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It shows what a jpeg compression is all about. the function implements the DCT transform, using a matrix operator. note that matlab has a function for the DCT and iDCT transforms that might be more efficient. -It shows what a jpeg compression is all abou t. the function implements the DCT transform. using a matrix operator. note that Matlab has a f unction for the DCT and iDCT transforms that mig ht be more efficient.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 88.82kb Publisher : 严刚

target tracking using kalman
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 682kb Publisher : Lin

matlab教程,以网页的形式,比较简单、实例很充分,适合与初学。可以看看。-matlab tutorial to the page the form of relatively simple, examples of very good, suitable with the beginners. Can look at.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 308kb Publisher : dingjiezou

提出了一种新的基于边缘连续特征的HT( ECHT) 混合圆/ 椭圆检测方法,利用连续的 边缘曲线段来决定HT 采样点,实验仿真结果表明该算法较好地解决了标准RHT 检测中无效 采样概率大、无效积累时间多的问题。-A new row based on the edge of the characteristics of HT (ECHT) mixed circle/ellipse detection method, using a continuous curve above the edge to decide HT sampling points, experimental simulation results show that the algorithm has better solution to the standard RHT Detect Invalid probability sampling, and invalid time accumulated many problems.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 185kb Publisher : 刘镖峰

The present report outlines the design, implementation and performance of the application of Hough Transform (HT) to detect circles in arbitrary pictures. Detecting circles in arbitrary pictures involves a two step process in this project. First, edges within the image have to be detected then, by means of a voting mechanism the most probable circles will be located. Edge detection goal is to look for boundary locations that naturally happen between objects. Objects normally have continuous intensity values therefore sudden changes in that pattern might indicate a boundary condition. Changes of intensity in one direction can be calculated by the gradient operator however, noise can alter meaningful edges. Convolution is then normally applied to account for a small amount of smoothing, thus reducing noise.-The present report outlines the design, implementation and performance of the application of Hough Transform (HT) to detect circles in arbitrary pictures. Detecting circles in arbitrary pictures involves a two step process in this project. First, edges within the image have to be detected then, by means of a voting mechanism the most probable circles will be located. Edge detection goal is to look for boundary locations that naturally happen between objects. Objects normally have continuous intensity values therefore sudden changes in that pattern might indicate a boundary condition. Changes of intensity in one direction can be calculated by the gradient operator however, noise can alter meaningful edges. Convolution is then normally applied to account for a small amount of smoothing, thus reducing noise.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.06mb Publisher : donna

DL : 0
HOUGH变换及用于SAR动目标检测的matlab程序!-HOUGH Transform and its implemention in the SAR moving target detection
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : yule

由给定的谐波分量相对强度生成音符,用于乐器模拟、MIDI制作等- HARMONIC Generates a note with its harmonic wave HT=harmonic(soundname,tone,k,type) Generate a note with its harmonic wave in given tone, simulating particular type of musical instrument type=[basic,second,third,fourth,fifth] represents the coefficients of harmonic wave. This function is able to simulate several musical instrument varying the relative amplitude of each harmonic wave. Example : Re=harmonic(2, C ,4,[1,0.1,0.3,0.05,0.004]) generates a quarter note re in C , and simulating a particular instrument
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : Jancsi

基于FFT变换、DCT变换、HT变换、小波变换和矢量量化技术的图像压缩的Matlab实现。-Based on the FFT transform, DCT transform, HT transform, wavelet transform and vector quantization image compression technology, the Matlab implementation.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4kb Publisher : Anna

Modelo de dos rayos de Andrea Goldsmith (figura 2.5, según expresión 2.12) f = 0.9 frecuencia en GHz landa = 0.3/f en m R = -1 coeficiente de reflexión en tierra ht = 10 altura del transmisor en m hr = 2 altura del receptor en m Gt = 1 Gr = 1 Pt = 1 d=10:.1:100000 phase_diff = 4*pi*ht*hr./(landa*d) aproximación Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*((abs((sqrt(Gt)./d) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff)))./d)).^2) Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*(1./d).*((abs((sqrt(Gt)) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff))))).^2) figure(1), clf, plot((d),10*log10(Pr/max(abs(Pr)))) grid xlabel( log_1_0(d) ) ylabel( Potencia recibida (dBm) )- Modelo de dos rayos de Andrea Goldsmith (figura 2.5, según expresión 2.12) f = 0.9 frecuencia en GHz landa = 0.3/f en m R = -1 coeficiente de reflexión en tierra ht = 10 altura del transmisor en m hr = 2 altura del receptor en m Gt = 1 Gr = 1 Pt = 1 d=10:.1:100000 phase_diff = 4*pi*ht*hr./(landa*d) aproximación Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*((abs((sqrt(Gt)./d) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff)))./d)).^2) Pr = Pt*((landa/(4*pi))^2)*(1./d).*((abs((sqrt(Gt)) + (R*sqrt(Gr).*(exp(-sqrt(-1)*phase_diff))))).^2) figure(1), clf, plot((d),10*log10(Pr/max(abs(Pr)))) grid xlabel( log_1_0(d) ) ylabel( Potencia recibida (dBm) )
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : ramonmro

利用matlab进行摄像机标定,其中包括特征点提取,计算。内外方位参数运算,及畸变矫正程序。,-A new continuous edge features HT (ECHT) mixed circular/ellipse detection method, the use of a continuous edge of the curve segment to determine the HT sample point, the simulation results show that the algorithm has better standard RHT detection invalidsampling probability is invalid to the accumulation of time.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3kb Publisher : 平兆娜

GSM 同步信道的卷积码的matlab编码,主要是针对同步信道对普通信道不适用-GSM synchronous channels of convolution code matlab code, mainly is aims at the synchronous channels to average channel does not apply
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1.67mb Publisher : 董坤

matlab programme for loss calculation in HT line
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 1kb Publisher : naveen

DL : 0
这个是自己编写的霍夫变换直线检测MATLAB程序,可以用于道路分道线检测。是一种非常简单容易实践的程序。-This is a hough line detection algorithm which can be used to road lane detection. this method is very simple and easy to realize
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 8kb Publisher : 张华

DL : 0
matlab实现希尔伯特黄变换程序,包含emd分解和HT变换(Matlab implementation of the Yellow Hilbert transform procedures, including EMD decomposition and HT transform)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6kb Publisher : 米家看

DL : 0
本文件对PID参数kp,ki,kd进行寻优,以ITAE作为指标函数。 PSO 文件中有详细的参数设置和寻优过程 GA寻优与PSO寻优作为对比出现 figure1展示了随着迭代次数的变化,适应度函数的收敛情况 figure2展示了kp,ki,kd的迭代情况 ht 文件是用来画图的 问题解决思路.pdf 简要介绍了粒子群算法寻优的过程(In this document, the PID parameters KP, Ki, KD are optimized, and ITAE is used as the index function. PSO file has detailed parameter settings and optimization process GA optimization and PSO optimization as a contrast appear Figure1 shows the convergence of fitness function as the number of iterations changes Figure2 shows the iterations of KP, Ki, and KD The HT file is used for drawing The problem solving idea.Pdf briefly introduces the process of particle swarm optimization)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 249kb Publisher : 大燕

Time Frequency Toolbox matlab时频分析工具箱,里面有各种时频分析函数,用matlab实现的,小波变换,Gabor变化,短时傅里叶变换等等(AF Ambiguity function AR Auto-regressive (filter or model) ASK Amplitude shift keyed signal BJD Born-Jordan distribution BPSK Binary phase shift keyed signal BUD Butterworth distribution CWD Choi-Williams distribution FM Frequency modulation FSK Frequency shift keyed signal GRD Generalized rectangular distribution HT Hough transform MHD Margenau-Hill distribution MHSD Margenau-Hill-Spectrogram distribution MMCE Minimum mean cross-entropy NAF Narrow-band ambiguity function PMHD Pseudo Margenau-Hill distribution PWVD Pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution QPSK Quaternary phase shift keyed signal RID Reduced interference distribution STFT Short-time Fourier transform TFR Time-frequency representation WAF Wide-band ambiguity function WVD Wigner-Ville distribution ZAM Zhao-Atlas-Marks distribution)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 299kb Publisher : fisher86
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