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电池设计的充电器 Device : AT90S2333 File name : BC.c Ver nr. : 1.0 Description : Standalone Battery Charger with AT90S2333 (main program) Compiler : IAR icca90 Author : Asmund Saetre / Terje Frostad / Dietmar Koenig Change log : 02.02.2000 Changed to fit Battery Charger refrence design board AS 18.02.2000 Final test and review AS-design of the battery charger Device : AT90S2333 File name : BC.c Ver nr. : 1.0 Description : Standalone Battery Charger with AT90S2333 (ma in program) Compiler : IAR icca90 Author : Asmund Saetre / Terje Frostad / C Dietmar Koenig hange log : 02.02.2000 Changed to fit Battery Charger refr ence design board AS 18.02.2000 Final test and r AS eview
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 717.3kb Publisher : 王宇

UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This is basically Joerg s port plus a little bit of changes and documentation by me. - YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE MAIN PART OF THE UCOS/II FROM THE UCOS/II WEBSITE . The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the ..\\source directory. - Joerg has written couple document showing the stack frames etc. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory. - The Timer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer Tick. If you want to change that, modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s - I have tested this using ATMega103 with and without external RAM using AVR Studio simulator. See test1.c test program. Both Code Compressed (PRO) and STD versions have been tested. -UCOS / II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS / II is 2.04-the original port was done by Ole Saethe r for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard porte d one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did anot her port (using Jens port as a start). This is bas ically Joerg's port plus a little bit of changes a nd documentation by me. - YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE M AIN PART OF THE UCOS / FROM THE UCOS II / II WEBSITE http : / / www.ucos - The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the .. \\ source directory. - Joerg couple has written document showing the stack frames etc.. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory. - The Ti mer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer tick. If you want to change that. modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s - I have teste d this using ATMeg
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 196.2kb Publisher : zhjol

DL : 0
电池设计的充电器 Device : AT90S2333 File name : BC.c Ver nr. : 1.0 Description : Standalone Battery Charger with AT90S2333 (main program) Compiler : IAR icca90 Author : Asmund Saetre / Terje Frostad / Dietmar Koenig Change log : 02.02.2000 Changed to fit Battery Charger refrence design board AS 18.02.2000 Final test and review AS-design of the battery charger Device : AT90S2333 File name : BC.c Ver nr. : 1.0 Description : Standalone Battery Charger with AT90S2333 (ma in program) Compiler : IAR icca90 Author : Asmund Saetre/Terje Frostad/C Dietmar Koenig hange log : 02.02.2000 Changed to fit Battery Charger refr ence design board AS 18.02.2000 Final test and r AS eview
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 717kb Publisher : 王宇

DL : 0
扩展RAM 扩展RAM 扩展RAM 扩展RAM -expansion RAM expansion RAM expansion RAM expansion RAM expansion Show RAM expansion RAM expansion RAM expansion RAM
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 19kb Publisher : 丑人

DL : 0
UCOS/II for ICCAVR - The version of UCOS/II is 2.04 - the original port was done by Ole Saether for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard ported one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did another port (using Jens port as a start?). This is basically Joerg s port plus a little bit of changes and documentation by me. - YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE MAIN PART OF THE UCOS/II FROM THE UCOS/II WEBSITE . The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the ..\source directory. - Joerg has written couple document showing the stack frames etc. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory. - The Timer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer Tick. If you want to change that, modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s - I have tested this using ATMega103 with and without external RAM using AVR Studio simulator. See test1.c test program. Both Code Compressed (PRO) and STD versions have been tested. -UCOS/II for ICCAVR- The version of UCOS/II is 2.04-the original port was done by Ole Saethe r for the IAR compiler. Jens E. Holtegaard porte d one version using ICCAVR. Joerg Meyer did anot her port (using Jens port as a start). This is bas ically Joerg's port plus a little bit of changes a nd documentation by me.- YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE M AIN PART OF THE UCOS/FROM THE UCOS II/II WEBSITE http :// www.ucos- The supplied project file assumes the portable source is in the .. \ source directory.- Joerg couple has written document showing the stack frames etc.. but it is in German :-) They are included in this directory.- The Ti mer2 overflow interrupt is used for Timer tick. If you want to change that. modify os_cpu_c.c and os_cpu_a.s- I have teste d this using ATMeg
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 196kb Publisher : zhjol

Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.38mb Publisher : 左高

DL : 0
采用IAR在线调试ADI公司基于ARM7内核的ADUC7026的DAC代码-IAR debug using online ADI Corporation ADUC7026 based on ARM7 core of the DAC code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 25kb Publisher : niedaohua

DL : 0
Luminary cotex-M3 CAN总线 源代码-Luminary cotex-M3 CAN bus source code
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.52mb Publisher : 陈永亮

DL : 0
STM32的RTC例程,使用ST的V2.0版固件库,开发平台为MKD。-STM32 of RTC routines, use the ST version of the V2.0 firmware libraries, the development platform for the MKD.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 286kb Publisher : Scott

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AVR(R) IAR Embedded Workbench(R) IDE用户手册的这部分包括以下章节: 创建一个应用工程; 使用 IAR C-SPY调试器进行调试; C 与汇编语言模块混合; 使用 C++; 模拟一个中断; 使用库模块;-IT S A good book ti s about IAR study. AVR(R) IAR Embedded Workbench(R) ID
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 5.85mb Publisher : 王一凡

IAR 3.01a IDE编译环境下的SPI读写MAX96XX存储芯片程序-SPI r/w MAX96XX flash ,development in IAR4.03 ide
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.7mb Publisher : wang

iar jlink v7 sch pcb binary
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 296kb Publisher : mohsen

DL : 0
iar IAR Systems即将发布支持ARM EABI开放标准的IAR Embedded Workbench(r) Version 5 for ARM(r),这是对公司的旗舰产品—编译器和调试器的重大升级,使之成为第一个独立支持最新的ARM Cortex(tm)-M1处理器的开发。 Cortex(tm)-M1是第一个特别为field-programmable gate arrays(s)而设计的ARM处理器。 -iar IAR Systems will soon release supports ARM EABI open standard IAR Embedded Workbench (r) Version 5 for ARM (r), which is a major upgrade to the company' s flagship product- the compiler and debugger, making it the first independent support latest ARM Cortex (tm)-M1 processor development. Cortex (tm)-M1 is the first ARM processor especially designed for field-programmable gate arrays (s).
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 946kb Publisher : 王大枣

开发环境IAR STM8S003驱动RN8209,对RN8209寄存器读写 可以通过UART将RN8209的寄存器值发送到上位软件,波特率96-IAR for STM8S STM8S003 R/W RN8209
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 794kb Publisher : 蒋新刚
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