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[Other resourceGCD

Description: GCD为一个求取最大公因素的程式,输入两个数可以求得两数的最大公因素
Platform: | Size: 5028 | Author: 陳悟 | Hits:


Description: 求最大值及最大公约数。这是我初学C语言的一个源程序,希望对初学者有所帮助。-This program is going to get the maxium number and GCD.This source is the result of my first learning C,I hope it can be helpful for the first learner.
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: wanglj | Hits:


Description: 此程式可輸入二個整數,並以歐幾里得演算法求其最大公因數(GCD)-this program can import two integers, and Euclid algorithms for its greatest common divisor (GCD)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 張世謙 | Hits:


Description: 数论算法库 C++ 语言实现 代码内容 数论算法库,包括以下算法: 欧几里德算法求a,b的最大公倍数 扩展的欧几里德算法,求出gcd(a,b)和满足gcd(a,b)=ax+by的整数x和y 求解模线性方程 ax ≡ b (mod n) 其中n>0 求解模线性方程组(中国余数定理) 模取幂运算 计算a^b mod n (a,b可能很大) Miller-Rabin随机性素数测试算法 -Number theory algorithms library C++ Language content code number theory algorithm library, which includes the following algorithms: Euclidean algorithm for a, b of the largest common multiple extended Euclidean algorithm, to derive gcd (a, b) and to meet gcd (a, b) = ax+ by the integer x and y-mode linear equations to solve ax ≡ b (mod n) in which n> 0 solving mode of linear equations (China remainder theorem) mode calculation computing exponentiation a ^ b mod n (a, b may be a lot) Miller-Rabin random prime number testing algorithm
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: henry | Hits:

[Crack HackBigInteger_src

Description: C# BigInteger class. BigInteger.cs is a csharp program. It is the BIgInteger class. It has methods: abs() , FermatLittleTest(int confidence) ,gcd(BigInteger bi) , genCoPrime(int bits, Random rand) , genPseudoPrime(int bits, int confidence, Random rand) , genRandomBits(int bits, Random rand) , isProbablePrime(int confidence) , isProbablePrime() , Jacobi(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) , LucasSequence(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q, BigInteger k, BigInteger n) ,max(BigInteger bi) , min(BigInteger bi) , modInverse(BigInteger modulus) , RabinMillerTest(int confidence) , -C# BigInteger class. BigInteger.cs is a cs harp program. It is the BIgInteger class. It has methods : abs (), FermatLittleTest (int confidence). gcd (BigInteger bi), genCoPrime (int bits, Random rand), genPseudoPrime (int bits, int confidence, Random rand). genRandomBits (int bits, Random rand). isProbablePrime (int confidence). isProbablePrime (), Jacobi (BigInteger a, BigInteger b), LucasSequence (BigInteger P, BigInteger Q, BigInteger k, BigInteger n), max (BigInteger bi), min (BigInteger bi). modInverse (BigInteger modulus). RabinMillerTest (int confidence),
Platform: | Size: 35840 | Author: jason.. | Hits:

[Windows Developgcd

Description: 密码学基础中求一个元素模p的逆元素,用扩展的欧几里德算法-Cryptography based on seeking an element of the inverse element of p-mode, with the expansion of the Euclidean algorithm
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 兰天 | Hits:


Description: 三种求最大公约数的算法。用c语言编写的。-Common denominator for the three algorithms. With c language.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈兴 | Hits:


Description: GCD为一个求取最大公因素的程式,输入两个数可以求得两数的最大公因素-GCD is a greatest common factor to strike the program, enter two numbers to achieve two of the greatest common factor in several
Platform: | Size: 5120 | Author: 陳悟 | Hits:


Description: 欧几里得算法求最大公约数电路的Verilog实现,消耗功率较低-Euclid algorithm for the realization of the common denominator Verilog circuit, lower power consumption
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: jh | Hits:


Description: 最大公约数的计算,各个源描述的编译顺序:gcd.vhd,gcd_stim.vhd-The common denominator of the calculation, the various sources described in the order of the compiler: gcd.vhd, gcd_stim.vhd
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 李扬 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsgcd

Description: gcd 与随机数计算 可生成要求的随机数与计算gcd 范围可定-gcd calculation with the random number to generate random numbers with the requirements of the scope of the calculation may be set gcd
Platform: | Size: 806912 | Author: tsubasa | Hits:


Description: Program to find GCD of two numbers using functions.
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: tapori | Hits:

[assembly languagegcd

Description: 从键盘输入两个常数,求其最大公约数,并以常数形式输出-the greatest common divsion
Platform: | Size: 23552 | Author: sjchan | Hits:

[Multimedia programgcd

Description: Simple gcd algorithm realization. 1st course assignment.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: chee | Hits:


Description: A simulation of a circuit to calculate GCD Greater Common Divisor.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: EVAN | Hits:


Description: 里面含有几种经典的关于求最大公约数的经典求法比较,想必对数学类专业的同学有用。-several ways to get GCD
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: liuyi | Hits:

[Compress-Decompress algrithmsPoly_GCD_POWER_6_July2005

Description: If we need to verify the fact that a Polynomial has multiple roots iff (if and only if) it has a common factor with it s derivative, we need two things : a) A function to compute the GCD of 2 Polynomials. Since I could not find a Standard Matlab function for this, I created this function : Poly_GCD.m :
Platform: | Size: 93184 | Author: 邹娟 | Hits:


Description: 1。实现,用C/C++和MATLAB,欧几里德算法计算最大公司(GCD)的两个任意多项式在GF(2)。模拟和分析两给定阶数不小(1.Realize, by using c/c++ or Matlab, the Euclidean algorithm to calculate the greatest common division (GCD) for arbitrary two polynomials over GF(2). Simulate and analyze the calculation of the GCD polynomial for two given polynomials with order no less than 5.)
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 我是一只咸鱼 | Hits:


Description: gcd on c++ especially for acmers(gcdgcd on c++ especially for acmers)
Platform: | Size: 3234816 | Author: testhhh | Hits:


Description: synthesis GCD using systemc
Platform: | Size: 10391552 | Author: doanh | Hits:
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