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Description: 本程序为在本机上实现校正电脑时间。可做学习用途。-the procedures for the realization of the machine to calibrate their computer time. Do learning purposes.
Platform: | Size: 49299 | Author: 郭振岗 | Hits:

[Special Effectscalibration_v21.tar

Description: This a camera calibration toolbox for generic lenses. The toolbox can be used to calibrate conventional, wide-angle and fish-eye lens cameras. The calibration is based on viewing a planar calibration object. The intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters are estimated from control point correspondences between the calibration plane and calibration images. This toolbox is a result of research that has been carried out in the Laboratory of Computational Engineering at Helsinki University of Technology and in the Machine Vision Group at University of Oulu.
Platform: | Size: 35739 | Author: abc | Hits:

[Driver Developcalibrate

Description: 触摸屏校准算法,附有实例,对于做校准的朋友很有帮助.
Platform: | Size: 94052 | Author: 田博 | Hits:

[Mathimatics-Numerical algorithmscalibrate

Description: 看见好多朋友,有关于触摸屏的问题,lib 编译支持了触摸屏,QWS_MOUSE_PROTO也是设置正确,但是还是无法使用,有时往往是没进行校准屏幕. 有的朋友只移植了qte了,没有移植qtopia ,(qtopia里有一个校屏程序),往往无法校屏,现在共享一个校屏程序,从qtopia 中提取出来,支持qte 2/3,给只移植qte的朋友一个方便.^_^
Platform: | Size: 17444 | Author: 张宾 | Hits:

[Other resourceSrc

Description: How To Calibrate Touch Screens C语言实现程序,己经过验证.
Platform: | Size: 7928 | Author: 秋夜清风 | Hits:

[Driver Developcalibrate

Description: 触摸屏校准算法,附有实例,对于做校准的朋友很有帮助.-Touch screen calibration algorithm, with examples, for helpful friends to do the calibration.
Platform: | Size: 94208 | Author: 田博 | Hits:

[source in ebookSrc

Description: How To Calibrate Touch Screens C语言实现程序,己经过验证.-How To Calibrate Touch Screens C language procedure has been verified.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 秋夜清风 | Hits:

[Special Effectscalibrate

Description: 摄像头标定实现,基于opencv实现,需要先安装opencv-Camera calibration realize, based on the opencv realize the need to install opencv
Platform: | Size: 6144 | Author: 谢灿 | Hits:


Description: 触摸屏的校正程序。可以用于触摸屏的校正。在三星的平台上测试通过-Touch screen calibration procedure. Can be used for touch-screen calibration. Samsung
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: 洪炎峰 | Hits:


Platform: | Size: 272384 | Author: zxs | Hits:

[Embeded-SCM Developcalibrate

Description: WINDOWS CE 触摸屏校准程序,包含头文件和源文件-WINDOWS CE calibrate
Platform: | Size: 8192 | Author: rhk | Hits:

[Driver DevelopTouchCali

Description: 触摸屏校正程序 触摸屏校正程序 -touch calibratetouch calibratetouch calibratetouch calibrate
Platform: | Size: 9216 | Author: 强悍中 | Hits:


Description: calibrate internal register for cc25-calibrate internal register for cc2500
Platform: | Size: 10240 | Author: dima | Hits:


Description: ATmega406电流电压校准头文件,用于电流电压测量-ATmega406 voltage Calibrate
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: jim | Hits:


Description: 一种标定摄像机系统的方法,有一定知识背景的人才可以参考。-A kind of systematic approach to calibrate the camera, there are certain people can refer to the background.
Platform: | Size: 145408 | Author: john | Hits:


Description: 此程序是基于OPENCV的进行摄像机标定的源代码。棋盘图像可以从摄像机的视频流中获取,也可以从磁盘文件中读取-This program is based on opencv the direction of the source code. the images can be obtained from the video camera, or from a disk file read
Platform: | Size: 3295232 | Author: 胡锦 | Hits:


Description: android的一个触摸屏矫正程序,用java写的!可以作为参考-a android calibraction for ipad and so on!writed by java language!as a reference for a study!
Platform: | Size: 2385920 | Author: jyj | Hits:


Description: Camera Calibration It s use to calibrate a single camera
Platform: | Size: 5804032 | Author: Heinrich | Hits:

[Windows CEHow-To-Calibrate-Touch-Screens

Description: 触摸屏的校准程序,资料。 希望对大家有所帮助-Touch screen calibration procedures, data. We want to help
Platform: | Size: 84992 | Author: dengde | Hits:

[Software Engineeringcalibrate-Kinect-depth-and-RGB

Description: Kinect自身的RGB摄像头分辨率有限,清晰度也不及一些专业摄像头,因此用第三方摄像头代替Kinect摄像头,将Kinect的深度图与第三方摄像头的RGB图像对准-calibrate Kinect depth and RGB
Platform: | Size: 423936 | Author: 沈恒 | Hits:
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