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[Other resourcecoursedesign-DataStructure

Description: 包含8个文件:type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c-contains eight documents : type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c
Platform: | Size: 5452 | Author: 小镇青年 | Hits:


Description: JAVA实现: 将输入的中文字符转换成拼音,并且得到首字母。比如输入:测试, 返回 cheshi CS
Platform: | Size: 94399 | Author: abc | Hits:

[source in ebookcoursedesign-DataStructure

Description: 包含8个文件:type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c-contains eight documents : type.h, borrow.c, createfile.c, MainMenuControl.C, reader.c, readfile.c, search.c, writefile.c
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 小镇青年 | Hits:


Description: JAVA实现: 将输入的中文字符转换成拼音,并且得到首字母。比如输入:测试, 返回 cheshi CS
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: abc | Hits:


Description: 该多线程下载工具功能强大,简单实用。参考迅雷的功能来实现,因此本下载工具的名字叫做“迅雷(山寨版)”。虽然没有真正迅雷功能那么强大,但是一些下载所具备的功能已经实现。-The multi-threaded downloading tool for powerful, simple and practical. Thunderbolt reference function to achieve, so the name of the download tool is called " Thunderbolt (cottage version)." Although there is no real function so powerful Thunderbolt, but some of the features available to download has been achieved.
Platform: | Size: 300032 | Author: 张敏文 | Hits:


Description: 学生成绩管理系统 一个简单的课程设计 学生成绩管理系统 一个简单的课程设计-学生成绩管理系统 一个简单的课程设计
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: candyional | Hits:


Description: 用Verilog实现一位原码浮点数乘法器,按照累加的方式,逐位相乘,再相加。-Verilog realization of an original code with floating point multiplier, in accordance with the cumulative way, bit by bit multiply, then add.
Platform: | Size: 245760 | Author: 李伟彬 | Hits:


Description: 微机原理课程设计--直流电机的控制 汇编语言-Course Design of Microcomputer- DC motor control assembly language
Platform: | Size: 160768 | Author: jiaye | Hits:

[Data structscourseDesign

Description: C语言课程设计例子,迷宫的实现,包括了需求分析,概要设计,详细设计,测试,源代码等-C language curriculum design example, the realization of the maze, including requirements analysis, preliminary design, detailed design, testing, source code, etc.
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: chenpeng | Hits:

[GUI DevelopmyMFCcoursedesign

Description: 这是我做的一个MFC的课程设计,实现的是MFC通讯录的功能。-this is my MFC coursedesign,I spent 3 days on it.
Platform: | Size: 211968 | Author: 邓小求 | Hits:


Description: 这是我大二时做的java的课程设计,是一个局域网的多人聊天室。-this a java project,it s a chatroom based on LAN.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: 邓小求 | Hits:


Description: CourseDesign 在netbeans上运行-CourseDesign run in netbeans on
Platform: | Size: 22528 | Author: 温蒂 | Hits:


Description: 人事管理系统设计,其作用是对工作人员进行统一管理,可以进行方便的录入,查询,修改,删除,退出。随时把握人员异动情况,-Personnel management system design, unified management staff, convenient entry, query, modify, delete, exit. Grasp the personnel transaction at any time,
Platform: | Size: 1016832 | Author: 陈秀枝 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopCourseDesign

Description: 进销存货物管理系统,进销存货物管理系统主要运用了数据结构中线性表的链式存储,链式存储空间的可扩展性大,将链表中的数据以文件的形式保存,程序功能包括初始化、创建表、插入、删除和查找等,以最少的内存使用和最高的效率为原则,实现客户的需求。进入主菜单,选择相应的功能按照提示即可进入相应的操作。-Invoicing of goods management system
Platform: | Size: 2098176 | Author: 何伟 | Hits:


Description: 源代码转换的一个小小的实现,写得比较一般,但是功能齐全-Source code into a small implementation written in general, but fully functional
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: zjl | Hits:


Description: c++课程设计 从串口读取温度数据 并且绘制温度和时间关系的波形图 串口程序 波形图绘制 界面用skin++美化过 界面美观 值得初学者学习-C++ curriculum design temperature data read from the serial port and the relationship between temperature and time of the waveform charting serial interface program of waveform graph Interface with skin++ beautify the beginners can learn across the interface is beautiful
Platform: | Size: 8951808 | Author: 李伟杰 | Hits:


Description: 操作系统课程设计包含:多线程模拟(生产者和消费者)、银行家算法、页面置换算法-Courses on operating system design includes: multi-threaded simulation (producers and consumers), bankers algorithm, page replacement algorithm
Platform: | Size: 5263360 | Author: 南工程 软件101 墨雁 | Hits:

[OS DevelopLinux-CourseDesign-version-2.0

Description: Linux下的C语言图书馆管理系统,可以添加管理员,添加读者,读者可限借3本书等功能-C language library management system under Linux, you can add the administrator, add the reader, the reader can borrow only 3 books and other functions.
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 马斌斌 | Hits:

[Other Web CodeCourseDesign

Description: 提供校园两个景点之间路径总长度和所经景点的查询,是大二上Java时个人做的课程设计-campus for two spots between the total length of trails and attractions by the inquiry, is sophomore C++ programs done by design-Provide the campus and the total length of path between two scenic spots by the attractions of query, is a sophomore in Java when individuals do course design- campus for two spots between the total length of the trails and attractions by the inquiry, is sophomore c++ designed done by design
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: 刘东 | Hits:


Description: 网上书店在线销售系统,店长拥有所有的权限,包括店员和销售员-Online bookstore online sales system, the manager has all permissions, including the clerk and salesman
Platform: | Size: 1752064 | Author: sdjfhauweirfns | Hits:
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