Description: 该代码是用VHDL编写的用以实现5/3无损小波变换。压缩包内附有详细的说明。-the VHDL code is used to prepare for the realization of the 5 / 3 wavelet transform prejudice. Compression packet containing a detailed explanation. Platform: |
Size: 3304303 |
Author:黄飞 |
Description: 该代码是用VHDL编写的用以实现5/3无损小波变换。压缩包内附有详细的说明。-the VHDL code is used to prepare for the realization of the 5/3 wavelet transform prejudice. Compression packet containing a detailed explanation. Platform: |
Size: 3304448 |
Author:黄飞 |
Description: 小波变换的VHDL代码,内带正变换逆变换的测试文件。-Wavelet transform VHDL code, with a positive transformation within the inverse transform of the test file. Platform: |
Size: 18432 |
Author:Janee |
This file with the wavelet transf
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Mallat implementation of wavelet
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Size: 1852416 |
Author:sansfroid |