos)-min(Zpos)/GRIDSIZE)+2, Xpos, Ypos, Zpos are the Coordinates of the given vertices in the fv structure. The default GRIDSIZE is 1.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : INESS

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C# SQL高效操作类源码 技术特点: 使用极其灵活可以非常方便快捷的操作数据库,是的sql2005操作起来方便程度超过Mysql, 最适合制作企业网站,开发效率极高,操作非常简单。 使用例子: Object[] str = { biaoti.Text, neirong.Text, DateTime.Now } Conn.Add("news", "biaoti,neirong,date", str) 修改: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(myid.Text) Object[] str = { Request["biaoti"], Request["neirong"], DateTime.Now } Conn.Edit("news", "biaoti,neirong,date", str, " id=" id) 删除例子: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["id"]) Conn.Delete("news", " id=" id) //注意这里 不用加 where Response.Redirect("Default.aspx") 列表例子: //输出分页 接收分页数 p = System.Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["p"]) .................. 功能描述:增、删、改、查、类表分页,sql2005转Mysql操作习惯。 注意事项:最适合企业网站、论坛等网站使用。-C# SQL efficient operation class source Features: Extremely flexible and can be very easy to use and efficient operation of the database is up and ease of operation of sql2005 over Mysql, Most suitable for making corporate Web site, developed highly efficient operation is very simple. Use examples: Object [] str = {biaoti.Text, neirong.Text, DateTime.Now } Conn.Add ("news", "biaoti, neirong, date", str) Review: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32 (myid.Text) Object [] str = {Request ["biaoti"], Request ["neirong"], DateTime.Now } Conn.Edit ("news", "biaoti, neirong, date", str, "id =" id) Delete example: int id = System.Convert.ToInt32 (Request.QueryString ["id"]) Conn.Delete ("news", "id =" id) // Note that where no increase Response.Redirect ("Default.aspx") List of examples: // Output paging receiver sub-pa
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 625kb Publisher : 安然

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北航c2作业 【问题描述】近几年有人提出了这样一种算法,它虽然只是单纯地对文件进行重排,本身并不压缩文件。 该算法如下:对一个长度为n的字符串S,首先根据它构造n个字符串,其中第i个字符串由将S的前i-1个字符置于末尾得到。然后把这n个字符串按照首字符从小到大排序,如果两个字符串的首字符相等,则按照它们在S中的位置从小到大排序。排序后的字符串的尾字符可以组成一个新的字符串S’,它的长度也是n,并且包含了S中的每一个字符。最后输出S’以及S的首字符在S’中的位置p。 【输入文件】输入文件filezip.in包含两行,第1行是一个整数n(1 <=n<=10000),代表S的长度,第2行是字符串S。 【输出文件】 输出文件filezip.out包含两行,第1行是S’,第2行是整数p。 【输入样例】 7 example 【输出样例】 xelpame 7-c language
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 551kb Publisher : zt
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