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:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 203kb Publisher : 季昀

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:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 148kb Publisher : 季昀

:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43kb Publisher : 季昀

:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 季昀

:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 季昀

:首先介绍了DS--UWB系统的的发射与接收模型,然后分析了利用滑动相关法对信道进行估讣,并巾此给出 了不同RAKE接收机RAKE合成权系数选取方案。对接收机采用最大比(MRC)、最小均方误差(MM SE)及带均衡 器的(MRC)合并系数选取的误码性能进行了仿真和对比。结果表明了带均衡器的MRC—RAKE只用较少的分支 就可以达到接收性能明显优于MMSE—RAKE的程度。尤其在信噪比比较大时。这种优势更加明显。-: First of all, the introduction of the DS UWB system model of the launch and reception, and then analyzed using the sliding correlation method for estimation of channel obituary, and towels, this gives the RAKE receiver RAKE synthesis of different weights to select the program. On the receiver using maximal ratio (MRC), minimum mean square error (MM SE) and band equalizer (MRC) combined coefficient selected BER simulation and comparison. The results show that the equalizer with MRC-RAKE only with fewer branches on the receiver performance can be achieved significantly better than MMSE-RAKE level. Particularly in the relatively large signal to noise ratio. This advantage becomes even more evident.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : 季昀

程序的主要功能是做了一定范围的信噪比下,对每个信噪比:随机信号QPSK调制; 根据Alamouti方案的矩阵进行编码;发送信号经过瑞利信道和加入高斯白噪声; 接收信号采用最大比合并的方法;最后对合并信号进行最大似然判决并求误符号率。 结果表明10^-3对应大约12->13dB-Procedure main function is to do a certain range of SNR for each signal to noise ratio: random signal QPSK modulation program in accordance with Alamouti coding matrix send signals through Rayleigh channel and adding Gaussian white noise received signal using maximal-ratio combining method Finally the combined signal and the maximum likelihood decision for symbol error rate. The results showed that about 10 ^-3 corresponds to 12-> 13dB
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher :

最大比合并与等增益合并、选择合并的性能对比-Maximal-ratio combining with the merger, such as gain, select the combined performance comparison
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 陈功

在No Diversity (1Tx, 1Rx)、Alamouti (2Tx, 1Rx)、与Maximal-Ratio Combining (1Tx, 2Rx)三种不同情形下的mimo仿真程序及误码率比较情况-In No Diversity (1Tx, 1Rx), Alamouti (2Tx, 1Rx), and Maximal-Ratio Combining (1Tx, 2Rx) three different cases of MIMO simulation program and the error rate comparisons
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : chien-lun chen

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maximum ratio combining
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : bill

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研究相关瑞利衰落信道上MIMO系统中组合发射机选择合并(SC)/4t-收机最大比合并(MRC)的天线分集系统性能。使用矩生成函数方法,推导相关瑞利衰落信道上采用组合SC/MRC天线分集和相干检测的M 进制相移键控(MPSK),M进制正交幅度调制(MQAM),M 进制脉冲幅度调制(MPAM)等几种M 进制数字调制方式的误符号率精确表达式。数值计算结果阐明相关性和天线阵结构对采用组合SC/MRC天线分集的几种M 进制数字调制方式的平均误符号率性能的影响。-Research related to Rayleigh fading MIMO channel transmitter system to choose the combined portfolio (SC)/4t-collection machine maximal-ratio combining (MRC) diversity antenna system performance. The use of moment generating function method, Rayleigh fading channel is derived using the relevant combination of SC/MRC antenna diversity and coherent detection of M-ary phase shift keying (MPSK), M M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (MQAM), M-band pulse amplitude modulation (MPAM), such as several M-band digital modulation modes of expression of symbol error rate of accuracy. The numerical results clarify the relevance and structure of antenna arrays using combinations of SC/MRC antenna diversity of several M-band digital modulation of the average symbol error rate performance.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 233kb Publisher : dingyuwen

包括两个文件,一个是2*2系统采用最大似然检测的BER仿真,一个是接收端使用MRC的仿真-computing the BER in a Rayleigh fading channel with Maximal Ratio Combining
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : 张群

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This code simulates maximal ratio combining-This is code simulates maximal ratio combining
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : petar davas

Alamouti space time coding simulation Maximal Ratio Combining BER simulation
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 9kb Publisher : grn552

这个程序是三种分集合并方式的比较,选择合并,等增益合并,最大比值合并-This program gives the comparison of improvements offered by the 3 combining techniques, namely Selection Diversity, Equal Gain and Maximal Ratio.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 高肉

Rayleigh fading channel with Maximal Ratio Combining
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : Nandan

SNR plot in rayleigh channel with maximal ratio combining technique for MIMO
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : frdownload

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BER SNR plot in rayleigh channel with maximal ratio combining technique for MIMO
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : frdownload

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helps in maximal ratio combining,equal gain combining,snr improvement,select diversity
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : cart

this document describes the maximal ratio combining and give matlab code for that
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 880kb Publisher : ankit
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