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C++/CLI in Action is a practical guide that will help you breathe new life into your legacy C++ programs. The book begins with a concise C++/CLI tutorial. It then quickly moves to the key themes of native/managed code interop and mixed-mode programming. You抣l learn to take advantage of GUI frameworks like Windows Forms and WPF while keeping your native C++ business logic. The book also covers methods for accessing C# or VB.NET components and libraries. Written for readers with a working knowledge of C++.
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 17.85mb Publisher : daniel

用c++编写嵌入式多任务操作系统 英文版 用c++编写嵌入式多任务操作系统,含例子程序-prepared with embedded multi-task operating system used in English c prepared embedded multi-tasking operating systems, including example programs
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.52mb Publisher : 梁福田

「到 Petzold 的书中找找」仍然是解决 Windows 程式开发各种疑难杂症时的灵丹妙药。在第五版的《Windows 程式开发设计指南》中,作者身违背受敬重的 Windows Pioneer Award(Windows 开路先锋奖)得主,依据最新版本 Windows 作业系统,以可靠的取材资料校定这一本经典之作一再一次深入探索了 Win32 程式设计介面的根本重心。 -"Petzold book room" is still Windows programs to solve various problems for Taiwan's development when a panacea. The fifth edition of the "Windows programs to develop design guidelines," the authors who violated respected Windows Pioneer Award (Windows pioneer Award) winner, based on the latest version of the Windows operating system, based on reliable information determined that the classics again for an in-depth exploration of Win32 programming interfaces the fundamental focus.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.84mb Publisher : 李昊

C++/CLI in Action is a practical guide that will help you breathe new life into your legacy C++ programs. The book begins with a concise C++/CLI tutorial. It then quickly moves to the key themes of native/managed code interop and mixed-mode programming. You抣l learn to take advantage of GUI frameworks like Windows Forms and WPF while keeping your native C++ business logic. The book also covers methods for accessing C# or VB.NET components and libraries. Written for readers with a working knowledge of C++.-C++/CLI in Action is a practical guide that will help you breathe new life into your legacy C++ Programs. The book begins with a concise C++/CLI tutorial. It then quickly moves to the key themes of native/managed code interop and mixed-mode programming. You ll l learn to take advantage of GUI frameworks like Windows Forms and WPF while keeping your native C++ business logic. The book also covers methods for accessing C# or VB. NET components and libraries. Written for readers with a working knowledge of C++.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 17.85mb Publisher : daniel

This tutorial explains how to communicate with IO devices on the DE2 Board and how to deal with interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the red LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second program uses interrupts.-This tutorial explains how to communicate with IO devices on the DE2 Board and how to deal with interrupts using C and the Altera Monitor Program. Two example programs are given that diplay the state of the toggle switches on the red LEDs. The fi rst program uses the programmed I/O approach and the second program uses interrupts.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 163kb Publisher : *Roma*

c语言学习100例实例程序,C语言学习100例实例程序.pdf-c language learning 100 cases of sample programs, C language study 100 cases of example programs. pdf
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 215kb Publisher : mars

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Inside the C++ Object Model 学C++必读,清晰pdf版本-Inside the C++ Object Model focuses on the underlying mechanisms that support object-oriented programming within C++: constructor semantics, temporary generation, support for encapsulation, inheritance, and "the virtuals"-virtual functions and virtual inheritance. This book shows how your understanding the underlying implementation models can help you code more efficiently and with greater confidence. Lippman dispells the misinformation and myths about the overhead and complexity associated with C++, while pointing out areas in which costs and trade offs, sometimes hidden, do exist. He then explains how the various implementation models arose, points out areas in which they are likely to evolve, and why they are what they are. He covers the semantic implications of the C++ object model and how that model affects your programs.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 990kb Publisher : Joewan

iPhone SDK 3.0 Programming Edition September 2009 Retail Ebook-ATTiCA-With iPhone SDK Programming, developers have the expert guidance they need to begin building native applications for Apple s new iPhone 3G as well as the iPod touch. Inside, veteran mobile developer and Bell Labs scientist Maher Ali begins with a foundational introduction to Objective C and Cocoa programming, and then guides readers through the building programs with Apple s iPhone SDK 3.0. Topics covered include: * User interface development and GUI controls * Working with animation * Making use of the camera and video * Utilizing the SQLLite Database * Making your applications location-aware And more. also interesting ... Apress.-.iPhone.Advanced.Projects.-.Development.Tales.of.iPhone.App.Masters.Edition.October.2009 Pragmatic.Programmers.-.iPhone.SDK.Development.Edition.2009 McGraw.Hill.-.IPhone.SDK.Programming.A.Beginners.Guide.Edition.October.2009 Oreilly.-.Programming.the.iPhone.User.Experience.Edition.September.2009 Apress.iPhone.Cool.Pr
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 6.09mb Publisher : zengjian

本书从基本的Windows程序与汇编指令出发,深入浅出地讲解了Windows内核的编程、调试、阅读,以及自行探索的方法。读者在使用C/C++开发Windows程序的基础上,将熟练掌握汇编和C语言的应用,深入了解Windows底层,并掌握阅读Windows内核的基本方法,以及Windows内核的基本编程方法 -This book from the basic Windows program starting with the assembly instructions in layman' s language to explain the Windows kernel programming, debugging, reading, and self-exploration approach. Readers using the C/C++ programs developed on the basis of Windows will be familiar with the compilation and C language application, in-depth understanding of Windows low-level, and read the Windows kernel to master the basic methods, as well as the basic Windows kernel programming
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 21.84mb Publisher : 赵晓飞

Gnostice PDFtoolkit 2.5 VCL Copyright © 2002-2007 Gnostice Information Technologies Private Limited -Gnostice PDFtoolkit is a powerful component set for Borland® Delphi™ and Borland® C++Builder™ developers to help manage PDF documents from within application programs. PDFtoolkit supports filling and reading of PDF forms, compressing, securing, appending and merging of multiple PDF documents, stamping, building Table of Contents, setting bookmarks, and many more functions that can be performed on PDF documents. PDFtoolkit operates on existing PDF documents and can even create new ones by extracting pages from existing documents.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.24mb Publisher : hingman

经典算法书(中文版)。这一套算法系列书介绍了当今最重要的算法,共分3卷,这是第2卷(第五部分),集中讲解图算法。本书共有6章(第17章~第22章)。第17章详细讨论图性质和类型,第18章~第22章分别讲解图搜索、有向图和DAG、最小生成树、最短路径以及网络流。书中提供了用C语言描述的完整算法源程序,并且配有丰富的插图和练习。-Algorithms in C, Third Edition, Part 5: Graph Algorithms is the second book in Sedgewick s thoroughly revised and rewritten series. The first book, Parts 1-4, addresses fundamental algorithms, data structures, sorting, and searching. A forthcoming third book will focus on strings, geometry, and a range of advanced algorithms. Each book s expanded coverage features new algorithms and implementations, enhanced descriptions and diagrams, and a wealth of new exercises for polishing skills. A focus on abstract data types makes the programs more broadly useful and relevant for the modern object-oriented programming environment. Coverage includes: * A complete overview of graph properties and types * Diagraphs and DAGs * Minimum spanning trees * Shortest paths * Network flows * Diagrams, sample C code, and detailed algorithm descriptions
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 13.26mb Publisher : wang

iphone程序中的View间的各种变换的特效代码教程,-iphone programs View between the effects of various transformations code tutorial
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 759kb Publisher : andy

JavaTM s growth over the last five years has been nothing short of phenomenal. Given Java s rapid rise to prominence and the general interest in networking, it s a little surprising that network programming in Java is still so mysterious to so many. This doesn t have to be. In fact, writing network programs in Java is quite simple, as this book will show. Readers with previous experience in network programming in a Unix, Windows, or Macintosh environment should be pleasantly surprised at how much easier it is to write equivalent programs in Java. That s because the Java core API includes well-designed interfaces to most network features. Indeed, there is very little application layer network software you can write in C or C++ that you can t write more easily in Java. Java Network Programming endeavors to show you how to take advantage of Java s network class library to quickly and easily write programs that accomplish many common networking tasks.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 2.16mb Publisher : faiq

本书适用于那些想要写出更快、更可靠程序的程序员。通过掌握程序是如何映射到系统上,以及程序是如何执行的,读者能够更好的理解程序的行为为什么是这样的,以及效率低下是如何造成的。粗略来看,计算机系统包括处理器和存储器硬件、编译器、操作系统和网络互连环境。而通过程序员的视角,读者可以清晰地明白学习计算机系统的内部工作原理会对他们今后作为计算机科学研究者和工程师的工作有进一步的帮助。它还有助于为进一步学习计算机体系结构、操作系统、编译器和网络互连做好准备。   本书的主要论题包括:数据表示、C程序的机器级表示、处理器结构,程序优化、存储器层次结构、链接、异常控制流、虚拟存储器和存储器管理、系统级I/O、网络编程和并发编程。书中所覆盖的内容主要是这些方面是如何影响应用和系统程序员的。例如,在讲述数据表示时,本书说明了用来表示数字的表示方法是有限的,它能够近似地表示整数和实数,但是这种表示方法是有限制的,程序员必须了解。在讲述高速缓存时,本书讨论了矩阵代码中的循环变量的顺序是如何影响程序的性能的。在讨论网络互连时,本书描述了并发服务器如何能有效地处理来自多个客户端的请求。-Few students studying computer science or computer engineering will ever have the opportunity to build a computer system. On the other hand, most students will be required to use and program computers on a near daily basis. Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective introduces the important and enduring concepts that underlie computer systems by showing how these ideas affect the correctness, performance, and utility of application programs. The text s hands-on approach (including a comprehensive set of labs) helps students understand the “under-the-hood” operation of a modern computer system and prepares them for future courses in systems topics such as compilers, computer architecture, operating systems, and networking.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 30.63mb Publisher : 乔雪原

DL : 0
用于MAX7456随屏显示器SPI接口的C程序_-_Maxim.pdf,用于MAX7456随屏显示器SPI接口的C程序 -Screen display for the MAX7456 SPI interface with C programs _-_Maxim.pdf, with the screen display for the MAX7456 SPI Interface C program
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 777kb Publisher : pengjun

ArcEngine10.0开发手册及源代码,书中详细的介绍了如何用C#开发GIS程序,并且附有详细的源代码。-Manuals and source code ArcEngine10.0 development, the book described in detail how to use C# development of GIS programs, and accompanied by a detailed source code.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 12.18mb Publisher : tyzhai

本书介绍如何用Python开发科学计算的应用程序,除了介绍数值计算之外,还着重介绍如何制作交互式的2D、3D图像,如何设计精巧的程序界面,如 何与C语言编写的高速计算程序结合,如何编写声音、图像处理算法等内容。书中涉及的Python扩展库包括NumPy、SciPy、SymPy、 matplotlib、Traits、TraitsUI、Chaco、TVTK、Mayavi、VPython、OpenCV等,涉及的应用领域包括数值 运算、符号运算、二维图表、三维数据可视化、三维动画演示、图像处理以及界面设计等。   书中以大量实例引导读者逐步深入学习,每个实例程序都有详尽的解释,并都能在本书推荐的运行环境中正常运行。此外,本书附有大量的图表和插图,力求减少长篇的理论介绍和公式推导,以便读者通过实例和数据学习并掌握理论知识。 -The goal of this book is to teach computational scientists how to develop tailored, flexible, and human-efficient working environments built from small programs (scripts), written in the easy-to-learn, high-level language Python. The focus is on examples and applications of relevance to computational scientists: gluing existing applications and tools, e.g. for automating simulation, data analysis, and visualization steering simulations and computational experiments equipping old programs with graphical user interfaces making computational Web applications and creating interactive interfaces with a Maple/Matlab-like syntax to numerical applications in C/C++ or Fortran. In short, scripting with Python makes you much more productive, increases the reliability of your scientific work and lets you have more fun- on Unix, Windows and Macintosh. All the tools and examples in this book are open source codes. The second edition features new material, reorganization of text, improved example
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 4.4mb Publisher : yoyo

a very good book from nvidea. it contains a lot of code and example on how to make parallel programs in cuda.
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 639kb Publisher : hamido

more effective cpp to write good c++ programs
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 3.89mb Publisher : leochangcn

计算机图形在越来越多的领域得到了广泛的应用,而大多数个人计算机用户却因 缺乏基本的编程工具而不能在便宜的PC机上生成精美的计算机图形,本书旨在帮助 这些用户挖掘PC机潜在的图形设计能力,制做逼真的高质量计算机图形。 本书介绍了计算机图形学要求的向量和矩阵算术工具,讨论了光线追踪程序的生 成和使用,并给出了实际的C代码。此外,本书还对三维建模工具、提高图像质量的方 法及图形显示设备等做了介绍。(Computer graphics have been widely used in more and more fields, while most personal computer users are unable to generate fine computer graphics on cheap PC machines because of the lack of basic programming tools. This book aims to help these users to excavate the potential graphic design ability of the PC machine and make realistic high quality computing. Machine graphics. This book introduces the vector and matrix arithmetic tools required by computer graphics, discusses the generation and use of ray tracing programs, and gives the actual C code. In addition, this paper also introduces three dimensional modeling tools, methods of improving image quality and graphic display devices.)
Update : 2025-02-19 Size : 11.25mb Publisher : 魔王大人
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