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Description: dvbsnoop is a DVB/MPEG stream analyzer program. The program can be used to sniff, monitor, debug, dump or view DVB/MPEG/DSM-CC/MHP stream information (digital television or data broadcasts) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.-dvbsnoop is a DVB / MPEG stream analyzer pro gram. The program can be used to sniff. monitor, debug, dump or view DVB / MPEG / DSM-CC / MHP stream infor mation (digital television or data broadcasts ) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.
Platform: | Size: 409675 | Author: LINHEZHI | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4popCorn-0.1b-src.tar

Description: popCorn is a desktop-oriented MPEG-1 audio (MP3) and video software capable of playing data streamed directly from the network. Compatibility with existing media servers is provided by the support of the industry standard RTSP protocol. -popCorn is a desktop-oriented MPEG-1 audi o (MP3) and video software capable of playing da ta streamed directly from the network. Compati bility with existing media servers is provided by the support of the industry standard pro RTSP tocol.
Platform: | Size: 41135 | Author: sunxuefeng | Hits:


Description: dvbsnoop is a DVB/MPEG stream analyzer program. The program can be used to sniff, monitor, debug, dump or view DVB/MPEG/DSM-CC/MHP stream information (digital television or data broadcasts) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.-dvbsnoop is a DVB/MPEG stream analyzer pro gram. The program can be used to sniff. monitor, debug, dump or view DVB/MPEG/DSM-CC/MHP stream infor mation (digital television or data broadcasts ) sent via satellite, cable or terrestrial.
Platform: | Size: 409600 | Author: LINHEZHI | Hits:

[Streaming Mpeg4popCorn-0.1b-src.tar

Description: popCorn is a desktop-oriented MPEG-1 audio (MP3) and video software capable of playing data streamed directly from the network. Compatibility with existing media servers is provided by the support of the industry standard RTSP protocol. -popCorn is a desktop-oriented MPEG-1 audi o (MP3) and video software capable of playing da ta streamed directly from the network. Compati bility with existing media servers is provided by the support of the industry standard pro RTSP tocol.
Platform: | Size: 40960 | Author: sunxuefeng | Hits:


Description: Pro-MPEG Code of Practice#3编码算法-Pro-MPEG Code of Practice#3
Platform: | Size: 728064 | Author: zhangshuai | Hits:


Description: The Altera(R) RTP Receiver function implements a buffer for received RTP packets. Duplicated and re-ordered packets are corrected. Missing packets can be fixed using Pro-MPEG Code of Practice #3 Forward Error Correction
Platform: | Size: 2419712 | Author: Seok Hoon Shin | Hits:

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