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改变当前系统的分辨率,通过注册表进行,用delphi编写-change the current system of resolution, through the registry, prepared with delphi
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 2.82kb Publisher : 李霞

OPENGL程序。运用如下 涉及的其他结构和类: 1.DEVMODE 2.WndClass 3 LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam) tip 1.使用ChangeDisplaySettings来尝试切换成与dmScreenSettings所匹配模式。我使用参数CDS_FULLSCREEN来切换显示模式, 因为这样做不仅移去了屏幕底部的状态条,而且它在来回切换时,没有移动或改变您在桌面上的窗口。 2 ShowCursor(FALSE) 3 使用AdjustWindowRectEx 后,我们的OpenGL场景就不会被边框盖住 AdjustWindowRectEx(&WindowRect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle) 4 SetForegroundWindow(hWnd) 设置窗口优先级 5 if (!HIWORD(wParam)) // 检查最小化状态 6 键盘上的每个键都可以用0-255之间的一个数来代表 7 PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE) 8 使用双缓存可以实现无闪烁的动画 -OpenGL procedures. Use the following structure and other categories : 1.DEVMODE 2.WndClass three LOWORD (lParam) HIWORD (lParam) a tip. use ChangeDisplaySettin gs to try to switch into dmScreenSettings matched with the model. I use parameters CDS_FULLSCREEN to switch display modes, To do so would not only remove the bottom of the screen of the state, but it switched back and forth, no movement or change in your window on the desktop. 2 ShowCursor (FALSE) after three use AdjustWindowRectEx We OpenGL scene would not be framed cover AdjustWindowRectEx (
Update : 2008-10-13 Size : 5.86kb Publisher : 祝津津

改变当前系统的分辨率,通过注册表进行,用delphi编写-change the current system of resolution, through the registry, prepared with delphi
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 3kb Publisher : 李霞

OPENGL程序。运用如下 涉及的其他结构和类: 1.DEVMODE 2.WndClass 3 LOWORD(lParam),HIWORD(lParam) tip 1.使用ChangeDisplaySettings来尝试切换成与dmScreenSettings所匹配模式。我使用参数CDS_FULLSCREEN来切换显示模式, 因为这样做不仅移去了屏幕底部的状态条,而且它在来回切换时,没有移动或改变您在桌面上的窗口。 2 ShowCursor(FALSE) 3 使用AdjustWindowRectEx 后,我们的OpenGL场景就不会被边框盖住 AdjustWindowRectEx(&WindowRect, dwStyle, FALSE, dwExStyle) 4 SetForegroundWindow(hWnd) 设置窗口优先级 5 if (!HIWORD(wParam)) // 检查最小化状态 6 键盘上的每个键都可以用0-255之间的一个数来代表 7 PeekMessage(&msg,NULL,0,0,PM_REMOVE) 8 使用双缓存可以实现无闪烁的动画 -OpenGL procedures. Use the following structure and other categories : 1.DEVMODE 2.WndClass three LOWORD (lParam) HIWORD (lParam) a tip. use ChangeDisplaySettin gs to try to switch into dmScreenSettings matched with the model. I use parameters CDS_FULLSCREEN to switch display modes, To do so would not only remove the bottom of the screen of the state, but it switched back and forth, no movement or change in your window on the desktop. 2 ShowCursor (FALSE) after three use AdjustWindowRectEx We OpenGL scene would not be framed cover AdjustWindowRectEx (
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 6kb Publisher : 祝津津

改变屏幕分辨率和色彩度,改变屏幕分辨率和色彩度-To change the screen resolution and color degrees
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 2kb Publisher : superman

ChangeDisplaySettings 修改分辨率功能使用CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY表示次修改是持久的 //并在注册表中写入了相关的数据 -ChangeDisplaySettings ,CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY
Update : 2025-03-15 Size : 15.73mb Publisher :
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