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This thesis is concerned with recursive Bayesian estimation of non-linear dynamical
systems, which can be modeled as discretely observed stochastic differential
equations. The recursive real-time estimation algorithms for these continuous-
discrete filtering problems are traditionally called optimal filters and the algorithms
for recursively computing the estimates based on batches of observations
are called optimal smoothers. In this thesis, new practical algorithms for approximate
and asymptotically optimal continuous-discrete filtering and smoothing are
The mathematical approach of this thesis is probabilistic and the estimation
algorithms are formulated in terms of Bayesian inference. This means that the
unknown parameters, the unknown functions and the physical noise processes are
treated as random processes in the same joint probability space. The Bayesian approach
provides a consistent way of computing the optimal filtering and smoothing
estimates, which are optimal given the model assumptions and a consistent
way of analyzing their uncertainties.
The formal equations of the optimal Bayesian continuous-discrete filtering
and smoothing solutions are well known, but the exact analytical solutions are
available only for linear Gaussian models and for a few other restricted special
cases. The main contributions of this thesis are to show how the recently developed
discrete-time unscented Kalman filter, particle filter, and the corresponding
smoothers can be applied in the continuous-discrete setting. The equations for the
continuous-time unscented Kalman-Bucy filter are also derived.
The estimation performance of the new filters and smoothers is tested using
simulated data. Continuous-discrete filtering based solutions are also presented to
the problems of tracking an unknown number of targets, estimating the spread of
an infectious disease and to prediction of an unknown time series.

Update : 2009-02-01 Size : 1.39mb Publisher : eestarliu

This paper presents a data-oriented tracking framework which aims to recover the spatio-temporal trajectories for an unknown number of interacting objects appearing and disappearing at arbitrary times. Data association is performed at three-levels of a hierarchy: (i) rst, trajectory segments and an associated quality measure are generated by a local analysis of the space-time distribution of observations; (ii) a conservatively constrained association step links nearby consistent segments into intermediate trajectory fragments; and (iii) a last as- sociation step taking into account all available data (observations, trajectory fragments) generates the nal trajectory estimates. The association step relies on the Hungarian algorithm and it also con- siders detection responses below the detection threshold as evidence associated with high ambiguity. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach applied to the pedestrian tracking task on two challenging datasets.
Update : 2011-05-19 Size : 865.58kb Publisher :

《MIMO-OFDM关键技术的研究和完整仿真平台的建立》,建立了一个完整的MIMO-OFDM的仿真平台,为实际的硬件平台提供解决方案,给出性能评估。为建立这个完整的仿真平台,本文从MIMO-OFDM信号模型,提出系统实现的各个关键技术:帧同步和载波频偏估计、信道估计、采样同步和载波跟踪、空时/频编解码。- MIMO-OFDM key technology research and the establishment of a complete simulation platform , the establishment of a complete MIMO-OFDM simulation platform, for the actual hardware platform to provide solutions, given performance evaluation. For the establishment of the integrity of the simulation platform, this article from the MIMO-OFDM signal model, the system in all key technologies: frame synchronization and carrier frequency offset estimation, channel estimation, sampling synchronization and carrier tracking, space-time/frequency codecs.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.35mb Publisher : 李继龙

包括分层空时编码,网格空时编码,以及分组空时编码,很全面的matlab仿真程序,gui界面-Including the layered space-time coding, space-time coding grid and the split space-time coding, it is comprehensive matlab simulation program, gui interface
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 179kb Publisher : huang

本实验通过模拟系统内存管理的机制, 从不同侧面了解 Windows2000/XP 对用户进行的虚 拟空间的管理、分配方法。同时使用了信号量机制实现了一个线程对另一个线程的跟踪-This experiment by simulating the system memory management mechanisms, to understand different aspects Windows2000/XP user virtual space management, allocation method. At the same time using the semaphore mechanism to realize a thread on another thread tracking
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 47kb Publisher : Kurt

DL : 0
本实验是利用卡尔曼滤波器实现一维匀加速运动的轨迹跟踪。卡尔曼滤波是一种时域滤波方法,它采用状态空间方法描述系统,算法采用递推机制,数据存储量小,在导航领域有成功的应用。-This experiment is the use of Kalman filter to achieve a one-dimensional constant acceleration of the trajectory tracking. Kalman filter is a time-domain filtering method, which uses state-space description of systems, algorithms using recursive mechanisms, data storage a small amount of success in the navigation area of the application.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 33kb Publisher : yunguangmei

ua University, in 2002 publi this document, including the Mont A program of curve fitting based Bayesian Filter. Bayesian (Bayesi a target tracking system MATLAB s cubic spline curve fitting This i book is widely used in engineerin this study is extended Kalman Fil particle filter algorithm code, t use AR model for time series pred principal component analysis algo HMM, C language, it is important spectrum analysis techniques to s digital watermarking technology p mean-shift method for the example chaotic sequence of phase space r Serializing objects using CArchiv C compile some of the most optimi The source code of FFT,is a good Mailto US | Studio | Copyright Complaints
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 696kb Publisher : wibisono

We present a real-time model-based vision approach for detecting and tracking vehicles from a moving platform. It was developed in the context of the CMU Navlab project and is intended to provide the Navlabs with situational awareness in mixed trac. Tracking is done by combining a simple image processing technique with a 3D extended Kalman lter and a measurement equation that projects from the 3D model to image space. No ground plane assumption is made. The resulting system runs at frame rate or higher, and produces excellent estimates of road curvature, distance to and relative speed of a tracked vehicle. We have complemented the tracker with a novel machine learning based algorithm for car detection, the CANSS algorithm, which serves to initialize tracking
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 378kb Publisher : zhangjianrong

Euler方法 用C语言实现,并求解常微分方程组-The m framework appropriately generalizes notions such as gain margin, phase margin, disturbance attenuation, tracking, and noise rejection into a common framework suitable for analysis and design, in both single-loop and multiloop feedback systems. Even when working with single-loop feedback systems, some multi-input, multi-output (MIMO) systems arise during the analysis. Hence, a unified framework to deal with MIMO linear systems is important, with full support for both the time and frequency domain. m-Tools provides the capability to build complex interconnections (such as cascade, parallel, and feedback connections), compute properties (such as poles and zeros), calculate time and frequency responses, manipulate these responses (FFT for the time domain signals, Bode analysis for the frequency domain functions), and plot results. m-Tools supports two data types in addition to the standard matrices: SYSTEM matrices for state-space realizations
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 落思

文本聚类是基于相似性算法的自动聚类技术,自动对大量无类别的文档进行归类,把内容相近的文档归为一类,并自动为该类生成特征主题词。适用于自动生成热点舆论专题、重大新闻事件追踪、情报的可视化分析等诸多应用。 灵玖Lingjoin(基于核心特征发现技术,突破了传统聚类方法空间消耗大,处理时间长的瓶颈;不仅聚类速度快,而且准确率高,内存消耗小,特别适合于超大规模的语料聚类和短文本的语料聚类。 灵玖文档聚类组件的主要特色在于: 1、速度快:可以处理海量规模的网络文本数据,平均每小时处理至少50万篇文档; 2、聚类精准:Top N的聚类中心往往能反映出当时的时事热点,适合于舆情热点计算;与国际上以聚类见长的Autonomy公司技术相比,灵玖的各项指标远远领先,或许是灵玖更懂中文吧 3、精准排序:各个类别按照影响权重排序,每个类中的文档按照重要性排序; 4、可定制:可以定制类别数、类别中心。 5、开放式接口:灵玖文档聚类组件作为LJParser的一部分,采用灵活的开发接口,可以方便地融入到用户的业务系统中,可以支持各种操作系统,各类调用语言。 灵玖文档聚类可以应用于文本挖掘、知识管理、搜索聚类、舆情监测等多种应用中。 -Text clustering algorithm is based on the similarity of automatic clustering techniques, automatically a large number of non-classified categories of documents, the contents of the documents fall into a similar category, and automatically generate the features for this kind of keywords. For automatic generation of hot topics of public opinion, major news event tracking, information visualization analysis and many other applications. Ling Jiu Lingjoin ( found that based on the core features of technology, a breakthrough of traditional clustering method of space consumption, processing time is long bottlenecks not only the clustering speed and high accuracy, memory consumption is small, is particularly suitable for ultra-large-scale corpus clustering and short text corpus clustering. Ling-Jiu document clustering component of the main features are: 1, fast: the size of the network can handle the massive text data, the average hourly processing at least 50 mil
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.05mb Publisher : lingjoin

基于时空梯度的多分辨率目标跟踪稳像算法,该方法可用于处理有前景目标的图像,效果很好-Space-time gradient based target tracking of multi-resolution image stabilization algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 9kb Publisher : 牟聪翀

This paper presents a fuzzy tuning approach to sliding mode control for tracking-performance enhancement in a class of nonlinear systems. The sliding surface can rotate or shift in the phase space in such a direction that the tracking behaviour can be improved. It is shown that with arbitrary initial conditions, the reaching time and tracking error in the approaching phase can be signi辌antly reduced. Chattering can also be reduced by fuzzy tuning of the controller parameters
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 475kb Publisher : deep

空时互反馈Space-time feedback 人脸检测与跟踪系统的算法-Space-time feedback on each other face detection and tracking system and implementation of the algorithm
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 570kb Publisher : in

Conventional tracking approaches assume proximity in space, time and appearance of objects in successive observations. However, observations of objects are often widely separated in time and space when viewed from multiple non-overlapping cameras.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.15mb Publisher : kaw

通过设定可以捕捉、聚焦和跟踪任何成像物体,同时具备高效的元举学习能力,在计算机视觉方向有很大的应用空间,你相信吗?它竟然是开源的。-By setting the capture, focusing and tracking any imaging objects, at the same time with the efficient element for learning ability, in computer vision direction has a great use of space, do you believe?It is open source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 566kb Publisher : 李圣

通过设定可以捕捉、聚焦和跟踪任何成像物体,同时具备高效的元举学习能力,在计算机视觉方向有很大的应用空间,你相信吗?它竟然是开源的。-By setting the capture, focusing and tracking any imaging objects, at the same time with the efficient element for learning ability, in computer vision direction has a great use of space, do you believe?It is open source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2.41mb Publisher : 李圣

通过设定可以捕捉、聚焦和跟踪任何成像物体,同时具备高效的元举学习能力,在计算机视觉方向有很大的应用空间,你相信吗?它竟然是开源的。-By setting the capture, focusing and tracking any imaging objects, at the same time with the efficient element for learning ability, in computer vision direction has a great use of space, do you believe?It is open source.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 691kb Publisher : 李圣

时空上下文视觉跟踪(STC)算法的解读与代码复现 该论文提出一种简单却非常有效的视觉跟踪方法。更迷人的一点是,它速度很快,原作者实现的Matlab代码在i7的电脑上达到350fps。 该论文的关键点是对时空上下文(Spatio-Temporal Context)信息的利用。主要思想是通过贝叶斯框架对要跟踪的目标和它的局部上下文区域的时空关系进行建模,得到目标和其周围区域低级特征的统计相关性。然后综合这一时空关系和生物视觉系统上的focus of attention特性来评估新的一帧中目标出现位置的置信图,置信最大的位置就是我们得到的新的一帧的目标位置。另外,时空模型的学习和目标的检测都是通过FFT(傅里叶变换)来实现,所以学习和检测的速度都比较快。-Space-time visual tracking context (STC) algorithm for interpretation and code reuse the existing paper proposes a simple but very effective visual tracking method. More attractive is that it is fast, Matlab codes to achieve the original author reaches 350fps on i7 computer. The key point of the paper is a space-time context (Spatio-Temporal Context) access to information. The main idea is to be tracked through a Bayesian framework of goals and temporal relationship between its local context area is modeled to obtain objective and its surrounding area statistical correlation between low-level features. Then focus on the relationship between the biological and the integrated vision system to uate the spatial and temporal characteristics of attention of a new target position occurs confidence map, is the new position of maximum confidence of an objective position we get. In addition, the study and detection of target space-time model through FFT (Fourier transform) to achieve, so learni
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6.87mb Publisher : 老王

In this article we present a unified approach for multi-robot cooperative simultaneous localization and object tracking based on particle filters. Our approach is scalable with respect to the number of robots in the team. We introduce a method that reduces, from an exponential to a linear growth, the space and computation time requirements with respect to the number of robots in order to maintain a given level of accuracy in the full state estimation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.14mb Publisher : devil1979

本书作者为国际著名雷达信号处理专家。该书介绍了雷达系统与信号处理的基本理论和方法,包括雷达系统与信号处理概述、雷达信号模型、脉冲雷达数据采集、雷达波形、多普勒处理、检测基础原理、测量与跟踪、合成孔径雷达成像技术及干涉合成孔径雷达、波束形成和空-时处理的介绍。书中包含了大量反映雷达信号处理*新研究成果和当前研究热点的补充内容,提供了大量有助于读者深入探究的示例。该书对基础理论和方法进行了详尽介绍与深入严谨的论述。(The author of this book is an internationally renowned expert in radar signal processing. This book introduces the basic theory and methods of radar system and signal processing, including the overview of radar system and signal processing, radar signal model, pulse radar data acquisition, radar waveform, Doppler processing, basic principle of detection, measurement and tracking, synthetic aperture radar imaging technology and interferometric synthetic aperture radar, beamforming and space-time processing. The book contains a large number of new research results reflecting radar signal processing* and supplementary contents of current research hotspots, and provides a large number of examples to help readers in-depth exploration. The book gives a detailed introduction and a thorough and rigorous exposition of the basic theories and methods.)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 48.32mb Publisher : 有又又
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