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[Other resourceMatlab_imageMatlab

Description: 附录MATLAB 图像处理命令 1.applylut 功能: 在二进制图像中利用lookup 表进行边沿操作。 语法: A = applylut(BW,lut) 举例 lut = makelut( sum(x(:)) == 4 ,2) BW1 = imread( text.tif ) BW2 = applylut(BW1,lut) imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2) 相关命令: makelut 2.bestblk 功 举例-Appendix MATLAB image processing an order. Applylut functions : the binary image using lookup tables for 2500 operations. Grammar : A = applylut (BW, lut) For lut makelut = (sum (x (:)) == 4. 2) = imread BW1 (text.tif) BW2 = applylut (BW1. lut) imshow (BW1) figure, imshow (BW2) related orders : makelut 2. For bestblk Gong
Platform: | Size: 427376 | Author: keke | Hits:

[Special EffectsLUT.tar

Description: LUT图像处理算法的源代码,包括了c和matlab版本
Platform: | Size: 2020 | Author: 孙不显 | Hits:

[Other resourceLUT

Description: 一个查找表的程序,使用了matlab和C语言混合编程实现,提高查找效率
Platform: | Size: 4625 | Author: ZhangGeng | Hits:

[Software EngineeringMatlab_imageMatlab

Description: 附录MATLAB 图像处理命令 1.applylut 功能: 在二进制图像中利用lookup 表进行边沿操作。 语法: A = applylut(BW,lut) 举例 lut = makelut( sum(x(:)) == 4 ,2) BW1 = imread( text.tif ) BW2 = applylut(BW1,lut) imshow(BW1) figure, imshow(BW2) 相关命令: makelut 2.bestblk 功 举例-Appendix MATLAB image processing an order. Applylut functions : the binary image using lookup tables for 2500 operations. Grammar : A = applylut (BW, lut) For lut makelut = (sum (x (:)) == 4. 2) = imread BW1 (text.tif) BW2 = applylut (BW1. lut) imshow (BW1) figure, imshow (BW2) related orders : makelut 2. For bestblk Gong
Platform: | Size: 427008 | Author: keke | Hits:


Description: 一个查找表的程序,使用了matlab和C语言混合编程实现,提高查找效率-A look-up table of procedures, the use of matlab and C mixed-language programming, improve search efficiency
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: ZhangGeng | Hits:


Description: 基于扩频序列和小波变换的数字水印算法 的仿真程序-Sequence spread-spectrum based on wavelet transform and the digital watermarking algorithm simulation program
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 无悔 | Hits:


Description: 基于LUT的数字预失真MATLAB代码 -LUT digital predistortion
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: applo | Hits:


Description: 求解TSP和MTSP的混合遗传算法_英文_-Abstract:M any app licat ions are invo lved w ith mult ip le salesmen each of w hom visits a subgroup cit ies and returns the same start ing city. The to tal length of all subtours is required to be m ini2 mum. Th is is calledM ult ip le T raveling Salesmen P roblem (M TSP). There are various heurist ic methods to obtain op t imal o r near2op t imal so lut ions fo r the TSP p roblem. But to the M ult ip le T raveling Salesmen P roblem , there are no t much app roaches to so lveM TSP. In th is paper, a hy2 brid genet ic algo rithm to so lve TSP and M TSP is p resented. Th is algo rithm combines GA and heurist ics. N umerical experiments show that the new algo rithm is very efficient and effect ive. Key words: TSP op t im izat ion genet ic algo rithm 2op t
Platform: | Size: 217088 | Author: Notics | Hits:


Description: the m file make the LUT for predistoriton system.
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: pouria | Hits:


Description: 基于单片机(AT89S51)和CPLD(MAX7128)的任意波形发生器的设计——MATLAB生成多种波形查找表的代码-A design of AWG based on MCU(AT89S51) and CPLD(MAX7128)——source code for waveform LUT established by MATLAB
Platform: | Size: 1819648 | Author: 张振 | Hits:


Description: A LUT RAM distruted for wireless communication using matlab
Platform: | Size: 190464 | Author: ykchan | Hits:


Description: 对双音信号的LUT基带数字预失真,功放采用saleh模型,附有各文件的组成说明。适合于深入学习功放线性化技术。该仿真对宽带和窄带都做了仿真,对窄带的效果更好,仍然有改进的余地。-This is a simulation program of Matlab for LUT digital baseband predistortion. It is helpful in learning High power amplifier linearity technology. Both of the narrowband and wideband situation is under simulation. The result shows that this shceme fits narrowband situation better.
Platform: | Size: 104448 | Author: hcq | Hits:


Description: 生成fpga的rom查找表的c语言和matlab程序还有一个生成正弦和余弦mif文件的生成器-fpga rom lut
Platform: | Size: 134144 | Author: liuheshan | Hits:


Description: qpsk调制 预失真仿真程序 基于matlab开发环境- LUT predistortion matlab simulation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: wangbaojun | Hits:


Description: 基于FPGA分布式算法FIR滤波器verilog代码 (本人 小论文 代码,通过验证) ​ 本文提出一种新的FIR滤波器FPGA实现方法。讨论了分布式算法原理,并提出了基于分布式算法FIR滤波器的实现方法。通过改进型分布式算法结构减少硬件资源消耗,用流水线技术提高运算速度,采用分割查找表方法减小存储规模,并在Matlab和Modelsim仿真平台得到验证。​ 为了节省FPGA逻辑资源、提高系统速度,设计中引入了分布式算法实现有限脉冲响应滤波器(Finite Impulse Response, FIR)。由于FIR滤波器在实现上主要是完成乘累加MAC的功能,采用传统MAC算法设计FIR滤波器将消耗大量硬件资源。而采用分布式算法 (Distributed Arithmetic, DA),将MAC运算转化为查找表(Look-Up-Table, LUT)输出,不仅能在硬件规模上得到改善,而且更易通过实现流水线设计来提高速度。因此本文采用分布式算法设计一个可配置的FIR滤波器,并以31阶的低通FIR滤波器为例说明分布式算法滤波器结构。- FPGA verilog
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 石康 | Hits:


Description: 数字预失真复增益LUT的matlab实现-Matlab realize complex gain LUT
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: john | Hits:


Description: this matlab code presents a ofdm digital predistorter using lut method and a saleh model for the power amplifier-this matlab code presents a ofdm digital predistorter using lut method and a saleh model for the power amplifier
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: shi | Hits:

[Software EngineeringLUT.tar

Description: Lut table for matlab image project
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: bikirich | Hits:

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