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snakes are a variational technique to find the best contour that aligns with an image. The basic routine, snake.m, aligns a sequence of points along a contour to the maximum of an array or image. Provide it with an image, a set of starting points, limits on the search space and it returns a new set of points that better align with the image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : atlas

The m-file is a demonstration script. Using your own array of image data, or a built-in default, a demo window is displayed where you can click to indicate points and see the snake program in action.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 5kb Publisher : atlas

matlab边界自动跟踪程序,该程序可以直接运行,涉及边界判别准则和搜索准则。图像要求为二值图像,可输出为边界的点的坐标和轮廓图像。-matlab boundary automatic tracking program can be run directly involving border criteria and search criteria. Image requirements for binary images can be output for the coordinates of border points and the outline of the image.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 22kb Publisher : 付晓薇

图像配准常常是作为其他图像处理应用的前处理步骤使用的,往往用于图像的对准、目标识别与定位。介 绍了在MATLAB系统中,如何应用MATLAB的IPT函数对图像进行配准的方法:首先用人机交互的方法在待配 准图像与基准图像之间进行图像配准所必需的匹配控制点的选取,然后用这些匹配控制点来计算两图像的某种空 间几何变换关系,最后利用这个空间几何变换关系对待配准图像进行几何变换,获得配准结果。实验表明,该方 法实现容易,且非常有效。 -Image registration is often as other image processing applications, the use of pre-treatment steps are often used for image alignment, target identification and location. Introduced the system in MATLAB, how to use MATLAB function of the IPT image registration method: First of all, employing the method of cross-machine in question and the baseline image registration between image image registration by matching control points necessary for the selection, and then use these control points to match the two images to calculate the geometric transform the relationship between a certain space, and finally make use of the space relationship between the treatment of geometric transformations with quasi-geometric image transformation, the results obtained registration. Experiments show that the method easy and very effective.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 191kb Publisher : 媛媛

 将霍夫变换与最小二乘法相结合,研究对实验数据和图像处理中的二值边缘图进行直线拟合的方法。 首先,用霍夫变换剔除数据点集中的干扰点或噪声,并将分布在不同直线附近的点分离出来 然后,用最小二乘法 拟合各直线。该方法既解决了直接使用最小二乘法拟合时,拟合直线易受干扰点或噪声的影响和数据点分布在 多条直线附近而无法拟合的两个问题 同时也解决了直接使用霍夫变换时,拟合直线精度不高和直线段有效区间 不容易控制的问题。-The Hough transform and least squares method, to study the experimental data and image processing in the binary edge map method for fitting a straight line. First of all, the use of Hough transform concentration of data points removed or noise interference, and a straight line in the vicinity of different points separated and then, using the straight-line least square method. This method not only solved directly when using the least square method, fitting a straight line susceptible to interference or noise and data points are located in the vicinity of more than a straight line and the two issues can not be fitted while also addressing the direct use of Huo Cardiff transform, the accuracy of fitting straight line segments is not high and the effective range is not easy to control.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 202kb Publisher : 李明

一个空间点P绕一个中心点C旋转可用接续的三个变换来实现:第1个变换平移点C到坐标系原点位置,第2个变换将点P绕原点旋转,第3个变换平移点C回到其相对于坐标系原点的原始位置。当原始图像点乘以变换矩阵,得到新的图像位置点时,其位置可能不是整数值,该位置的灰度值需要通过灰度插值获得。在不改变输出图像大小的情况下,超出原始图片范围的区域,MATLAB原有函数imrotate的处理方法为将其灰度值全部置零,本文通过取模操作对超出区域进行了另外一种控制方法imrotate_my函数,能够较好的显示出图像旋转的边界变化。 -A space around the center point P C available in three rotating to realize the transformation: the first one translation: C to coordinate transformation, the origin place of 2 transform point P around the rotation, the origin of the three points to the transformation of C translation relative to the original position of axis. When the original image point multiply the transformation matrix, a new image position, the position may not integer, this position gray value by gray interpolation gain needed. No change in the size of the image output circumstance, the area beyond the original image, the original function imrotate MATLAB treatment method for the grey value all zeros, based on beyond the area take mould operation on another control method imrotate_my function, to better show of image rotation boundaries.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 肥猪流

GDAL支持的Morton 编码金字塔无缝漫游工具,从2007年开始,不断更新到2011年,偶的小业余研究。底层基于GDAL, 支持很多冷门格式。使用Morton金字塔重构二维数据,加上内存映射文件的帮助,浏览GB级影像没有问题。内嵌带接缝处理的透明分块条带处理接口,无需了解金字塔,也能透明对GB级影像进行各种处理。内嵌直方图均衡和模板卷积的例子,演示如何透明的开发处理算法。附带重要的功能是“尺度不变特征SIFT”的特征提取,本来是上学时的论文,经过这些年零敲碎打的改造,现在能进行全自动、半自动、手动控制点提取、模型最小二乘估计,纠正功能,最终把偶的风景照拼接成全景。由于离开原先行业,没再用真正的遥感图试过,只当好玩吧!内附代码、范例、详细说明书。性能肯定不如SIFT原版范例。 核心算法见 Matlab+C SIFT 特征提取与匹配演示程序 GDAL support seamless roaming pyramid coding tools, beginning in 2007, constantly updated to 2011, even the little amateur research. Bottom based on GDAL, support for many unpopular formats. Reconstruction of two-dimensional data using the Morton pyramid, with the help of memory mapped files, browse the GB-level image is no problem. Embedded with the seaming strip of transparent block processing interface, no understanding of the pyramid, but also transparent to the GB-level images of various processing. Embedded histogram equalization and template convolution example, shows how transparent the development of processing algorithms. With important function is to "scale-invariant features of SIFT" feature extraction, could have been school papers, after all these years of piecemeal reform, now fully automatic, semi-automatic, manual control points extraction, model least squares estimation to correct function, eventually even spliced into a panoramic landscape photo. Since leaving
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.83mb Publisher : 流浪小狗

薄板样条图像变换方法,MATLAB程序,根据控制点变化平滑地变形图像,experiment.m为例子-Thin plate spline image transformation method, MATLAB program, based on the control points change smoothly deformed image, experiment.m for example
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 39kb Publisher : yixiao

有关摄影测量学中的空间后方交会matlab程序,用于求解影像的外方位元素,结合空间前方交会,利用一定数量的地面已知控制点,即可进行地面待定点的坐标解算。(The space in the photogrammetry resection matlab program, for solving the exterior orientation elements of image, combined with the space intersection, with a certain number of known ground control points, can carry out the ground point to be coordinate solution.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : musewzy
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