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本书主要结合VB.NET和VC#.NET两种语言介绍了创建交互式CAD系统的基本思路和技术,分别给出了两种语言的小系统完整代码,并讨论了技巧实现的其他可能性以及系统代码的改进方法。 本书前3章主要介绍语言基础和.NET框架基础,第4章至第8章结合一个CAD小系统的创建详细地介绍了交互式CAD系统的组织思路和基本技术,第9章至第11章介绍了更多的技巧实现方法和系统优化方法,第12章结合CAD编程进行了一些设计模式方面的讨论;写作过程中注意了循序渐进的讲解原则,内容适合不同学习阶段的读者。 书中所有示例程序都通过调试,并放在随书的光盘上,以便于学习和交流。 本书可供从事图形学、CAD技术以及编程技术的有关工程技术人员、程序员、大学生、研究生阅读参考。-mainly in the context of the book and VB.NET VC#.NET languages on the creation of interactive CAD system EC's basic ideas and techniques are presented for the language of a small system integrity code, and discussed other techniques to achieve the possibility of the code and the system better. Before the book, Chapter 3 introduces foundation and language.NET Framework base Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 with a small CAD systems to create a detailed introduction of the interactive CAD system of ideas and organizations basic skills, chapter 9 to chapter 11 of more tact method and system optimization methods, Chapter 12 with CAD program for some design aspects of the model; attention to the writing process on the principle of gradual and orderly progress, as suitable for different stages of r
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : aa

VB开发CAD程序,数据分层,转换SHP。 支持DWG,DXF格式。-VB CAD, data stratification, conversion SHP. Support DWG, DXF format.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 45kb Publisher : cmq

Can convert data file(txt format)to CAD(scr)file,and draw curve!-Can convert data file (txt format) to CAD (s cr) file, and draw curve!
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 127kb Publisher : 天峰

本书主要结合VB.NET和VC#.NET两种语言介绍了创建交互式CAD系统的基本思路和技术,分别给出了两种语言的小系统完整代码,并讨论了技巧实现的其他可能性以及系统代码的改进方法。 本书前3章主要介绍语言基础和.NET框架基础,第4章至第8章结合一个CAD小系统的创建详细地介绍了交互式CAD系统的组织思路和基本技术,第9章至第11章介绍了更多的技巧实现方法和系统优化方法,第12章结合CAD编程进行了一些设计模式方面的讨论;写作过程中注意了循序渐进的讲解原则,内容适合不同学习阶段的读者。 书中所有示例程序都通过调试,并放在随书的光盘上,以便于学习和交流。 本书可供从事图形学、CAD技术以及编程技术的有关工程技术人员、程序员、大学生、研究生阅读参考。-mainly in the context of the book and VB.NET VC#.NET languages on the creation of interactive CAD system EC's basic ideas and techniques are presented for the language of a small system integrity code, and discussed other techniques to achieve the possibility of the code and the system better. Before the book, Chapter 3 introduces foundation and language.NET Framework base Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 with a small CAD systems to create a detailed introduction of the interactive CAD system of ideas and organizations basic skills, chapter 9 to chapter 11 of more tact method and system optimization methods, Chapter 12 with CAD program for some design aspects of the model; attention to the writing process on the principle of gradual and orderly progress, as suitable for different stages of r
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.26mb Publisher : aa

cad二次开发,删除多义线重合点,共线点。共享给大家-cad secondary development Polyline delete coincidence points, collinear points. Sharing to the U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : lxx

这是关于VHDL状态机的源代码,欢迎大家下载使用-This is a state machine on the VHDL source code are welcome to download the use of U.S.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1kb Publisher : 张三

GisMap is a .NET component for building GIS and CAM/CAD application. It s a part of MVisionTech VisiWorks data visualization framework. GisMap uses Canvas for drawing geometrical shapes and GDAL project for handling different geographical vector and raster formats. Maps are essential to locate objects distributed over wide areas. There are many kinds of applications that require geographical presentation of data, such as trip organizers, assets management systems, fleet management, GPS tracking and many others. All these types of system constitute the GIS or Geographical Information System. GisMap 是一个.NET组件,用于创建GIS和CAM/CAD程序。它是MVisionTech VisiWorks 数据可视化框架的一部分,它使用Canvas来绘制地理形状和GDAL project处理。-GisMap is a. NET component for building GIS and CAM/CAD application. It sa part of MVisionTech VisiWorks data visualization framework. GisMap uses Canvas for drawing geometrical shapes and GDAL project for handling different geographical vector and raster formats.Maps are essential to locate objects distributed over wide areas. There are many kinds of applications that require geographical presentation of data, such as trip organizers, assets management systems, fleet management, GPS tracking and many others. All these types of system constitute the GIS or Geographical Information System.GisMap is a. NET components, used to create GIS and CAM/CAD program. It is a data visualization MVisionTech VisiWorks part of the framework, which uses the Canvas to draw the geographical shape and deal with GDAL project.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2.26mb Publisher : 成东

CanvasGIS is an object oriented 2D graphics drawing component. It s a part of MVisionTech open source GIS and data visualization framework. CanvasGIS had been used in the GisMap component presented in my previous article. Many applications require two dimensional graphics to provide graphical input and represent different types of data. Some examples of two dimensional data presentation are charts displaying numerical data, maps representing the geometry of roads and other geographical objects, diagrams representing object relations and CAD/CAM tools. Canvas is an attempt to create a component that will serve them all. CanvasGIS是一个面向对象的2D图形绘制组件。它是MVisionTech开源GIS和数据可视化框架的一部分。 -CanvasGIS is an object oriented 2D graphics drawing component. It sa part of MVisionTech open source GIS and data visualization framework. CanvasGIS had been used in the GisMap component presented in my previous article.Many applications require two dimensional graphics to provide graphical input and represent different types of data. Some examples of two dimensional data presentation are charts displaying numerical data, maps representing the geometry of roads and other geographical objects, diagrams representing object relations and CAD/CAM tools. Canvas is an attempt to create a component that will serve them all.CanvasGIS is an object-oriented 2D graphics drawing component. It is MVisionTech open source GIS and Data Visualization Framework.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 571kb Publisher : 成东

A system that takes CAD drawings as input and apply automatic feature recognition methods on them to identify different features present in them. The feature will then populate in a tree in the system s UI (and selecting them highlight them in the part drawing). Also the system output a file containing the information about identified features. -A system that takes CAD drawings as input and apply automatic feature recognition methods on them to identify different features present in them. The feature will then populate in a tree in the system s UI (and selecting them highlight them in the part drawing). Also the system output a file containing the information about identified features.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 23.56mb Publisher : brahimi

CAD SDE Shapefile的相互转换
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 4kb Publisher : liyu

读取CAD的DXF文件,以方便使用CAD存取的字符文件被其他读取 -Read the CAD' s DXF files to facilitate the use of CAD access by other characters in the file to read
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 12kb Publisher : 付明

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Microstrip junctions are most widely used building elements of microwave integrated circuits. Serve to connect microstrip devices, divide, or combine power, those elements represent simple microstrip discontinuities characterized by appropriate scattering matrices. Based on the knowledge of frequency-dependent parameters of circuit elements and junctions connecting these elements, large microwave devices can be easily analyzed by the circuit theory. That is why the accurate modeling basic microstrip junctions in terms of S matrix elements is a problem of great importance for modern microwave CAD.
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 256kb Publisher : MISA

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学习期间用VC++仿照别人写的开源CAD软件,源代码注释很详细,对VC++提高很有帮助-During the study modeled using VC++ written by someone else' s open source CAD software, source code comments in great detail, very helpful for VC++ to improve
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 16.43mb Publisher : 李树

一个非常好用的AutoCAD工具集,是工程师CAD的助手,由本人编写。-an excellent AutoCAD extend Tool [AY TOOL+], for every Enginer who is aways used CAD to design, it s very usefully! (author: AyungerStudio 2001-2012)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 1.99mb Publisher : ayunger

在CAD中输入AP,加载下载的LSP程序:IncArrayV1-7.lsp。 加载成功后,插件提供两个命令:incarray和inarrayd。 Incarray是Incremental Array的简写,inarrayd的d表示动态(dynamic),在光标拖动的过程中可以看到阵列的效果。两个功能的效果可分别参看顶部的小视频。 两个命令的提示是一样的,首先设置增量,然后选择对象,然后就是设置阵列的间距和总距离,提示如下: Specify increment <1>: (设置数字的增量,默认为1,如果有特殊需要,可以改为其他数字) 选择对象:(可单选或多选,选择完回车继续下面的操作。 Specify base point: (拾取基点) Specify array vector: (拾取阵列的间距) Specify array end point:(拾取阵列的端点)(Enter AP in CAD and load the downloaded LSP program: IncArrayV1-7.lsp. When the load is successful, the plug-in provides two commands: incarray and inarrayd. Incarray is shorthand for Incremental Array, inarrayd's D stands for dynamic (dynamic), and you can see the effect of the array during cursor dragging. The two function effects can be seen separately at the top of the small video. The prompt for the two commands is the same. First, set the increment, then select the object, and then set the spacing and total distance of the array, as follows: Specify increment <1>: (sets the increment of the number, defaults to 1, and if there is a special requirement, can be changed to other numbers) Select objects: (can choose single or multiple selections, after enter to continue the following operations. Specify base point: (pick base point) Specify array vector: (spacing between pickup arrays) Specify array end point: (pick the end of the array))
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 3kb Publisher : zhaoyang9111

[CAD] z
DL : 0
当CAD的图形不在同一平面时,标注会出现错误,这个脚本的作用是把图形强制归为同一平面(When the CAD graph is not in the same plane, there is an error in the annotation. The script's effect is to force the graphics to the same plane)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 290kb Publisher : 有点小好

在CAD中使用VBA编程实现对cad图像的图层进行操作,分别实现隐藏选择对象所在的图层,显示所有的图层,隐藏所选对象之外的图层,等功能(Using VBA in CAD programming to realize the CAD image layer, respectively hide selection object's layer, show all layers, cache layer selected object, etc)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 7kb Publisher : 海龟ol

DL : 2
对CAD的图元或者图元的相对距离零碎数归整,如端点、顶点、线段的 ;;;长度的零碎数归整,轴线之间距取整等等。 ;;;适用于斯维尔,天正,直线,圆,弧,多段线,块。 ;;;可以自定义容差。在这个容差内的数据将会被归整。 ;;;譬如歪斜不平的线段可以摆平,轴线间距归整,Z坐标归零等等。 ;;;程序可用于整理他人所提条件图、其他程序产生的误差和完美主义者.(The relative distance of CAD or the number of bits of primitive primitive integer, such as endpoint, vertex, line The length of the system;;; the number of integer, the distance between the axis of rounding and so on. Where applicable;;;,, Tianzheng, straight line, circle, arc, polyline, block. ;;; can customize the tolerance. The tolerance within the data will be sorted. For example;;; segment the uneven spacing axis could settle, integer, Z coordinates zero etc.. ; procedures; it can be used to sort out other people's conditional maps, errors produced by other programs and perfectionists.)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 2kb Publisher : Mrluo1215

能更好的学习利用.net对Autocad的二次开发(Learn to's secondary development of Autocad)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 43.38mb Publisher : 锋锋小妖精

DL : 2
仿tssd的批注功能,功能:可选择是否批注时间、作者;文字可随ucs(The function of tssd's annotation is to choose whether to annotate time and author, and the text can follow UCS)
Update : 2025-03-14 Size : 13kb Publisher : legol
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