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人脸检测系统具有以下功能: 1.人脸检测,包括灰度图像和彩色图像,以及USB摄像头实时人脸检测。 2.人脸识别,包括静态人脸识别和USB摄像头实时人脸识别-Face detection system has the following features: 1. Human Face Detection, including gray-scale images and color images, as well as the USB camera in real-time face detection. 2. Face Recognition, including the static face recognition and face recognition in real-time USB camera
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 238kb Publisher : 李成

对由光源颜色变化引起的图像色彩偏差,进行了校正,并在YCbCr颜色空间建立了Cb-Cr色度查找表和亮度信息联合的肤色模型,应用预处理技术,去除部分非人脸区域,减少人脸检测的搜索空间,并采用模板匹配方法在人脸候选区域检测人脸.实验表明,该方法能够有效的从复杂环境的彩色图像中检测出左右旋转不超过45°的人脸,且不受人脸表情、尺度和数目的影响,且错误率较低.-Color by the light source caused by the change of image color deviation, a correction, and YCbCr color space established a Cb-Cr chrominance and luminance information look-up table of the color model of the joint application of pre-treatment technology, to remove some non-human face region, Face detection to reduce the search space, using a template matching method in the face candidate region detection of human faces. experiments show that the method can be effective in complex environments from color images detected no more than about 45 ° rotation of the human face, and from Facial Expression, scale and number of impact, and lower error rate.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 187kb Publisher : lll

Face detection in color images2002彩色图像中的人脸检测中文翻译-Face detection in color images2002 color images Face Detection Chinese translation
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 8.51mb Publisher : 冉艺琚

DL : 0
人脸识别技术可以应用于基于网络的身份认证,我们实现了基于WebCam的人脸识别与跟踪系统。本文以WebCam采集的视频流为数据源,截取视频流中的单帧图像,通过转换色彩空间、人脸肤色建模、后处理操作和人脸定位算法实现了人脸检测,并以此为基础实现了在视频流中对于人脸的跟踪。试验结果表明,我们所实现的人脸识别算法适用于近距离人脸的检测,可以应用于基于WebCam的身份认证。-Face recognition technology can be applied to Web-based authentication, we realize the face recognition based on the WebCam with the tracking system. This paper collected WebCam video stream for the data source, the interception of the video stream in the single frame images, through the color space conversion, color facial modeling, post-processing operation and Face Location Algorithm for Face Detection realized as the basis for the realize in the video stream for tracking human faces. The experimental results show that we realize the face recognition algorithm applied to close-up face detection, can be applied to authentication based on the WebCam.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 1.04mb Publisher : chenshi

face detection in color images
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 2.28mb Publisher : salehamasood

从英文网站上下载的人脸识别的文章。Face Detection in Color Images Rein-Lien Hsu,Student Member,IEEE,Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb,Member,IEEE,and Anil K .Jain,Fellow,I-From the English website to download the article for face recognition. Face Detection in Color Images Rein-Lien Hsu, Student Member, IEEE, Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb, Member, IEEE, and Anil K. Jain, Fellow, IEEE
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 2.77mb Publisher : shen

提出了一种基于肤色的精确人脸定位算法,详细叙述了在图片的颜色调整与肤色检测,肤色区域的平滑、 分割与填充,候选眼睛的选取及配对中遇到的具体问题并提出了解决方案. 本算法能较为准确地定位彩色图像 中的正面、小角度偏侧和旋转的人脸,还能检测出一幅图中的多个人脸.-Presents a human face based on skin color precision positioning algorithm, described in detail in the image color adjustment and color detection, color, region, smooth, split with the filling, the candidate selection and matching eyes, the specific problems encountered and suggested a solution program. This algorithm can be more accurately positioned in color images of the positive, unilateral small-angle and rotation of the face, but also detected a diagram of the multi-person face.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 217kb Publisher : hope

DL : 0
提出了一种多姿态知识模型, 并以之从人脸器官梯度图中获得候选脸的大小、位置、姿态类别和眼、嘴重心坐标, 然后 按姿态类别将候选脸与对应的模板进行匹配确认人脸. 该人脸检测算法集人脸检测、姿态估计和眼、嘴定位于一体, 具有检测速 度快的特点, 适于多姿态多人脸场合的人脸检测. 该算法只利用了图像的灰度信息, 因此对灰度图像和彩色图像的人脸检测均 适用.-Proposes a multi-gesture knowledge model, and to the organs of the gradient map from the human face to get the candidate face size, location, posture, type and eyes, mouth center coordinates, and then press the gesture categories will face a candidate to match with the corresponding template to confirm face. The set of face detection algorithms face detection, pose estimation, and eyes and mouth position in one, with detection of the characteristics of speed, suitable for Multi-pose face of occasions more than face detection. The algorithm uses only images grayscale information, so the grayscale images and color images of face detection apply.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 469kb Publisher : 天使

DL : 0
针对彩色图像提出了一种基于肤色和模板的人脸检测方法, 由肤色分割、模板匹配和人工神经网验证3 部 分组成. 首先使用HS I 空间的肤色统计模型分割出可能包含人脸的区域, 然后使用平均脸模板匹配和人工神经 网验证的方法在这些区域中搜索人脸. 该方法将彩色图像的肤色信息和灰度图像的模板匹配及人工神经网分类 模型综合起来, 既极大地提高了速度, 又具有较强的鲁棒性. 实验结果表明, 该算法是快速而有效的.-For color images is presented based on color and template face detection methods, from the color segmentation, template matching and artificial neural network validation three parts. The first to use HS I split the statistical model of color space which might contain human face region, and then use the average face template matching and artificial neural network authentication methods in these areas in search human face. This method of color image color information and gray-scale image of the template matching and artificial neural network classification model together, not only greatly enhanced the speed, but also has strong robustness. The experimental results show that the algorithm is fast and effective.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 447kb Publisher : 天使

研究描述人脸特征的有效方法, 讨论身份证照片的特征提取和检索采用自适应肤色检测技术改进通用的肤色检测算法, 进行脸部区域的划分提出系数投影法对面部五官区域进行分割, 在各区域中提取面部几何特征引人描述脸颊和下额轮廓的曲线参数作为脸形特征, 得到对人脸特征更准确的描述将面部几何特征矢量匹配、脸形曲线参数匹配和脸部图像相关匹配相结合, 实现人像照片的准确检索实验表明该方法性能优良。-Describe the facial features of an effective way to discuss the ID card photo feature extraction and retrieval using adaptive skin color detection techniques improve the general detection algorithm for facial areas by the proposed coefficient of projection of the facial features to segment the region, in the Extraction of geometric features of the region face cheeks and under the places described in the introduction of profile parameters of the curve as facial features, facial features and get the more accurate description of the feature vector matching facial geometry, face curve parameter matching and matching facial images related to the combination of to achieve an accurate portrait photo retrieval experiments show that the method excellent.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 683kb Publisher : 郭事业

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一种基于肤色分割、区域分析和模板分布的彩色图像人脸检测算法.首先对输入的彩色图像利用混合高斯模型和亮度模型进行分割,然后根据人脸五官的结构特征对得到的区域进一步分析处理,获得所有可能的候选人脸.接着构造了一种基于双眼和人脸模板的概率模型并利用其对候选人脸进行最终检测.-Based on skin color segmentation, regional analysis and the template in color images of face detection algorithm. First, the input color image using mixture Gaussian model and the brightness model segmentation, then under the facial features of the structure on further analysis by region treatment to obtain all possible candidates face. then constructs a template based on the eyes and face the probability model and use its candidates face final test.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 573kb Publisher : 麦高

基于肤色的HSV颜色模型下的人脸检测,内含实验图像、报告、参考资料等-HSV color model based on skin color of face detection, includes test images, reports, reference materials, etc.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 9.88mb Publisher : Nicole

DL : 0
一个基于YcbCr色彩空间的肤色分割程序,采用了椭圆模型。-Face Detection in Color Images
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 1kb Publisher : xiongqu

彩色图像中的人脸检测方法.马志强,常发亮,田伟,赵瑶 (山东大学控制科学与工程学院, 山东济南250061)-Face detection in the color image. Inland and, often shiny, Tian Wei, Zhao Yao (School of Control Science and Engineering, Jinan 250061)
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 247kb Publisher : 程荣忠

Face Detection in Color Images Based on Sub-image Fusion and SVM
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 315kb Publisher : Hoho

DL : 0
In this paper, we address the problem of face detection in still images. We propose a fast algorithm for detecting human faces in color images. The algorithm uses color histogram for skin (in the HSV space) in conjunction with edge information to quickly locate faces in a given image. The proposed algorithm has been tested on various real images and its performance is found to be quite satisfactory.
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 27kb Publisher : amirkhafanboy

Face Detection in Color Images
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 3mb Publisher : Meena

人脸检测与跟踪是一个重要而活跃的研究领域,它在视频监控、生物特征识别、视频编码等领域有着广泛的应用前景。该项目的目标是在FPGA板上实现实时系统来检测和跟踪人脸。人脸检测算法包括肤色分割和图像滤波。通过计算被检测区域的质心来确定人脸的位置。该算法的软件版本独立实现,并在matlab的静止图像上进行测试。虽然从MATLAB到Verilog的转换没有预期的那样顺利,实验结果证明了实时系统的准确性和有效性,甚至在不同的光线、面部姿态和肤色的条件下也是如此。所有硬件实现的计算都是以最小的计算量实时完成的,因此适合于功率受限的应用。(Face detection and tracking is an important and active research field, and it has a wide range of applications in video surveillance, biometrics, video coding and other fields. The goal of the project is to implement real-time systems on the FPGA board to detect and track faces. Face detection algorithms include skin segmentation and image filtering. The location of the human face is determined by calculating the centroid of the detected region. The software version of the algorithm is implemented independently and tested on MATLAB still images. Although the conversion from MATLAB to Verilog is not as smooth as expected, the experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of real-time systems, even in different light, facial gestures and color conditions. All hardware implementations are performed in real-time with minimal computational complexity and are therefore suitable for power constrained applications.)
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 62kb Publisher : 合发

这是一个可以进行彩色图像中的人脸检测的小程序(Face detection in color images)
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 1kb Publisher : 北风……

基于肤色分割的彩色图像人脸检测技术 人脸识别是一个具有广阔应用前景和极富挑战性的研究课题,涉及图形图像处理、神经网络、模式识别等等热门研究领域.其在公安追逃系统、安全验证系统、档案管理系统、信用卡验证、视频会议、人机交互系统等方面都具有重要的应用价值.一个完整的人脸识别系统应该包括人脸检测、特征提取、以及匹配识别(Face detection in color images based on skin color segmentation)
Update : 2025-03-11 Size : 44kb Publisher : CWW1992
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