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VHDL 共定义了 5 种类型的端口,分别是 In, Out,Inout, Buffer及 Linkage,实际设计时只会用到前四种。。。
Update : 2011-07-14 Size : 42.5kb Publisher :

编了个8*8位的fifo数据缓冲器的vhdl源程序,是经过quartusII4.2编译成功的程序。。希望能跟各位交流-Bianlegan 8* 8 of the data buffer fifo VHDL source, after quartusII4.2 compiler successful procedures. . Hope you enjoy the exchanges
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : 夏社

本原代码中利用VHDL语言编写了RAM、FIFO、ROM等常用的存储和缓冲部件,完全的代码在ALTERA的FPGA上已经通过仿真测试,保证可用.-primitive code using VHDL prepared RAM, FIFO, ROM, and other commonly used storage and buffer components, complete code in the Altera FPGA simulation test has been passed to ensure that available.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : nick

Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : shenyunfei

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电子EDA,VHDL语言设计8位的fifo数据缓冲器的vhdl源程序-E-EDA, VHDL language design 8-bit data buffer fifo VHDL source code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : zhang

一个用VHDL源码编写的先进先出(FIFO)缓冲器模块.可以进行FIFO的仿真验证-A source prepared by VHDL FIFO (FIFO) buffer module. Can verify FIFO simulation
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : falcon_cq

使用Libero提供的异步通信IP核实现UART通信,并附带仿真程序。UART设置为1位开始位,8位数据位,1位停止位,无校验。且UART发送自带2级FIFO缓冲,占用FPGA面积很小。-Libero provided the use of asynchronous communication IP core implementation UART communications, and incidental simulation program. UART is set to 1 to start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity. UART and send its own two FIFO buffer occupancy is very small FPGA.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 856kb Publisher : 张键

buffer for in/out data.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 487kb Publisher : mih

为充分利用CPU的运行效率,采用中断功能设计并行输入输出接口,以达到缓解CPU高速运行速度与外设低速缓冲间的矛盾。-To take full advantage of the efficiency of CPU operation, interruption of functional design using parallel input-output interface, in order to alleviate the CPU speed and high-speed peripherals contradictions between low-speed buffer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 205kb Publisher : Rachel

Camera Interface模块是视频输入转换存储模块。该模块一端接通用的video camera设备,另一端接AHB总线。实现了将Camera捕捉到的数据进行转换、并通过DMA存储到memory中。该IP支持ITU-R BT 601/656 8-bit 模式。支持YCbCr, RGB格式输入。可以将camera产生的YCbCr信号转换成24bit RGB 信号,然后下采样生成16bit RGB 5:6:5的LCD能直接读取显示的数据。该设备支持图像的镜像和翻转,以便适应手持式设备在移动环境中图像的捕捉。可变的同步信号极性使得可以兼容各种摄像头外设。Camera Interface兼容AMBA规范, AHB SLAVE接口,用于读取软件配置数据和设置数据存放地址和1帧数据占用的空间。-The Camera IP Core is small and flexible video data coverter. It is connected to a typical video camera ICs with 8-bit digital video data, Horizontal synchronization and Vertical synchronization signals. The core is connected through FIFO to a WISHBONE bus on the other side. Both sides of the core can operate at fully asynchronous clock frequencies. The Camera IP Core convertes 4:2:2 YCbCr video data (sometimes called YUV, but not totally the same Y is the same, while Cb and Cr are U and V multiplied by a constant) to a 24-bit RGB. 24-bit or 16-bit RGB data, downsampled from 24-bit RGB, is then sent to the system (video) memory, however conversion can also be by-passed. Interrupt can be generated after frame-buffer in system (video) memory is filled up or after setable number of horizontal lines written to frame-buffer.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 32kb Publisher : 孙喆

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将VHDL源文件中提取常量转换成C/C++的头文件。用于VHDL的固件和主机程序间的同步,如:寄存器地址,缓冲区长度,版本号等。-This short program converts the constants in VHDL files into C/C++ header files. It is useful to sync the VHDL firmware and C/C++ host program in, for example, register address, buffer length, version number, etc.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 10kb Publisher : David Geng

buffer delay vhdl model
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : gnomix

VHDL code for a full adder and n bit full adder a tri state buffer and a flip flop
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : Davood

异步fifo的设计,能够很好的的完成,数据的缓冲,内部有ram存储器-The design of asynchronous fifo, Asynchronous fifo design, can be a good completion of the data buffer, internal ram memory
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : 孟霑

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Circular buffer using a cyclone memory ( Quartus II and VHDL .)-Circular buffer using a cyclone memory ( Quartus II and VHDL .)
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 503kb Publisher : Kozinio

设计了一个具有双时钟信号,双复位信号的FIFO,用于FPGA中的数据缓冲,RAM的定义是参数型,可以根据自己的需求,修改此参数,完成RAM的容量扩展。程序中有详细的说明-Designed a dual-clock signal, double reset signal FIFO, for the FPGA in the data buffer, RAM is defined as parameter type, according to their needs, and modify this parameter, the completion of the capacity expansion of RAM. Procedures described in detail
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 179kb Publisher : luosheng

FIFO 是一种先进先出数据缓存器,这是一个同步FIFO的VHDL源程序,将FIFO分成几个模块进行设计,最后用顶层文件进行模块化设计。-FIFO is a FIFO buffer, which is a synchronous FIFO in VHDL source code, will be divided into several modules FIFO design, top-level files Finally, the modular design.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 4kb Publisher : 刀刀

fifo buffer in vhdl, first in first out in vhdl, vhdl code
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 1kb Publisher : sgma

parametrizable register and mux in VHDL of data rage, using std_logic_vector type
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : Felipe

communication rs232 in vhdl with clock divider, counter, buffer, rs232tx, rs232rx.
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 14kb Publisher : le noach
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