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Description: 在STAR ES598PCI单板开发机上实现对电烤箱温度和时间的控制功能。 设计要求: (1)通过键盘设定温度和加热时间。 (2)使用DS18B20采集温度,采用七段数码管显示当前温度和剩余时间,并和设置的温度进行比较。 (3)当温度低于设定值时,通过DAC0832输出电压供给发热电阻RT1,使其温度升高。 (4)使温度恒定在设定温度附近,时间到了停止加热,并提示操作完毕。 -In the STAR ES598PCI veneer development machine to realize oven temperature and time control functions. Design requirements: (1) through the keyboard to set the temperature and heating time. (2) The use of DS18B20 collecting temperature, using seven-segment digital tube displays the current temperature and the remaining time, and and set the temperature for comparison. (3) When the temperature is below the set value, the DAC0832 output voltage of the supply of heat through the resistor RT1, so that temperature. (4) to enable the temperature constant at the set temperature near the time to the cessation of heating, and prompt action is completed.
Platform: | Size: 278528 | Author: | Hits:


Description: ① 设计并开发能检测温室温度信号,并能产生报警信号的系统; ② 通过在程序中设置温度界限值,能判断采集的温度是否超过界限值; ③ 若温度值越界则进行声(蜂鸣器)、光(发光二极管)报警; 说明:界限值是自行设定的(26C),其所对应的数字量为十六进制数(0180H)。 (2)使用DS18B20采集温度,采用七段数码管显示当前温度和剩余时间,并和设置的温度进行比较。 (3)当温度低于设定值时,通过DAC0832输出电压供给发热电阻RT1,使其温度升高。 (4)使温度恒定在设定温度附近,时间到了停止加热,并提示操作完毕。 -In the STAR ES598PCI veneer development machine to realize oven temperature and time control functions. Design requirements: (1) through the keyboard to set the temperature and heating time. (2) The use of DS18B20 collecting temperature, using seven-segment digital tube displays the current temperature and the remaining time, and and set the temperature for comparison. (3) When the temperature is below the set value, the DAC0832 output voltage of the supply of heat through the resistor RT1, so that temperature. (4) to enable the temperature constant at the set temperature near the time to the cessation of heating, and prompt action is completed.
Platform: | Size: 289792 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 题目要求设计一个用于智力竞赛的抢答计时器。主持人按下启动钮,开始抢答,参赛方(八方)看到允许抢答信号后分别按不同的抢答按钮参与抢答。一旦其中一方按下按钮,相应的抢答者编号显示在屏幕上,此时若其他按钮按下均无效。若无一人按下按钮,则抢答结束(以后按抢答无效)。③ 若温度值越界则进行声(蜂鸣器)、光(发光二极管)报警; 说明:界限值是自行设定的(26C),其所对应的数字量为十六进制数(0180H)。 (2)使用DS18B20采集温度,采用七段数码管显示当前温度和剩余时间,并和设置的温度进行比较。 (3)当温度低于设定值时,通过DAC0832输出电压供给发热电阻RT1,使其温度升高。 (4)使温度恒定在设定温度附近,时间到了停止加热,并提示操作完毕。 -In the STAR ES598PCI veneer development machine to realize oven temperature and time control functions. Design requirements: (1) through the keyboard to set the temperature and heating time. (2) The use of DS18B20 collecting temperature, using seven-segment digital tube displays the current temperature and the remaining time, and and set the temperature for comparison. (3) When the temperature is below the set value, the DAC0832 output voltage of the supply of heat through the resistor RT1, so that temperature. (4) to enable the temperature constant at the set temperature near the time to the cessation of heating, and prompt action is completed.
Platform: | Size: 105472 | Author: | Hits:

[assembly languagecountdown

Description: 用STAR ES598PCI单板开发机设计一个与七段LED显示器,显示一个倒计时时钟,设置一个初值,初值的设置按照时间制,超过最大值显示“ERROR”,按任意键接着设置。该初值每隔一秒改变一次并显示改变后的值,LED显示器显示天、时、分、秒的动态值。倒计时结束后显示“OVER”。-STAR ES598PCI single board machine with the development of a seven-segment LED display designed to show a countdown clock, set an initial value, initial value is set in accordance with time, more than the maximum display " ERROR" , then press any key to set. The initial value of every second to change the time and shows the value after the change, LED display shows days, hours, minutes and seconds, the dynamic value. After the countdown displays " OVER" .
Platform: | Size: 364544 | Author: 苏鸿飞 | Hits:

[assembly languageSimpleelectronicorgan

Description: 通过按动STAR ES598PCI单板机的G6区的1~7号键,使用单板机上的8255A芯片进行音调的选择,由8253芯片控制产生不同频率的方波,输出到单板机上D1区的蜂鸣器,使其对应于G6区的1~7号键由低到高发出1~7的音阶,并由8255A芯片控制8253芯片的工作状态,使其能够控制蜂鸣器的发声与否,从而实现简易电子琴的演奏功能。同时,也可以通过事先设置好的“乐谱”回放一段音乐,实现简易电子琴的回放功能以及对用户演奏过的一段音乐进行重放功能。用户可以通过DOS界面下的菜单对电子琴的回放和重放或是演奏功能进行选择。-Through the press ES598PCI single trigger G6 STAR of the 1 ~ 7 keys, use on veneer 8255A chips for the choice of 8253 tones and different frequency of chip control, to the output pulse on veneer, making it the buzzer D1 G6 corresponding to the 1 ~ 7 keys from low to high send 1-7, and the scale of 8255A chip control 8253 chips working condition, which can control the buzzer voice or not, so as to realize the function of simple keyboard playing. At the same time, also can be set through the music playback period, the simple keyboard function and user to play music played on a replay function. Users can pass on the menu under DOS interface and replay the replay keyboards or play function.
Platform: | Size: 481280 | Author: 苏鸿飞 | Hits:

[assembly languageCalculatorsystemsdesign

Description: 课程设计要求:用STAR ES598PCI单板机开发机系列接口芯片设计一个可以进行2位数的四则运算的计算器。-Curriculum design requirements: A STAR ES598PCI SBC development machine serial interface chip design can be one of the four two-digit calculator operations.
Platform: | Size: 352256 | Author: 苏鸿飞 | Hits:

[assembly languageFunctionGenerator

Description: 设计内容:以STAR ES598PCI单板机,开发能够输出多种波形且频率可变的函数发生器。设计要求: (1)能够输出锯齿波,三角波,正弦波,脉冲波. (2)能根据键盘命令进行波形之间的切换. (3)能对输出的波形频率进行调节。 -Design content: STAR ES598PCI single board, developers can output a variety of waveforms and variable frequency function generator. Design requirements: (1) can output sawtooth, triangle wave, sine wave, pulse wave. (2) according to the keyboard command to switch between waveforms. (3) can adjust the output waveform frequency.
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: mike | Hits:

[assembly languageEmbroideryMachineControllerDesign

Description: 用STAR ES598PCI单板机开发机系列接口芯片设计一个可以控制步进电机转速、转向和转动步数。 (1)键输入方向和速度以及步数; (2)LED显示上述数据 -SBC developed by STAR ES598PCI series interface chip designed to control a stepper motor speed, steering and turning a few steps. (1) key input direction and speed as well as the step number (2) LED display above the data
Platform: | Size: 171008 | Author: mike | Hits:


Description: 题目要求设计一个用于智力竞赛的抢答计时器。主持人按下启动钮,开始抢答,参赛方(八方)看到允许抢答信号后分别按不同的抢答按钮参与抢答。一旦其中一方按下按钮,相应的抢答者编号显示在屏幕上,此时若其他按钮按下均无效。若无一人按下按钮,则抢答结束(以后按抢答无效)。③ 若温度值越界则进行声(蜂鸣器)、光(发光二极管)报警; 说明:界限值是自行设定的(26C),其所对应的数字量为十六进制数(0180H)。 (2)使用DS18B20采集温度,采用七段数码管显示当前温度和剩余时间,并和设置的温度进行比较。 (3)当温度低于设定值时,通过DAC0832输出电压供给发热电阻RT1,使其温度升高。 (4)使温度恒定在设定温度附近,时间到了停止加热,并提示操作完毕。 -In the STAR ES598PCI veneer development machine to realize oven temperature and time control functions. Design requirements: (1) through the keyboard to set the temperature and heating time. (2) The use of DS18B20 collecting temperature, using seven-segment digital tube displays the current temperature and the remaining time, and and set the temperature for comparison. (3) When the temperature is below the set value, the DAC0832 output voltage of the supply of heat through the resistor RT1, so that temperature. (4) to enable the temperature constant at the set temperature near the time to the cessation of heating, and prompt action is completed.
Platform: | Size: 69632 | Author: zhan | Hits:

[Other Embeded programasm

Description: 基于单板机的函数发生器,输出波形,用STAR ES598PCI单板开发机,开发能输出多种波形且频率可变的函数发生器。 设计要求:(1)能输出正弦波、三角波、锯齿波、脉冲波。 (2)能根据键盘命令进行波形切换。 (3)能根据键盘命令和“+”、“-“号对输出波形的频率进行控制和调节。 -SBC-based function generator, the output waveform
Platform: | Size: 68608 | Author: 胡靖 | Hits:

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