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介绍双目立体视觉基础的文章,对相机标定等双目视觉基础进行了详细介绍-Introduction binocular stereo vision-based article on binocular vision, such as camera calibration based on a detailed introduction
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 787kb Publisher : 陈媛媛

DL : 0
基于新型双目机构的立体视觉系统标定.一篇新的文章。-Institutions based on the new binocular stereo vision system calibration. A new article.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 278kb Publisher : ZHOU

实现立体匹配算法"quasi-dense matching"的Matlab代码,具体可参见CVPR 2007文章 Quasi-dense wide baseline matching using match propagation.-Stereo Matching Algorithm realize quasi-dense matching the Matlab code can be found in specific CVPR 2007 article Quasi-dense wide baseline matching using match propagation.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 526kb Publisher : 司卫光

关于双目立体视觉的文章,写的很好很实用,其中用到了HALCON软件,研究这个的人可以看看。-Binocular stereo vision on the article, written by very good and practical, which used a Halcon software, look at the people who can look at.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 270kb Publisher : 李岩琪

本文提供一個CMOS Controller,讓Nios II可以藉由CMOS Controller控制CMOS,並能讀出CMOS放在SDRAM中的影像。运行在DE2-70平台上-This article provides a CMOS Controller, so that Nios II can take advantage of CMOS Controller control CMOS, and allowed to deliver on the SDRAM in the CMOS image. Run on DE2-70 platform
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.56mb Publisher : 彭天

一篇立体匹配的好文章,基于角点引导的边缘匹配方法,自认为思路比较新颖,因此和大家一起分享。-A stereo matching a good article, based on leading edge of corner matching method, since the idea that the relatively new, so to share with everyone.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 239kb Publisher : quanshuiwusheng

一篇基于立体匹配的文章。PAMI2008_Stereo_matching_with_color-weighted_correlation,hierarchical_belief_propagation_and_occlusion_handling-An article based on stereo matching. PAMI2008_Stereo_matching_with_color-weighted_correlation, hierarchical_belief_propagation_and_occlusion_handling
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.24mb Publisher : zhangpeng

立体视觉的一篇文章,写得很好,作者一方面的可以参考-Stereo vision in an article, well written, the author can refer to one of
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3.63mb Publisher : 许松松

DL : 0
PD6121, 6122是用NEC传输格式的红外线遥控发射芯片,目前广泛的用在电视,录像机,音响,空调等设备上。8051系列单片机是目前应用最为广泛的8位机,其内核由美国因特公司设计。本文介绍如何用8051单片机准确接收红外遥控信号,并写出高效的代码。-PD6121, 6122 NEC transmission format with infrared remote control transmitter chip, now widely used in TV, VCR, stereo, air conditioning and other equipment. 8051 series of microcontrollers is the most widely used 8-bit machine, the kernel design by the American Internet company. This article describes how to use the infrared remote control receiver 8051 signals accurately, and to write efficient code.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 255kb Publisher : will

此文章主要概述了立体电影的发展历程和发展前景-This article outlines the development process and prospects for development of three-dimensional movies
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 185kb Publisher :

这是一本关于立体视觉相机的文章,讲解很详细-This is an article about the stereo vision camera, explaining in great detail
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.43mb Publisher : 胡水

这篇文章是关于基于颜色与空间距离的置信度传播立体匹配算法-this article is about stereo matching using color and space distance
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1.09mb Publisher : 李伊一

很好的关于双目立体视觉的文章,根据里面的模型可以自己写C++代码实现,效果不错!-Good article on binocular stereo vision, according to which the model can write C++ code to achieve good results!
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 619kb Publisher : 于振

本文是计算机视觉的重要分支——计算成像的相关综述性文章,文章对于计算成像中的DFD/DFF技术与立体视觉技术进行了详细的对比。-This article is a comprehensive review of the computational imaging, which is an important branch of the computer vision. This article includes thorough insight on the comparison between DFF/DFD and stereo.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 261kb Publisher : Mucci Shaw

对于立体匹配局部算法而言,匹配代价计算 和 支持窗口选择是很重要的两个问题:匹配代价计算通过前面的文章已经介绍了关于Adaptive Support-Weight和Rank Transform两种方法,对于支持窗口来说的,通常我们选取一个矩形窗-For local stereo matching algorithm, the matching cost calculation and support window selection is a very important two issues: matching cost calculation has been introduced by the previous article on Adaptive Support-Weight and Rank Transform are two ways to support the window is usually we choose a rectangular window
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 231kb Publisher : 新月
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