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Description: 在客户端进行数据检查并设置光标位置-the client data to examine and set the cursor position
Platform: | Size: 1318 | Author: 李李 | Hits:

[Other resourcej_9213_hotel

Description: SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStockObject CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong GetWindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos InvalidateRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetCapture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindowProc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMenu-SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStock Object CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong Get WindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindo w DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos Invalida teRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetC apture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindow Proc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMen u
Platform: | Size: 534933 | Author: zzz | Hits:


Description: Rectangle GetDC SetROP2 ReleaseDC CreateRectRgn SelectClipRgn DeleteObject SelectObject CreatePen CreateSolidBrush SetTextColor SetBkColor SetRect LockResource UnlockResource GetCursor LoadCursor GetStockObject LineTo SetCursor ShowCursor DrawText LoadString MessageBox CreateFontIndirect GetTextMetrics ClientToScreen SetCursorPos GetMessageTime GetKeyState GetClientRect SetWindowPos BeginPaint EndPaint DefWindowProc
Platform: | Size: 95919 | Author: 安新军 | Hits:


Description: 在客户端进行数据检查并设置光标位置-the client data to examine and set the cursor position
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 李李 | Hits:

[Other Databasesj_9213_hotel

Description: SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStockObject CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong GetWindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindow DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos InvalidateRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetCapture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindowProc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMenu-SetCursor CWnd LoadCursor DestroyWindow CDialog GetClientRect C Button GetStock Object CFont GetWindowLong SetWindowLong Get WindowRect BeginDeferWindowPos EnableWindo w DeferWindowPos EndDeferWindowPos Invalida teRect UpdateWindow GetCursorPos CPoint SetC apture GetCapture ReleaseCapture CallWindow Proc CPaintDC DrawEdge PtInRect SetFocus CMen u
Platform: | Size: 534528 | Author: zzz | Hits:


Description: Rectangle GetDC SetROP2 ReleaseDC CreateRectRgn SelectClipRgn DeleteObject SelectObject CreatePen CreateSolidBrush SetTextColor SetBkColor SetRect LockResource UnlockResource GetCursor LoadCursor GetStockObject LineTo SetCursor ShowCursor DrawText LoadString MessageBox CreateFontIndirect GetTextMetrics ClientToScreen SetCursorPos GetMessageTime GetKeyState GetClientRect SetWindowPos BeginPaint EndPaint DefWindowProc
Platform: | Size: 2931712 | Author: 安新军 | Hits:

[Windows Developxsdww234r512340000

Description: ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) ::SetCursor( m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) - ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/) ::SetCursor(m_hLinkCursor) return TRUE } return FALSE } void CJfHyperLink::OnSetFocus(CWnd* /*pOldWnd*/)
Platform: | Size: 404480 | Author: aq1w23 | Hits:

[Special Effectszhengjiaobianhuan

Description: 几个正交变换的例子,对于学习数字图像的新手来说会有点帮助的。-CWinApp CSingleDocTemplate CCommandLineInfo ShowWindow UpdateWindow DragAcceptFiles CDialog CDataExchange CDocument MessageBox GetCurrentDirectory GlobalAlloc GlobalFree CFile CString CCmdUI CScrollView CView CBrush TextOut CreateSolidBrush SelectObject Rectangle StretchDIBits SetTextColor DeleteObject CPrintInfo SetTextAlign SetMapMode SetCurrentDirectory GetOpenFileName CreateDirectory GetSaveFileName CFileFind FindNextFile SetFileAttributes LoadCursor SetCursor CSize CFrameWnd
Platform: | Size: 2360320 | Author: mclong | Hits:


Description: 通讯录管理系统[经验]通讯录管理系统 - VC.NET论坛 - 编程论坛 8条回复 - 发帖时间: 2005年5月9日 利用MFC连接数据库有很多方法,选择一个比较适中的方法——利用MFC的ODBC类来制作通讯录管理系统。建立对话框应用程序,为其添加菜单实现登陆和密码修改功能,添加MFC-CDialog CString MessageBeep CWnd LoadIcon CDataExchange CWinApp CPoint CDC GetObject CreateFontIndirect SelectObject SetTextColor SetBkMode GetStockObject GetWindowText GetDlgCtrlID LoadString LoadCursor LoadLibrary CopyCursor FreeLibrary SetCursor DrawFocusRect GetParent CRect GetWindowRect CClientDC CFont SetRectEmpty DrawText ClientToScreen InflateRect ScreenToClient GetClientRect CSize GetSystemMetrics GetDlgItem CStatic FindResource LoadResource FreeResource SetWindowText IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage DrawIcon
Platform: | Size: 3524608 | Author: 王婷 | Hits:

[OS program0536548200710209193659

Description: 一套完整的某公司的石油钻井设计软件 源代码公布, 可供VC学习之用-A complete set of a company-CPen CString CBrush CWnd CDialog LoadResource CDataExchange CDC CRect GetClientRect SetBkMode CPalette CClientDC SelectPalette RealizePalette IsChild CStdioFile CFileException CFile GetDlgItem CButton DestroyIcon LoadIcon LoadAccelerators GetSystemMenu CMenu ModifyMenu ShowWindow SetWindowPos SetCursor GetPrinter GetLocalTime EndDoc TranslateAccelerator DestroyAcceleratorTable CPoint GetCapture ClientToScreen LoadMenu GetSubMenu TrackPopupMenu SetCapture ClipCursor SetROP2 SelectObject Rectangle ReleaseCapture MessageBox Beep ShowCursor Ellipse TextOut CStringList PtInRect CMDIChildWnd CView UpdateWindow CCmdUI CSize CControlBar CFrameWnd LoadCursor GetSysColorBrush GetWindowRect GetParent GetDlgCtrlID OffsetRect ExtractIcon MoveWindow SetRectEmpty CPaintDC CWindowDC ScreenToClient ExcludeClipRect IntersectClipRect FillRect GetSysColor ReleaseDC RedrawWindow LockWindowUpdate IsRectEmpty GetDCEx PatBlt CImageList GetStockObject CFont CCreateContext EnableWindow SetFocus SetWindowText Se
Platform: | Size: 9515008 | Author: madud00079 | Hits:

[Button controlButton-tansparent

Description: Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic MessageBeep SetBkMode GetStockObject RedrawWindow SetCursor SetWindowLong CreateFontIndirect IsWindow GetWindowRect-Button-tansparent: LoadImage CPoint CWnd CButton GetActiveWindow GetCapture SetFocus SetCapture CRect GetClientRect PtInRect ReleaseCapture CDC CPen CBrush FrameRect FillRect GetSysColor SelectObject LineTo DrawFocusRect CString GetWindowText OffsetRect CFont SetTextColor SetBkColor DrawText DrawState SendMessage SetWindowText ZeroMemory MultiByteToWideChar CComboBox DragAcceptFiles DragQueryFile LocalAlloc LocalFree DragFinish CStringArray CClientDC SaveDC GetSystemMetrics RestoreDC GetFileType GetPath DeleteObject CStatic object as usual the MessageBeep SetBkMode the GetStockObject the RedrawWindow the SetCursor the SetWindowLong the CreateFontIndirect the IsWindow the GetWindowRect
Platform: | Size: 1742848 | Author: cici | Hits:


Description: arduino + 1602 +dht11 + sr04 + ds1307-#include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7) /* 1602 vss to gnd vdd to 5v RS TO PIN2 RW TO GND E TO PIN3 D4 TO PIN4 D5 TO PIN5 D6 TO PIN6 D7 TO PIN7 A TO 5V K TO GND */ #include "Wire.h" #define DS1307_ADDRESS 0x68 byte zero = 0x00 //workaround for issue#527 /* DS1307 SDA TO PIN A4 SCL TO PIN A5 VCC TO 5V GND TO GND */ #include <dht11.h> dht11 DHT11 #define DHT11PIN 8 //DHT11 PIN 3 连接UNO 3 #define TRIGPIN 9 #define ECHOPIN 10 long ping() { digitalWrite(TRIGPIN, LOW) delayMicroseconds(2) digitalWrite(TRIGPIN, HIGH) delayMicroseconds(10) digitalWrite(TRIGPIN, LOW) return pulseIn(ECHOPIN, HIGH)/58 } void setup() { Wire.begin() Serial.begin(9600) //setDateTime() //MUST CONFIGURE IN FUNCTION lcd.begin(16, 2) //lcd.setCursor(0,1) //lcd.write("LIGHT: ") pinMode(TRIGPIN, OUTPUT) pinMode(ECHOPIN, INPUT) pinMode(13, OUTPUT) } void loop() { //int sensorValue
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: dicklaw | Hits:

[Windows Developmouseprogress_demo

Description: 理论上利用SetCursor(…)函数 , 应该可以在任何时候,任何地方修改鼠标形状 ,但实际情况却并非如此 , 每次调用OnMouseMove时候(即每次鼠标移动时) , 系统会调用程序默认原来的一个光标来重新绘制鼠标形状-HCURSOR hCursor = (HCURSOR)AfxGetApp()->LoadStandardCursor(IDC_CROSS) ::SetCursor(hCursor)
Platform: | Size: 61440 | Author: kkk | Hits:

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