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用c#写的字符串比较算法,此算法应用于文件对比工具,比如Beyond Compare-used to write the string comparison algorithm, the algorithm used in document comparison tool For example, Beyond Compare
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 6.23kb Publisher : 黄文彬

跳棋游戏- The Chinese checkers play
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 437kb Publisher : 站长

用c#写的字符串比较算法,此算法应用于文件对比工具,比如Beyond Compare-used to write the string comparison algorithm, the algorithm used in document comparison tool For example, Beyond Compare
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 17kb Publisher : 黄文彬

自适应滑模控制程序,现在自适应控制在航空航天应用的比较多,将滑模控制和自适应控制结合起来,有其他控制方法无法比拟的优势-Adaptive sliding mode control process, and now Adaptive control in aerospace applications more to sliding mode control and adaptive control combined control method has other advantages beyond compare
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : 苏是

hi.. this is an asm file to control KA 3525 chip.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 1kb Publisher : dilraj

This paper will attempt to analyze and compare a number of different existing approaches to human detection in video. Even though there have already been a number a papers written on the topics of skin and face detection this paper will go beyond these analyze, culminating in an open source package aimed at anyone working with image processing and object recognition. I will provide a comprehensive up to date open source package containing implementations of the algorithms based on the most recent research concerning human presence detection. The package will include libraries for skin, face, eyes detection which together can be used for detecting human presence in video. The system is build so that it can applied to both real-time data although with lower detection rate and static data (images, video) for oine processing with higher detection rate.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 89kb Publisher : linuszhao

多路温度巡检仪采用ctrtex-M3内核的微处理器stm32为主控制器,配合数字式温度传感器、NRF24L01无线模块、液晶显示屏、LED 、及按键等组成。DS18B20温度传感器采用单总线技术实现和stm32的通信。采用NRF24L01无线传输将设备一采集到的温度信息传递给设备二。设备二的CPU将接收到的温度信息与设定的报警温度进行比较,如果大于设定的报警温度则亮对应的LED灯,并温度信息显示到TFTLCD屏上实现人机交互信息传递。按键的作用是设定设备一和设备二:如果 KEY1键按下,设置该设备为发送模式;如果KEY0键按下,设置该设备为接收模式;如果不能正常收发则会在LCD显示屏上提示错误信息。 本设计实现了开机自检,开机后即可自动检测DS18B20,NRF24L01等模块是否正常,如果不正常则会在LCD上提示错误信息。本系统一共使用了四个DS18B20温度传感器,通过在四个时间点ROM序列号的匹配可以实现温度巡检。CPU将采集到的温度值相加除以4得到平均温度,并显示在LCD上。 -The multi-channel temperature patrol instrument uses the STM32 with cortex-M3 core ad the main controller, cooperated with digital temperature-sensor,wireless data transmission device NRF24L01,a LCD screen,LED and keys.The temperature sensor DS18B20 realized the communication with STM32 by using 1-wire technology.The device one using the wireless data transmission device passes the temperature information gathered to the device two.The CPU of the device two will compare the temperature information received with the warning temperature seted before.The LED is lighted if the temperature is beyond the warning temperature ,and the temperature information is displayed to the TFTLCD to realize temperature human interaction.The keys is used to set the device one or two:if the key1 is pressed,the device is seted to delivery mode.if the key0 is pressed,the device is seted to send mode.The error message will displayed on the LCD,if the device can not receiving or sending. Boot automatical
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 2.07mb Publisher : xiaohui

beyond compare软件可以进行文件对比,代码比较。并以不同颜色进行标识。-41/5000 Beyond compare software for file comparison, code comparison. And in different colors for identification.
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 32.75mb Publisher : cjmkt

Beyond Compare是一套由Scooter Software推出的软件,主要用途是对比两个文件夹或者文件,并将差异以颜色标示。(Beyond Compare is a set of software developed by Scooter Software. The main purpose is to compare two folders or files, and to mark the differences in color.)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 5.7mb Publisher : Yang0001

这是免安装的文件对比软件,这个非常的好用,可以方便的对比文件跟文件夹内容(This is a non - Installation of the file contrast software, this is very good to use, can easily compare files and folders content)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 8.64mb Publisher : 异天

比对软件-beyond comapre最新版本(beyondcompare last version)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 21.12mb Publisher : qidian_2018

PHP 解密工具, GDeZender, 【更新历史】 16:32 2015-05-05 版本:v1.0.0.9 增加右键PHP 5.3、5.4 Zend解码 13:03 2015-03-19 版本:v1.0.0.8 增加PHP 5.4 Zend解码 修复增加PHP 5.3 Zend解码功能后,PHP 5.2 仅支持RM核心问题 11:03 2015-03-18 版本:v1.0.0.7 增加PHP 5.3 Zend解码 16:00 2013-05-23 版本:v1.0.0.5 默认双核心解密比较软件为TextDiff,原Beyond Compare中文支持不好 11:18 2013-05-10 版本:v1.0.0.4 右键默认设置为RM核心解码 增加直接右键菜单设置 11:16 2012-12-13 版本:v1.0.0.3 增加RM解码核心(支持双核解码) 增加解码完成后清空列表选项 10:03 2012-12-12 版本:v1.0.0.2 修正PHP文件或目录存在空格时解码失败问题 10:20 2012-12-07 版本:v1.0.0.1 修正多次拖曳同一文件重复添加文件问题 修正多文件拖曳不正确问题,不支持文件拖曳(有需要时下个版本增加) 增加解码完成后打开decode目录选项 增加解码完成状态显示 16:04 2012-12-06 版本:v1.0.0.0(PHP DeZender 16:04 2012-12-06 version: v1.0.0.0)
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 13.52mb Publisher : Benwang

Beyond Compare v4.1.9!!!!!
Update : 2025-02-17 Size : 21.82mb Publisher : meghendra
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