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Description: 这是一个用c51做的数字钟源代码,实现了时间设置,闹铃设置等一系列钟表的功能,并付上了硬件原理图,供大家学习和参考,我的qq:9577287-This is a decoder to do with the number of Zhong Yuan code and realized the time settings, Alarms set up a series of watches function and pay its hardware schematics, for all learning and reference, I qq : 9577287
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 田晶昌 | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM DevelopC51-SPI

Description: C51单片机用C语言编写的SPI例程,已经调试通过。-C51 microcontroller C language routines prepared by the SPI has been through debugging.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王栋梁 | Hits:


Description: 这是有关C51和A51函数互调的方法总结.应用于混和编程.-This is the C51 and A51 function of the cross summed up. The mixture used in programming.
Platform: | Size: 25600 | Author: 余志荣 | Hits:


Description: C51红外解码程序,内有详细的注释,特别经典-C51 IR decoding procedures, which are detailed notes, in particular classical
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王明亮 | Hits:


Description: 我自个写的一个"C51串口控制台" 目的是可以像用DOS一样命令单片机 正在努力完善-months since I wrote of a "C51 serial console" the purpose was to be the same as using DOS command SCM is working to perfect
Platform: | Size: 27648 | Author: 真实姓名 | Hits:


Description: 大量C51程序例程......学习,参考-large C51 procedures routines ...... learning, reference
Platform: | Size: 848896 | Author: waiyu | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopMP3.C51

Description: 一个公司的MP3解决方案,控制芯片采用的C51,上传一个大家看看哦,-a company's MP3 solution, the control chip C51, we see an upload Oh, Oh
Platform: | Size: 136192 | Author: john | Hits:


Description: 汇编语言,用C51单片机实现交通灯控制!二极管模拟发光!-assembly language, using C51 MCU control traffic lights! Simulation luminescent diode!
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 张衡 | Hits:


Description: C51+SL811HS(USB Host模式)读写U盘源码。-C51+ SL811HS (USB Host mode) U-literacy source.
Platform: | Size: 1727488 | Author: 蒋攀峰 | Hits:

[Com PortC51&

Description: C51单片机串行口中断服务程序,good-C51 single-chip serial port interrupt service routine, good
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: sogn | Hits:


Description: C51的一些误区和注意事项(ZT) 1)C忌讳绝对定位。 常看见初学者要求使用_at_,这是一种谬误,把C当作ASM看待了。在C中变量 的定位是编译器的事情,初学者只要定义变量和变量的作 用域,编译器就把一个固定地址给这个 变量。怎么取得这个变量的地址?要用指针。比如unsigned char data x 后,x的地址就是... -C51 some errors and attention to the business (ZT) 1) C taboo absolute positioning. See beginners often require the use of _at_, this is a fallacy, ASM C as a treat. C variables in the positioning of the compiler things, as long as the definition of beginners variable and the variable scope, Compiler put a fixed address to this variable. How the variables made the address? Use indicators. Unsigned char data such as x, x is the address ...
Platform: | Size: 188416 | Author: DCH555 | Hits:


Description: 单片机实现和PS2键盘的接口,C51语言编写,记不清什么时候网上找的了。-MCU and PS2 keyboard interface, C51 language, could not remember what time of the find online.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 徐HONGZHI | Hits:

[WEB CodeDS18B20-c51

Description: DS18B20的c51源程序,温度传感器的应用编程实例-DS18B20 decoder source, the temperature sensor Application Programming Example
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: | Hits:


Description: C51单片机实现液晶秒表以及简单计算器 电路是一个51最小系统,没有采用总线方式,而简单的连线方式,上有4*4矩阵键盘,一数码管,89S51单片机,串口下载线,数码管显示锁存芯片\蜂鸣器\1602液晶. 代码已经调试成功过,可以实现时间的调整.4*4矩阵键盘,第一排前三列是实现小时\分钟\秒的加.第二排前三列是实现小时\分钟\秒的减.当然还可以通过设置矩阵键盘的键值,来实现加\减\乘\除四则运算,由数码管显示参与运算的数字以及最终的运算结果.-C51 MCU LCD stopwatch and a simple calculator circuit 51 is a minimum system, Bus not used, and simple connectivity, a 4* 4 matrix keyboard, a digital control, devised microcontroller, Serial download cable, digital chip latches Display \ buzzer \ 1,602 LCD. Debugging code has been success, can be achieved period of adjustment .4* 4 matrix keyboard, the first row is shown in the first three hours \ minutes \ plus seconds. shown in the second row is the first three-hour \ minutes \ seconds reduction. Of course You can also set up matrix keyboard keys to achieve increases \ by \ x \ In addition to four operators, Digital Display from operations in the number of operations and the eventual outcome.
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 王永 | Hits:


Description: SLE4428的C51程序,已经过调试,实现了对4428卡片的读写校验密码等操作-C51 SLE4428 logic procedures, which have been debugging, Implementation of the 4428 card check write passwords operation
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: roc | Hits:


Description: 这个是用c语言编写的单片机c51在单相开关电源中的应用。希望对学习开关电源的同学有所帮助。-c is the language of SCM decoder in single-phase switching power supply applications. Hope to learn SMPS students some help.
Platform: | Size: 16384 | Author: xiaohuang | Hits:

[Com PortCRC-C51

Description: 单片机的CRC C51源程序。本程序采用查表法,提高单片机运算速度。-MCU CRC C51 source. The program uses a look-up table, the enhancement of SCM computational speed.
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 张庆顺 | Hits:


Description: C51 模拟I2C 驱动,已经编译测试过-C51 I2C driven simulation has been tested compiler
Platform: | Size: 1024 | Author: 陈彬 | Hits:


Description: C51-HT1621-C语言读写驱动模块-C51- HT1621-C language literacy drive module
Platform: | Size: 14336 | Author: WANGHAO | Hits:


Description: c51控制cc1100示范程序,来自chipcon官方网站,学习-decoder model cc1100 control procedures, from chipcon official website, learning
Platform: | Size: 638976 | Author: imam | Hits:
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