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Description: 非常好的一本C51语言教材,适合C51入门者自学。-A very good tutorial for C51 language,especilly for beginners.
Platform: | Size: 4644864 | Author: 开发 | Hits:

[Driver DevelopC51菜单设计

Description: 功能:运用c51编写的,已经编译通过,可以显示开发者需要的界面-function : to prepare the application decoder has been compiled, it shows the need to develop the interface
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 发达法 | Hits:


Description: I2C串行总线标准驱动程序(C51)-万能程序-I2C serial bus standards Driver (C51)- omnipotent procedures
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘翔 | Hits:


Description: C51的程序库,包含了读写卡、LED驱动、4*4键盘扫描等子程序-C51 libraries, which includes a card reader, LED drive, 4* 4 keyboard scan subroutine
Platform: | Size: 38912 | Author: fbs | Hits:


Description: 这是20个C51的源程序库,包含了E-1330点阵液晶屏驱动程序和EEPROM的驱动程序等-20 C51 source library includes the E- 1330 dot-matrix LCD driver and the driver EEPROM, etc.
Platform: | Size: 41984 | Author: fbs | Hits:


Description: 单片机C51串口接收(中断)和发送例程,可以用来测试51单片机的中断接收 -80C51 Serial reception (suspended) and send routines can be used to test 51 SCM interrupt reception
Platform: | Size: 12288 | Author: 王胜 | Hits:


Description: 《单片机高级语言c51应用程序设计》.zip,介绍用C51设计弹片机应用程序-"MCU Advanced Language decoder application design." Zip, introduces C51 shrapnel machine design applications
Platform: | Size: 8546304 | Author: 曹洪太 | Hits:


Description: c51基础教程,供大家学习参考,大家相互交流,真的很好!-decoder based tutorial, we learn for reference, we interaction, really good!
Platform: | Size: 635904 | Author: 无言文 | Hits:

[SCM中文拼音输入法(KEIL C51)

Description: 51单片机的中文拼音输入法c源程序,芯片AT89C52,编译器KEIL C51-51 SCM Chinese Pinyin input method c source, chip AT89C52, C51 compiler KEIL
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 劳中建 | Hits:

[OtherKeil C51语言学习(周立功版)

Description: KEIL C51的学习书,是周立功出的,讲解详细,例子实用,好书-KEIL C51 learning, yes, who the week to explain the detailed, practical examples, good books
Platform: | Size: 947200 | Author: 劳中建 | Hits:


Description: 自编的C51串口通讯程序,在AT89C51上测试运行OK,用22.1M晶振最高可跑115KBPS-directed the C51 serial communications procedures, the AT89C51 OK on the test run, with a maximum 22.1M crystal run 115KBPS
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 劳中建 | Hits:


Description: mp3程序 采用c51编程 适用于任何环境-MP3 decoder adopt procedures applicable to any programming environment
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 李新 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopAT88SC102及AT88SC1604 IC卡的读写(C51编写)

Description: AT88SC102及AT88SC1604 IC卡的读写(C51编写)测试表明程序工作可靠-Used and AT88SC1604 IC card reader (C51 preparation) test showed reliable procedures
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 王明亮 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Develops_serial(c51用io口模拟串口)

Description: s_serial(c51用io口模拟串口)-s_serial (c51 mouth simulation with io Serial)
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 陈建文 | Hits:


Description: 你是否对keil-C 有点陌生,是否觉的汇编已经过时,那就学习C51吧··本书就是专门的教你使用KEIL-C的!-you right c51-C a bit unfamiliar, think the compilation of date, then learning C51 it is the book dedicated to teach you use KEIL-C!
Platform: | Size: 10048512 | Author: 嵇春凡 | Hits:


Description: 通过日期算星期的C51源程序,用c写的小程序 希望对大家有用-through weeks of the date of counting source of C51, with a small c written procedures hope useful for all
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 彭君凯 | Hits:


Description: 周立功公司的C51 CANBus开发套件,可应用于CAN BUS的底层驱动开发-the C51 CANBus development kit that can be applied to the bottom of the CAN Bus Driver Development
Platform: | Size: 72704 | Author: 肖华 | Hits:


Description: 本文件为单片机C语言之C51部分教程。总共有五节课:第一课:数据类型 第二课:常量 第三课:变量 第四课:运算符和表达式 第五课:语句。对于单片机C语言初学者来说,不失为一本较好的入门教程。-this document for SCM C51 C language part tutorial. A total of five classes : first class : data types second lesson : Constants third lesson : Variable fourth lesson : Operators and expression fifth lesson : statement. SCM C language for beginners, after all, a good introductory tutorial.
Platform: | Size: 172032 | Author: 王昊 | Hits:


Description: 是有关 C51编写菜单的例子 ,现在好多人都在用LCD并且都做成菜单,对需要的朋友有用-the C51 to prepare the menu for example, many people are using LCD and the menu at all of the useful friends
Platform: | Size: 37888 | Author: tml | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopuCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码

Description: uCOS-II在C51下的一个完整的LCD项目源码.rar-uCOS-II in the C51 a complete LCD-source projects. Rar
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: 章程 | Hits:
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