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OpenSceneGraph Class Documentation 基于2.4版本。对OSG学习和使用者来说,一个类参考手册的作用无需赘言。-OpenSceneGraph Class Documentation for version 2.4.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 17.69mb Publisher : vicky

osg2.6的中文例子,附带详细说明,要代码样例-Chinese osg2.6 example, with a detailed description, it is necessary to sample code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 20.5mb Publisher : fafa

OpenSceneGraph是一款高性能的3D图形开发库。广泛应用在可视化仿真、游戏、虚拟现实、高端技术研发以及建模等领域。使用标准的C++和 OpenGL编写而成,可以运行在Windows系列、OSX、GNU/Linux、IRIX、Solaris、HP-Ux、AIX以及FreeBSD操作系统。-OpenSceneGraph is a high-performance 3D graphics development library. Widely used in visual simulation, games, virtual reality, high-technology research and development, as well as modeling and other fields. Using the standard C++ and written in OpenGL, you can run on Windows series, OSX, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP-Ux, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.19mb Publisher : daij

Source code of OSG. The OpenSceneGraph is a fast high level method of generating 3D computer graphics. As such it has a large number of powerful concepts embodied in its nodes, all of which deserve some description.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.17mb Publisher : MKEason

OpenSceneGraph是一款高性能的3D图形开发库。广泛应用在可视化仿真、游戏、虚拟现实、高端技术研发以及建模等领域。使用标准的 C++和OpenGL编写而成,可以运行在Windows系列、OSX、GNU/Linux、IRIX、Solaris、HP-Ux、AIX以及 FreeBSD操作系统。 OpenSceneGraph从03年开始,在中国得到广泛的应用与发展,这里集中了一些OSG开发者以及OSG的典型案例和为初学者所准备的教程,无论您是专业的开发VR人员还是抽时间来研究OSG的业余爱好者,这里都能给您提供很大的帮助. -OpenSceneGraph is a high-performance 3D graphics development library. Widely used in visual simulation, games, virtual reality, high-technology research and development, and modeling and other fields. Using the standard C++ and OpenGL compiled, you can run in the Windows series, OSX, GNU/Linux, IRIX, Solaris, HP-Ux, AIX and FreeBSD operating systems. OpenSceneGraph starting from 2003, is widely used in China and development, where developers focus on a number of OSG and OSG in the typical case and prepared a tutorial for beginners, whether you are a professional personnel or time to development of VR to study the OSG amateur, here you can give great help.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 7.3mb Publisher : noon1252

Win32环境下编译OpenSceneGraph2.2的教程,详细介绍了OpenSceneGraph2.2的安装过程和使用方法-Win32 compiled OpenSceneGraph2.2 tutorial environment, detailing the OpenSceneGraph2.2 the installation process and use
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 355kb Publisher : 李天

osg教程,详细说明了osg的安装,调试及配置-osg tutorial details osg installation, commissioning and configuration
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 355kb Publisher : 李伟

DL : 0
本人精心制作的openscenegraph2.8.3的API文档,希望对学习osg的朋友有所帮助!-I elaborate openscenegraph2.8.3 the API documentation, I hope to learn osg friends help!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 11.33mb Publisher : laymu

OpenSceneGraph2.99的英文API文档-OpenSceneGraph2.99 s English API Document
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 25.63mb Publisher : yuri

自从OpenSceneGraph2.0后,osgdem已从OSG中移出,作为单独的一个部分VirtualPlanetBuilder来发展。随着VirtualPlanetBuilder的不断发展,最终有可能成为OSG处理地形的等的专用工具。-Since OpenSceneGraph2.0 osgdem has been removed from the OSG, as part of a separate VirtualPlanetBuilder to development. With the continuous development of VirtualPlanetBuilder, could eventually become OSG treatment of terrain and other special tools.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 16kb Publisher : 溜缝
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