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Description: IDT RC32438 on-chip ethernet controller
Platform: | Size: 16737 | Author: Petr Frolov | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmsIDT FIFO 控制代码

Description: IDT FIFO的Verilog控制读写代码
Platform: | Size: 4101 | Author: yangwencai980407@163.com | Hits:

[Windows Developidtextsrc

Description: 解析Windows2000的IDT扩展机制-analytic Windows2000 IDT expansion mechanism
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: 京用 | Hits:

[OS programKb_sniff

Description: 修改中断描述符表(IDT)中的键盘入口实现按健记录,把读取到的键盘扫描码转换成 ascii 码记录下来。查找键盘入口采用了查询 IO APIC 的重定向寄存器的方法(通过把物理地址 0xFEC00000 映射为虚拟地址,然后读取键盘中断向量,最难得是没有 xpsp2 的限制了。不经典不发。-interrupt descriptor revised table (IDT), the keyboard imported by Kin achieve record Reads to put the keyboard scan code into ascii codes recorded. You use the keyboard entrance inquiries IO APIC redirect the register (through the physical address 0xFEC 00000 map to the virtual address, and then read the keyboard interrupt vector, the most rare is the limit xpsp2. not classic non-fat.
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: | Hits:


Description: idt的双口ram的读写接口程序,verilog 代码,并且有测试文档-Employing a dual-port ram reader interface program, Verilog code, and a test document
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: | Hits:

[Driver DevelopdvKrnlData

Description: 该代码为我学习winnt内核时所写,主要功能是在ring3下通过DeviceIoControl与驱动进行通信,获取内核的数据以及sdt,idt信息等。并实现了hook NtQuerySystemInformation函数来实现进程隐藏的功能-The code for the kernel, I am learning winnt wrote, Its main function is in ring3 through DeviceIoControl communication with the driver. access to the kernel and sdt data, the information loop. And the achievement of the hook function to achieve NtQuerySystemInformation implicit process possession of the function
Platform: | Size: 55296 | Author: 左手 | Hits:

[Hook apiidt_src

Description: 键盘的IDT hook范例,学习rootkit的好教程!-keyboard hook IDT example, a good learning rootkit Guide!
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: luocong | Hits:


Description: 键盘过滤驱动程序。直接修改IDT-Keyboard filter driver. Directly modify the IDT
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 众所周知在非 Admin 用户模式下,是不允许加载驱动执行 RING 0 代码的。 本文提供了一种方法,通过修改系统 GDT,IDT 来添加自己的 CALLGATE 和 INTGATE 这样便在系统中设置了一个后门。我们就可以利用这个后门 在任意用户模式下执行 ring 0 代码了。为了保证我们添加的 CALLGATE 和 INT GATE 永久性。可以在第一次安装时利用 SERVICE API 或 INF 文件设置成随 系统启动。不过此方法也有个缺陷,就是在第一次安装 CALLGATE 或 INTGATE 时仍然需要 ADMIN 权限。下面分别给出了添加 CALLGATE 与 INTGATE 的具体 代码。 -As is well known in the non-Admin user mode, is not allowed to drive the implementation of load code RING 0. This article provides a method by modifying the system, GDT, IDT to add your own CALLGATE and INTGATE this way in the system set up a backdoor. We can use this backdoor in any user mode implementation of ring 0 code. In order to ensure we add CALLGATE and INTGATE permanent. Can be installed in the first use of SERVICE API or INF file with the system set to start. But this method also has a defect is first installed CALLGATE or INTGATE still need ADMIN privileges. , Respectively, are given below to add CALLGATE with INTGATE specific code.
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: Michael | Hits:

[Driver DevelopIDTGuard

Description: IDT Hook 检测及恢复 此程序在 Ring3 下打开物理内存对象取得当前内存中的 IDT,再用打开对应的原始内核文件进行比较。带恢复功能。 此程序适用于 XP/2003。采用特征码搜索方式查找。注释详细,代码规范-IDT Hook detection and recovery procedures in this Ring3 to open the physical memory object to obtain the current memory of IDT, and then open the corresponding document to compare original kernel. With recovery. This procedure applies to XP/2003. Using signature search search. Notes detailed specification code
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 张京 | Hits:

[Hook apikeyboardhook

Description: 利用hook idt技术,截取键盘记录,并提供读取记录接口-err
Platform: | Size: 13312 | Author: zh | Hits:


Description: IDT RC32438 on-chip ethernet controller
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: Petr Frolov | Hits:

[GUI DevelopgetRing0

Description: Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 获取Ring0的便捷工具 程序创建了几个段: IDT,GDT,SSDT,Linear 为创建Ring3,Ring0之间的互交便捷-Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003 to obtain a convenient tool Ring0 program to create a few paragraphs: IDT, GDT, SSDT, Linear for the creation of Ring3, Ring0 between the interactive and convenient
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: peacekeep | Hits:


Description: Cytech(骏龙科技有限公司)继成功推出高效率、低发热、轻重量的矿灯照明解决方案和高性能无线解决方案之后,最近又成功开发出2.4GHz立体声无线音箱、2.4"TFT液晶显示屏+SD卡插槽的MP4方案、以及功耗低、重量轻、体积小和图像逼真的视像微显眼镜解决方案。 骏龙科技有限公司创办于1998年,是香港及中国电子元件行业之中发展最迅速的分销商之一。公司总部设于香港,另有13个地区办公室遍及中国内地,包括北京、深圳和上海。骏龙科技有限公司分销超过25种美国高科技半导体产品品牌,包括ALTERA、CATALYST、IDT、MICRON、LINEAR TECHNOLOGY等等。 -cytech 2.4GHZ
Platform: | Size: 377856 | Author: yangyicai | Hits:

[Driver DevelopKehook

Description: 对于hook,从ring3有很多,ring3到ring0也有很多,根据api调用环节递进的顺序,在每一个环节都有hook的机会,可以有int 2e或者sysenter hook,ssdt hook,inline hook ,irp hook,object hook,idt hook-The hook, from ring3 there are many, ring3 to ring0 there are many, according to api call progressive sequence of links, each link in the opportunity to have a hook, you can have int 2e or sysenter hook, ssdt hook, inline hook, irp hook, object hook, idt hook, etc.
Platform: | Size: 1869824 | Author: 王小明 | Hits:

[Driver Developinterrupthook_src

Description: HOOK所有IDT表项,在GUI中记录IDT回调函数调用次数,并且查看中断信息-HOOK table of all IDT, IDT recorded in the GUI callback function to call the number, and view the disruption of information
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: michael | Hits:


Description: 使用winio通过intel 南桥smbus controller对 IDT/silego clock 进行操作为例,演示smbus的操作方法。-Intel south bridge winio through the use of smbus controller for IDT/silego clock to operate as an example, the presentation of the operation smbus.
Platform: | Size: 1596416 | Author: 吴刚 | Hits:


Description: 该Verilog程序提供了一种控制IDT系列Ram的读写操作程序,每次读写750个16位的数。-The Verilog program control IDT provides a series of read and write operating procedures Ram, 750 each to read and write the number 16.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 刘进 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopSESYS

Description: 取page段地址的代码 大概包括了ssdt, idt, msr钩子,3种notify,还有从文件读取偏移抗猥琐的代码. 支持这个编程板块-Get page segment address code probably includes ssdt, idt, msr hook, three kinds of notify, also read from the file offset anti-insignificant code. To support the programming plate
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: r00tsh3ll | Hits:

[Hook apiIDT-Hook-

Description: IDT是一个有256个入口的线形表,每个IDT的入口是个8字节的描述符,所以整个IDT表的大小为256*8=2048 bytes,每个中断向量关联了一个中断 处理过程。所谓的中断向量就是把每个中断或者异常用一个0-255的数字识别-IDT is a linear table 256 entry, each IDT entry is 8-byte descriptors, so the size of the IDT table 256* 8 = 2048 bytes, each interrupt vector associated with an interrupt handler. The so-called interrupt vector for each interrupt or exception is to use a 0-255 number recognition
Platform: | Size: 112640 | Author: wu | Hits:
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