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利用RSA对称算法实现文件加密,密钥512位,比较安全。但不是特别安全。因为推荐2048位的密钥目前是很安全的。-use RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm document, the key 512, relatively safe. But it is not particularly safe. Since 2048 recommended the key now is very safe.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 140.18kb Publisher : 海贵

学生信息管理系统(JBuilder x 开发,采用RSA 512位公钥加密,私钥用于找回密码,2006-4-5)-student information management system (x JBuilder development, adoption 512 RSA public key encryption, the private key used to retrieve passwords 2006-2007-4 - 5)
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.76mb Publisher : zy

利用RSA对称算法实现文件加密,密钥512位,比较安全。但不是特别安全。因为推荐2048位的密钥目前是很安全的。-use RSA asymmetric encryption algorithm document, the key 512, relatively safe. But it is not particularly safe. Since 2048 recommended the key now is very safe.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 140kb Publisher : 海贵

学生信息管理系统(JBuilder x 开发,采用RSA 512位公钥加密,私钥用于找回密码,2006-4-5)-student information management system (x JBuilder development, adoption 512 RSA public key encryption, the private key used to retrieve passwords 2006-2007-4- 5)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.76mb Publisher : zy

几乎涵盖了所有加密算法的源代码3des,md5,rsa,sha……,还带有测试sample,不可多得的好东西。-cover almost all encryption algorithm source code 3des, md5, rsa, sha ... also with a test sample, a very good thing.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 940kb Publisher : 韩四方

这个程序是网络信息安全概论课的课程实践,自己动手编写一个具于1024位大数 运算的ELGamal加密系统。 ELGamal 依赖大数运算,目前主流ELGamal算法都建立在512 到1024位的大数运算之上。 而大多数的编译器只能支持到64位的整数运算,即我们在运算中所使用的整数必须小 于等于64位,即:0xffffffffffffffff,也就是18446744073709551615,这远远达不 到RSA 的需要,于是需要专门建立大数运算库来解决这一问题-network information security Introduction of the course in practice, personally prepared with a majority in the 1024 operations ELGamal encryption system. ELGamal rely on large numbers efficiently, Currently mainstream ELGamal algorithms are built on 512-1024 Operators of large numbers above. Most of the compiler can only support 64-bit integer operations, Operators that we are used to be rounded up to less than 64, namely : 0xffffffffffffffff. 18446744073709551615 is, it is far less than the needs of the RSA, therefore need to establish specialized majority of the operation to resolve this problem
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 90kb Publisher : 明江

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Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)是Schnorr和ElGamal签名算法的变种,被美国NIST作为DSS(DigitalSignature Standard)。算法中应用了下述参数: p:L bits长的素数。L是64的倍数,范围是512到1024; q:p - 1的160bits的素因子; g:g = h^((p-1)/q) mod p,h满足h < p - 1, h^((p-1)/q) mod p > 1; x:x < q,x为私钥 ; y:y = g^x mod p ,( p, q, g, y )为公钥; H( x ):One-Way Hash函数。DSS中选用SHA( Secure Hash Algorithm )。 p, q, g可由一组用户共享,但在实际应用中,使用公共模数可能会带来一定的威胁。签名及验证协议如下: 1. P产生随机数k,k < q; 2. P计算 r = ( g^k mod p ) mod q s = ( k^(-1) (H(m) + xr)) mod q 签名结果是( m, r, s )。 3. 验证时计算 w = s^(-1)mod q u1 = ( H( m ) * w ) mod q u2 = ( r * w ) mod q v = (( g^u1 * y^u2 ) mod p ) mod q 若v = r,则认为签名有效。   DSA是基于整数有限域离散对数难题的,其安全性与RSA相比差不多。DSA的一个重要特点是两个素数公开,这样,当使用别人的p和q时,即使不知道私钥,你也能确认它们是否是随机产生的,还是作了手脚。RSA算法却作不到。
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 133kb Publisher : wildkaede

(繁体中文版)台湾出品不得多得的关于spa dpa 旁道攻击rsa算法的精彩论文。相对国内的一些翻译性质的、粗制滥造的论文,简直是一个天上一个地下。-As information technology has developed rapidly, it provides more convenient life for people. As the result, the security has become the main concern. Recently, user id and password are major methods to protect private information. However, the short password can be broken by hackers. Too long is not easy to memorize. Network traffic-analyzing tool provides the function to gain the user id and password while doing transaction via network. Therefore, low cost Smart Card including user name identification and cryptosystem algorithm has become new trend of modern society. The first object of this thesis is to present the design and implementati- on of a 512-bit RSA cryptosystem by using 8051 microcontroller. In RSA cryptosystem algorithm, modular exponentiation is the essential arithmetic operation. However, 8051 microcontroller does not provide the modular exponentiation. In order to complete RSA cryptosystem, this thesis has mentioned that using L-algorithm to transfer to modular mult
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 512kb Publisher : wang carl

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安全性大大改进,可算做能完全代替MD5的散列验证算法.-1.Large input message block size 2.provably resistant to differential attacks 3.Alternative sequential mode 4.Key input K??of up to 512 bits?? K is input to every compression function 5.1024-bit intermediate (chaining) value root truncated to desired final length? Location (level,index) input to each node 6. Root bit ?(aka “z-bit” or “pumpkin bit”) input to each compression function 7. Operations on 64-bit words The following operations only: –XOR–AND–SHIFT by fixed amounts:
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 10kb Publisher : haec

RSA加密算法,可以实现实现128,256,512,1024,2048位的RSA加密解密运算-Use vc++ Realize RSA encryption and decryption algorithm source code.RSA digital signature algorithm of RSA
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23kb Publisher :

CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI X9.17 - CRC32 - DoD-5220.22-M
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 92kb Publisher : Andrey

CipherWall Client, code to work with sockets, sqlite database and CA realization: - RSA 2048-4096 bit - digit auth on RSA - 3-step cert auth - Blowfish in CFB mode (448 bit) - SHA-256 и SHA-512 - HMAC on base SHA-256 - random-digit genereator ANSI X9.17 - CRC32 - DoD-5220.22-M
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 128kb Publisher : Andrey

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RSA Routines Optimized for AVR, Very FAST 512bit RSA in 0.5 Seconds on ATMEGA 16 AVR
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : Belal

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判断一个大数是否是质数(512比特以上的大数)-To determine whether a large number is prime (512 bits or more of the large numbers)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4.03mb Publisher : 比格

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编程实现RSA算法。包括:生成公钥(e, n)和私钥d,对明文m加密,对密文m解密。 注:实际应用中,512比特的n 已经不够安全,所以建议公司用1024比特的n,及其重要的场合用2048比特的 n。所以大家要选择大整数n。-Programming RSA algorithm. Include: Creation of a public key (e, n) and private key d, m the plaintext encryption, decryption of ciphertext m. Note: The actual application, the 512-bit n is not secure, it is recommended that companies with 1024-bit n, and the important occasion with a 2048-bit n. Therefore, we should choose a large integer n.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 44kb Publisher : semmir

RSA的算法过程比较好理解,可是当具体用代码来实现的时候,我才发现原来不像自己想像的那么简单。经过这次试验和资料的查看了解到RSA是公钥密码的经典,应用很广。这次实验体会到RSA在生成密钥的时候非常慢,这里仅仅是512位的,如果要求生成1024或更多位的密钥的话,速度是相当慢的,可以看出RSA比DES慢非常多。-RSA composed.a good application to keep your files safe.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.41mb Publisher : 王锡爵

DL : 0
利用Java 实现512位大素数的RSA算法实现-RSA Java
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 11kb Publisher : 章羽辰

rsa 256-512-1024已编译通过-rsa 256-512-1024 compiled successed
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 297kb Publisher : tom

512位的rsa算法的yhdl实现,含说明文档-An open-source 512 bit RSA core in order to help small projects which need RSA ciphering.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 235kb Publisher : Rain

DL : 0
实现加解密功能,自动生成密钥,实现128,256,512,1024,2048位加解密(RSA tencrypto and tdecrypto)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 浅浅儿
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